
I Don't Want to Be a Villain!

Azviel Kael was stuck killing people over and over again. He awoke to find himself in a dark throne room, in a world which they call him a demon king. People entering called the place a dungeon where they must kill the boss. And apparently, the boss was Azviel. However, after hundreds of years, he find a way out of dungeon, and hurries out to enjoy his life in the medieval city of Elthea. Upload Schedule: Mon-Sun: 1 chapter I'll try my best to do steady updates~

ShadowPhoenix_9 · Fantasy
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26 Chs


Falziel frowned as they flew over to Elthea. "I don't like the idea of you overthrowing Elthea! They're city is fine as-is!"

Azviel grinned. "Maybe to you. But I need a city where I can settle down and chill." Falziel didn't say anything after that.

As the got closer to Elthea, a stone gate could be seen. There were many more guards than normal, and the security check-in was tight. Azviel landed behind a tree and crouched there. Falziel whispered, "I still don't think you should mess with Elthea."

Azviel waved him off. "Leave it, Falziel. I'm going to do it with or without your permission." He pointed a finger towards the gate, preparing to shoot a fireball at it.

When he was about to launch, Falziel called out, "Holy Chains: Binding." Instantly, golden chains flew up from the ground and locked around Azviel's wrist and legs.

It burned him as it touched his skin, leaving a smell of burning flesh. Azviel hissed in pain, "What the hell are you doing Falziel?"

Falziel gave him a sad smile. "My apologies, Azviel. Unfortunately, I watch over Elthea, so I cannot just look over someone wishing to harm my city."

Azviel yanked against the chains, only to make them even tighter. He flinched in pain. Azviel couldn't reach his sword and break the chains, so he was stuck until Falziel let him go.

Falziel held up a hand and the chains tightened even more. "Azviel, I know that things with the holy attribute hurt you. However, promise that you won't hurt Elthea, and I'll let you go."

Azviel turned back to the chain and pulled even harder, trying to snap them into two. If anything was his weakness, it would be his weakness to holy weapons and spells. He sighed. "Fine. Just let me out of these damn chains!"

The chains clattered to the ground as Falziel snapped his fingers. He gave Azviel a warm smile. "See? Nice and easy!"

Azviel rubbed his blackened wrist. They wouldn't heal with self-regeneration since it was from a holy attribute, so he just ignored his wound. Falziel gripped his arm. "Give me your arm, I'll heal it for you." He pulled up Azviel's sleeve and a light green light surrounded his burns. In a few moments, they were completely healed.

Azviel yanked back his arm from Falziel. He frowned. "You're still a bother, getting in my way every single time. This happened a hundred years ago too. You tried to stop me from killing some players." He threw on his cloak, his name changing to Kalio Tebio.

He looked up at the sky and sighed. "As I promised, I won't touch Elthea. However, if someone hurts me, that'll be a different story. It's getting dark. Let's get inside the city and find a place to stay first."

Falziel had a sheepish smile on his face. "Yeah...Uh, Azviel?"


"I don't have any money left." Falziel flipped out his pockets in his cloak and showed that there was nothing inside.

Azviel really wanted to whack him in the head at this point. "Fine. I'll spend MY money for a room tonight. Then, in the morning, I'll properly sign up at the Player's Guild so that we can make some money. Satisfied? I won't be touching your little city."

Falziel nodded and grinned. "Thanks, Az-vi-el~"

Azviel sighed and looked up at the gate. "Do we just waltz up to the front gate? They should be able to check on people's identities using our name tags."

Falziel shook his head. "No, no, and no! If you walk up to there, they're going to ask for identification cards, however, you don't have any, so you're going to kill them!" He had an annoyed look on his face.

Azviel rolled his eyes and patted Falziel's head with his hand. "'Yes, yes. You're like a little puppy." He frowned down at the wide eyes that Falziel was making.

Falziel had a large grin on his face. "Hehe...Well, I have a better idea. In about ten minutes, the guards are going to switch shifts. We can sneak over the gate then!"

Azviel sighed. "I'm not even surprised that you know when they are going to switch shifts. This is the city you're watching over, so shouldn't you be able to just walk in?"

The guards in front of the gate started moving around, preparing to switch shifts. Falziel shook his head, his silver hair glinting from the moon. "I only watch and help if there's something big going on."

Azviel stood up from behind tree. "They are switching shifts now, c'mon." He started extending his wings to fly over the gate, when Falziel gripped his arm. "Holy Light: Camouflage." A dim light flashed, and suddenly, they became invisible to everyone but themselves.

A slight burning feeling could be felt all over Azviel. He hissed at Falziel. "Don't use spells with a holy attribute!"

Falziel shrugged. "My apologies, Azviel. This is the only camouflage spell I know."

Azviel stretched out his wings and started flying towards the stone gate. As he got nearer, he could hear the voices of the guards talking.

"Ugh...I can't believe I got night shift this time. My daughter is waiting at home..."

"Sir, I sense a disruption the air waves."

"What now? Don't bother me for something as small as that. It's probably a bird."

"Sir, it's too big to be a bird."

"There's no way that anyone could be flying into here. I've never even heard about a flying ability. Your ability is tricking you, just ignore it."

"Sir, my ability doesn't lie to me-"

"Didn't you hear me? Just ignore it. You never felt anything."

The guard dipped his head. "...Yes, sir."

Azviel slipped over the gate, landing neatly behind a building. Falziel was right behind him. He dispelled the camouflage spell and the burning feeling vanished from Azviel's skin. He looked around the streets and pointed at an inn. "We'll stay there tonight, and then we'll be off first thing in the morning."

Falziel nodded and grinned. "Aye, aye, Azviel!"