
I Don't Want To Be Lonely Anymore

What can you do? If you are up against fate itself, will you keep resisting? Or let your fate be fulfilled? A similar situation occurred to a race in a faraway world; its race was fated to face its destruction, but one of them survived and avoided the fate that was placed on them. She might have avoided the great destruction of their race, but loneliness and solitude are things she can't avoid. She hid herself for a hundred years away from the city, where people would take her down the moment they saw her. After a very long period of solitude, her inner self gives up before her body does. She left the cruel world, leaving her body alive.   She was soon born again, with a different identity. where magic and monsters do not exist except in myths, novels, and movies. She was born as "Erik," a boy whose parents died in an accident when he was young. But fate was not yet done; fate pulled Erik back into the world. Things didn't go as well as fate wanted; he went into the wrong body. Will he be able to return? Will he be able to go against fate this time? Or will he hide once more?

Eiiii · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

Erik finally gained consciousness. "Where am... I?" He asks the void. Erik found himself in an isolated space, it was black. "I can't see, do they have light here?" So he thought. The light appeared, but the light range was small, circling him in a room full of darkness. He walks, and so did the light, it was like an endless room, and neither the light nor he reached a destination, it was like they didn't even move from their place.

He felt lonely and hopeless after he tried running away. His goal in mind was not to leave the darkness but the light itself. Whenever he ran, he remained in the center of the ray. He was tired, but not physically. He wanted to rest for now, he let himself fall, but it was soft when he landed. He found himself in bed. "Why is there a bed?" he asks the void. "At least give me a pillow," he thought. A pillow did appear in front of him.

"I see. Give me water," He thought. No water appeared. Maybe he did something wrong? He thought light and light did appear, he thought about the bed, and the bed did appear. "Is there any sort of condition?" He was indulgent in his thinking and forgot the existence of the bed, and the bed did disappear, causing him to fall. "Ehh? Where did it go?" He thought. The bed did appear. It was the same bed as before. "Oh, so that is how it is," he thought.

He thought of water another time. He was surprised and realized something different when a glass of water appeared in front of him, this time he visualized an image of a glass of water. He smiled, and he finally talked again in joy, "Maybe I could-!" He heard his voice as well as the voice of a female. "Ahhhhhhhh!" he yelled. He confirmed it, he did hear both his and a girl's voices mixing, and another thing he noticed was that his voice was repeating, maybe because of the large space. No, he heard the repetition coming from his mouth.

"There is no time for that," he said. The changes were not even a bother to him. He thought of an exit, and a wide frame appeared in front of him. In this frame, he was looking at a wooden room. Inside a room, one thing that caught his attention was a baby crib. He walked inside the frame and took a little peek inside the crib. He saw a sleeping child, it was peaceful.

On his side, he noticed a mirror. He saw himself again, but his hair and eyes were different this time. He has moon-like silvery white hair and scarlet eyes. He was naked and humiliated by what he saw at the time. He imagined himself dressed in black long sleeves paired with black long pants. "Why didn't I even notice?" he wondered.

The creaking sounds surprised him, He saw a woman enter the room. She was beautiful, she sat beside the baby, staring at it peacefully. She was giving him a gentle smile. "Did she ignore me?" he thought.

"Excuse me, I am here! You know a stranger at your home," he asks. No answer was given to him. Erik tried to touch her, but it only got past her. Erik realizes he has no physical bearing, as if he doesn't even exist. "Am I a ghost now? But where in the world am I?" He thought.

"I think, I should go now,' Erik said to no one. One thing that would be noticeable was Erik forgetting something important. Did he lose a memory or something? As soon as he woke up, not a single reaction was seen to him. Can't he remember Anastasia? or is he trying to forget her? Burying the pain that was left to him. Erik had reached the door, but once he walked through it, he found himself again inside the wooden room. He tried it again and again and found himself in the room. "What the... What in the world is happening here!!" He yelled.

The baby, who was peacefully sleeping, suddenly started crying out of nowhere. "Hmm? Is it just me? Or did I wake that one? Nah, I'm a ghost, though they can't see me. Speaking of ghosts, how did I even die? Well, thinking about it for now won't do me that much." He looked again and walked closer to the crying child. He stared at him, and he saw the child staring back at him. Erick was a little uncomfortable and moved to the side, but the eyes followed his movement. He smirked and went closer to make a silly face, causing the child to cry more.

He was panicking, "Wait, no, no, I thought no one can see me, please don't cry little one, you making me the bad here." He tried to do everything he know just to make him stop crying. He sang a lullaby at the end.

"Let me bestow a lullaby for your tears in the midst of the moonlight's glow, Whispers of a beautiful, serene night, to calm your little one, holding them tight.

Sing along, dear baby, and drift into ease.

The world is quiet, restful, and calm, as we sing sweetly, a tender psalm.

Worries fade away on this lovely night, and the melodies of slumber begin to sway. Snuggle close, little one, and close your eyes, for the night embraces us, and it lies in love.

So hush now, dear baby, don't you cry, the night cradles you, banishing your fear, may dreams carry you to a land so divine, where the beauty of the night shines forever.

We confide in this lullaby of the beautiful night, little one, until the dawn breaks and the morning light gleams, Rest in serenity, wrapped in love's tender seams."

The baby finally calmed down, but it didn't just calm down; it fell back falling asleep. Erik, the one who had caused the baby to cry, finally calmed down too.