
I Don't Want to Be a Villain!

Azviel Kael was stuck killing people over and over again. He awoke to find himself in a dark throne room, in a world which they call him a demon king. People entering called the place a dungeon where they must kill the boss. And apparently, the boss was Azviel. However, after hundreds of years, he find a way out of dungeon, and hurries out to enjoy his life in the medieval city of Elthea. Upload Schedule: Mon-Sun: 1 chapter I'll try my best to do steady updates~

ShadowPhoenix_9 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Player's Guild...Again

Azviel was alert the whole night while Falziel slept comfortably. He didn't know if anyone was going to sneak in. It was already morning, and he didn't get a single wink of sleep. He chuckled softly. "Not that I need any sleep..."

Azviel shook Falziel. "Wake up. We're heading off now." Falziel rolled over to the side and mumbled, "Five more minutes..."

Azviel sighed and held a small ball of flame on his finger tip. Then, he held it up to Falziel's finger and slightly singed it. Falziel leapt out of bed, making a small noise. He frowned. "Azviel! That was mean!"

Azviel slipped his sword onto his sheath and placed some daggers into his cloak. "Well, thanks to your sleeping, I didn't have time to prepare any new weapons."

Falziel stretched and stood up. "Not that you need any anyways. You always just swing your sword to take care of things!" He grabbed a slice of apple from on top of the cabinet and threw it into his mouth.

Azviel tilted his head and watched him eat the apple. "I don't think you should eat that Falziel." Falziel looked around and ate some more. "Why not? I'm hungry, and it's good." Suddenly, he started gasping and choking.

Azviel sighed. "Think before you eat. I was testing poison on the apple." Falziel coughed out, "H-Holy Light: P-Purification." A warm light surrounded him before he finally fell back onto the bed.

"Tell me that before! Don't just leave poison lying on the table!" Falziel pointed a finger at him. Azviel shrugged. "Why shouldn't I? You can just heal yourself anyways."

He opened the door and started to walk out. "Let's head out. We'll go to the Player's Guild now."

Falziel stretched out his wings, and pulled on his white cloak. "Wait for me Azviel!" He dashed after him.

Azviel walked out of the inn and checked how much money he had. Only five gold. He sighed and murmured, "Set Name: Keres Laoter. Set Level: 84." He turned to Falziel. "You need to change your level. It can't stay as question marks."

Falziel grinned. "No worries!" With a wave of his hand, his level changed to "3,234,124,123" Azviel sighed. "That's going to attract even more attention. Just put a normal two-digit number."

With another wave of Falziel's hand, his level changed to "92." He clapped his hands together. "There you go!"

Azviel started walking towards the Player's Guild building again, only to see that there were guards walking around the entire place. Falziel whispered, "There's so many guards. Let's just walk past them normally." Azviel sighed. "Then, try it if you're stupid enough."

Falziel started walking towards the entrance, but the guard stopped him. "Sir, please show us your ID." Falziel blinked once, then twice. "ID? It wasn't requested the last time I went here." A smooth lie to cover up the bluff.

The guard didn't budge. "Apologies, sir. Our security has been tightened. You must show us your ID."

Pretending to rummage his pockets, Falziel murmured, "Where is my ID...where is my ID..." He held his hand over his mouth. "I think I dropped it somewhere after I entered the city."

The guard pointed his spear towards him. "Then, sir, you must leave this area or I shall arrest you."

Falziel frowned. "I used my ID to enter through the gates! Surely, I don't need to show it again just to visit the Player's Guild."

The guard shook his head. "If you do not have your ID, then please show your Player's Guild tag."

More guards started circling Falziel, as it did say that he was a level 92. Falziel pulled out registration papers. "Is this good enough? I'm here to register. I just came back from the city of Glaeria."

The guards scanned the paper, reading his name and nodding. "Thank you sir for cooperating. You may pass."

Right before Falziel entered through the entrance, he gave a wink towards Azviel and mouthed, "Good luck~"

Azviel hissed in annoyance. "That damn angel...I need an ID to enter." He quietly slipped into an alleyway besides the Player's Guild building. Pulling out a small dagger, he wedged open a window.

He peeked into the room and saw that there was nobody inside. There was simply a glass table and a few chairs. Azviel jumped inside and closed the window behind him. He muttered, "Dark Fire: Heat Scan."

He closed his eyes as he scanned the whole building with a wave of heat. Azviel could see where everyone was since a person's body was warm. He could see someone approaching this room, so he quickly dived behind a cabinet.

The door creaked and two people walked it. It was two girls. Azviel took a better look to see that one of them was Princess Alicat.

Princess Alicat sat down on one of the chairs with a handkerchief in her hand. She sniffed and the other girl patted her back. "Milady, please compose yourself."

Princess Alicat hiccuped twice, but her breathing became steady once more. "H-Hellia...I can't believe that A-Angel was the murderer!"

Hellia took the handkerchief and folded it. "Milady, please calm down. I warned you about talking to strangers. You're lucky he didn't kill you."

Azviel frowned at that. He never intended to harm the princess as she did not do anything to him. However, he was tempted to kill the maid that was serving Princess Alicat.

Princess Alicat stood up. "You're right, Hellia. I should be trying to find methods to catch Angel now. Thank you, I'll be heading to my father now."

Both of them left the room for about ten minutes before Azviel finally exited his hiding spot. Doing another quick scan of the building, he found his way back to the main lobby where Falziel was waiting.

Falziel waved and said, "Hey, Azvi-" Azviel quickly covered his mouth with his hand. "You idiot! Under no circumstances should you mention my name here!" he hissed. Falziel shrugged. "Apologies, Keres. Now, shall we sign up for the examination?"