
I Don't Want to Be a Villain!

Azviel Kael was stuck killing people over and over again. He awoke to find himself in a dark throne room, in a world which they call him a demon king. People entering called the place a dungeon where they must kill the boss. And apparently, the boss was Azviel. However, after hundreds of years, he find a way out of dungeon, and hurries out to enjoy his life in the medieval city of Elthea. Upload Schedule: Mon-Sun: 1 chapter I'll try my best to do steady updates~

ShadowPhoenix_9 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Training Lanes

Azviel walked up to the counter to sign the registration paper. This time is was a lady in a green uniform. She looked up and said, "Are you here to sign up for a dungeon or register?"

He read peeked up at her name and read it. Varsia Elo, level 65. "I'm here to register."

"Please fill out these papers, Mr. Laoter." She placed a stack of papers in front of him and gave him a pen.

Azviel took the pen and quickly signed it. This time, it didn't ask for his ability or anything like that. Just a simple signature.

Varsia took the papers and read over it. "Thank you. I would like to inform you that our assessment has changed to give our players safety. Instead of going through a strength assessment, you will be placed into a fortified room. You may pick any standard weapons, just not one that you currently own. Training mobs will spawn, and depending on how long you last, that shall be your rank."

He nodded. "Where do I go now?"

She pointed to the couch where Falziel was sitting. "You may wait over there with Mr. Falziel."

Azviel walked over, taking a spot next to Falziel. Falziel lifted up his hand to say something, but he ignored him.

Falziel frowned. "Man, that's cold. Don't ignore me, Az-vi-el!" He whispered the last part, quietly.

"I'm not ignoring you, I'm just bored to death." Azviel lounged back onto the couch, sighing. "There's nothing fun to do around here. It might have been better to stay back in the dungeon."

Varsia called them both to the door. "Mr. Falziel and Mr. Laoter, your assessment shall start now."

Both of them stood up and walked over to her. She opened the door and a bright light filled their eyes.

Once it cleared, they could see a large dome that h\was split into sections with energy force fields. They were almost impossible to break unless someone used a huge force to smack them.

Azviel looked around and saw that each section had some monsters locked up in cages. There was a sealed off area where the people judging were.

Varsia beckoned to them. "Mr. Laoter, you'll be in Lane 4. Mr. Falziel, Lane 3."

As they both walked to their separate lanes, Azviel felt someone watching him. The killing intent and bloodlust grew as he whipped around. As soon as he turned around, the feeling vanished and he couldn't sense it anymore.

Frowning, Azviel turned back his lane. "Someone is watching me...Interesting." A sly grin formed on his face as he focused back onto the assessment.

Varsia turned to the both of them. "Please pick your weapon." She pushed out a rack full of different weapons from bows, to scythes to maces.

He picked up a sword, but the balance was right for him. Azviel frowned and picked up another sword. It was the same. The weight was too light for him and it felt as if it would break with a snap of his fingers.

If the swords were this light, he didn't even think of touching the daggers. They were probably like silverware to him. Azviel picked up a sheathed claymore and looked at it. It was meant to be used as a two-handed sword, but the weight was too light for that.

Instead, Azviel took the swords as daggers, and the claymores as one-handed swords.

Varsia held out a hand to him. "Uh...Mr. Laoter. Are you sure you can handle that? The swords are meant to be wielded one-handedly and the claymore is a two-handed sword."

He tilted his head and yawned. "Worry about yourself. I know what I can handle."

On the outside, he looked strange. Two large, heavy swords crisscrossed on his back, with many swords tied to his side. It looked as if he was trying to start a garage sale for blades somewhere.

Meanwhile, Falziel simply picked a bow. He mainly relied on his light magic, so using weapons wasn't exactly suited for him.

Varsia sighed and said, "The test will start in one minute. Please get into position. Keep in mind that depending on your progress, the difficulty of the mobs will change. The judges will also be watching over you."

A countdown timer appeared far above the lanes, slowly going down. Falziel shot Azviel a grin. "Good luck~ I'll be waiting for your success!"

Azviel smirked and had a wicked smile on his face. "Make sure you don't fail either...or it'll be bothersome."

The countdown had five seconds left. Azviel unsheathed both of the claymores and held one in each hand.







Cages dropped from the sky as monsters started pouring in from nowhere. It started off easy, as goblins. Before Azviel could even lift his sword up, they started cowering from him. He sighed and sat down on the training lane.

Falziel was having the opposite problem. The moment the monsters saw him, they rushed in to attack, as they were hostile to his holy energy.

Varsia stood outside the training lanes shocked. "Uh...Harder monsters will now be dropping in."

More cages dropped and this time they were wolves. A common D-rank beast. However, they continued avoiding Azviel. The number of monsters were accumulating, but none of them attacked him. They could all feel the waves of killing intent and bloodlust coming from him.

The small monsters were only like weeds compared to Azviel. As more monsters dropped in, going to B-Rank monsters, still none of them attacked him.

At that point, Varsia realized that something was off.