
I Don't Want To Be A Hero.

I will fight to survive in this world, whether it be power-hungry elites, evil gods hiding in the shadows, and monsters that will make you lose your mind... I don't mind crawling as long as it means I can live another day in this unforgiving world in that is in an eternal war "What... Wait, I don't want to be a hero."

Alex_Z_5118 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 – Welcome to the cemetery (2/5)

Fritz just stared at the ceiling.

He realized that this would be his new life and he just wanted to disappear, but he had no choice but to survive to fulfill his dream which was to retire and live a quiet life or he was going to continue the legacy of his predecessors.

After all, he was a transmigrate and if they were known for something, it is that they are beings that bring misfortune and that they are always participants in the greatest disasters of the empire.

And that was him... important people will surround me, the more time passes, the worse threats will come for me

What does the absurd good luck he had matter, so if he failed once it was game over

Then Fritz remembered a conversation he had a long time ago.

It was the voice of a girl - You joke, you are a transmigrate, your destiny is greatness... Your non-state to destiny... You write your destiny

Then Fritz said with a voice of pessimism – So my destiny eh

A random person – The goddess has plans for everyone

Fritz gave a loud shout and turned to the left.

He was a boy close to his age, he was blonde with blue eyes, he had round glasses and the most striking thing was his clothing.

He was dressed as a priest and the medal he wore on the left side of him said that he was a follower of the sun goddess.

Fritz just looks at the ceiling and asks – They couldn't repair my arm.

The young priest shook his head – Your arm turned into ashes, as long as you still have your arm we can repair it in any way... But now the ashes of your arm are all over the battlefield and even if we recover all the ashes we couldn't repair your arm

The young priest continues – If your arm had been torn off we could have glued it back on, we could also have glued an arm from the fallen soldiers... But there is a high probability that you will become infected with dark magic and... well you know.

The young man continued explaining - And when we returned to the barracks, well... There were no arms available... Whoever in their right mind cares for human arms as a reserve method, not even the empire is so upset anymore, plus there are possibilities that those arms will reveal themselves... you know… not dead

The atmosphere became pessimistic, this makes the atmosphere uncomfortable

The door opens

Fritz watched as Ronal and Jay entered his room.

When Ronal looked at Fritz you could see a smile and then it changed to a face of indifference or so he tried, but he was very bad at hiding his expressions.

Jay just smiles – What a surprise you've given us... We haven't even done our first mission and you already hit a Lich in the face... When Edwin found out he laughed out loud, but it's good that you woke up now you can give us a hand... ha ha ha ha ha ha

Ronal hits Jay's arm, but he only shakes his hand in pain, it seemed that Jay's arm was extremely hard as if he hit a wall

Jay with a smile – You can say my arms are made of metal... Hahahahahaha

Ronal looked angry

This scene impresses Fritz

Jay notices Fritz's look and with a laugh says - Yes I know, he is a very strange nobleman, but don't worry, he is a good guy.

Ronal looked shocked – I'm not the weird one, like your master who wakes me up at 3 in the morning and forces me to run around the lake.

Fritz had a deja bu

More specific in the first one, but it is something that he suppresses and that he will definitely not remember again.

Slowly, he began to remember such an event

[Fritz first year]

Fritz was asleep, he was very comfortable, when he feels something behind him

Slowly he wakes up and turns around

He looked at Master Mitochondria lying on his bed and with an optimistic voice he said – Do you know what time it is?

Fritz started screaming

Then Fritz was on the training ground at 3 in the morning running, you could see a smile on his face, but tears were running in his eyes.




Ronal was looking at Fritz… He had a look of horror on his face.

Fritz – I am already a soldier, that madman has not sent me to the ravine of perdition

Ronal turns to look at Jay, but he had a silly smile - The ravine of perdition, what memories

You could see a childish nostalgia in his eyes

Ronal couldn't help but think that the two of them were strange.

(He never met the teacher Mitochondria)

Then the young priest asked – And what happened to the third?

Fritz looked at the young priest – What third?

Young priest – You know the type who visits you more than anyone else… The one who cares for you more than anyone else

Fritz looked at Jay and Ronal, both of them looking thoughtful.

Jay – We visit you once a day, Edwin only visited you on the first day

Young priest – He is not the third son of the Morvius family… Although that is not true, I visit a couple of times, the guy I am talking about visits up to 7 times in a day

Everyone looked confused

The young priest explains – You know, he has thin lips, he is a little small… Although not as small as the dwarf over there

I point to Ronal

Ronal indignant - Who are you calling a dwarf!!

The young priest opens his eyes – A and he has the face of a crazy maniac who wants to kill you

Fritz opens his eyes – Fren

The young priest smiles – Or yes, that's his name... Well, that guy visits you frequently

Fritz couldn't understand why Fren would visit him, he barely knew him and all the interactions he had with him told him one thing and that was to stay away from that crazy man, it's not worth getting close.

The guy killed his classmates, just because they were from the Agnus Academy and something told him that his existence brings problems and that he was a transmigrate, basically his existence already brings problems, he doesn't want problems squared

He was concentrating when he heard footsteps outside the hallway.

Fritz turns around expectantly.

*Don't tell me to summon the devil*

A person enters, he was blonde with blue eyes, he had a priest's outfit, you could already see that he was in his 30s.

But he did not have an aura of holiness or goodness, rather his aura reflected laziness.

The young priest is startled and puts on a respectful posture and with a bow says – Big brother, the patient woke up.

The blonde priest interrupts – … Any other news, Mr. Obvious

The young priest rolls his eyes

The blonde priest begins to speak – I already told you, do not speak to me with respect

He gave a big sigh, you could see that he hated these processes.

I resume the conversation - Besides, his auras allowed me to perceive what was happening... But since you are a chick that has not yet hatched, I don't blame you... but that's not why I came, I wanted to talk to him privately.

Ready for Fritz

Everyone looked at the scene and slowly everyone left, only the blonde priest and Fritz were in the room.

There was a glow in the blonde priest's hands and he clicked, the walls starting to turn a dull gold color.

The blonde priest said calmly – With this, no one in this room will be able to hear our conversation.

Fritz got a little nervous – Hear what?

The blond priest calmly – About the fact that you are a transmigrate

Fritz's heart stopped

You could see that he had a serious look and the first thing he did was look at all the exit points, you could see that at any second he was going to make a move, he was waiting for any action from the blonde priest that was hostile towards him.

The Rubio priest just sighed – Brat, if I had wanted to kill you… you would have already died.

Fritz relaxed a little, but still not letting his guard down, that meant that he had no intention of killing him just yet and that was what mattered.

The Rubio priest continues – I introduce myself, I am Artur, a Bishop and I really need your help.

Fritz saw an opportunity after all, if he has some room to negotiate, his chances of survival increased.

Fritz just nodded, waiting for Artur to continue.

Artur began to explain – Maybe you don't know... But a transmigrate is not tied to destiny.

Fritz nods and he didn't look surprised after all it's something that she once said those words to him and with a calm voice he said - I write my destiny

Artur is surprised by her words, but then he relaxes – it seems like you already know… Well, that speeds up a lot of things.

He looked thoughtful.

Artur only said what he wanted to say – In 5 months the entire cemetery is going to disappear

Fritz was surprised, after all it was not the fortress they were all in.

But before Fritz processed everything, Artur continues explaining – Everyone will die, destiny has already been dictated, I will die and with my death everyone will die, there will be no survivor and I can't help it because I can't change destiny.

You could see the regret in his eyes, you could see his helplessness.

Then Fritz spoke – And there are no reinforcements.

Artur – Half of the reinforcements died… Although they were less than expected

Fritz looked confused.

Artur explained – I made a second prophecy… originally only 3 thousand soldiers had survived… Imagine my surprise when I found out that 17 thousand soldiers survived

Fritz was surprised by Artur's words and with a cautious voice he asked - If you knew we were going to be attacked, why didn't you come?

Artur just sighed – I'll be honest, I made two prophecies, unfortunately there are restrictions.

I can only make one prophecy per month with a limit of 6 months and I can ask a question where I am shown two results and I only know the results, but not how those results were reached and once I make a prophecy, the destiny it's already written

Then Artur continued explaining:

The first prophecy was that in six months the front would fall, they gave me two options: fight or flee, in the first I die and in the second I am a traitor and I will be hunted by the empire... So death awaits me, the option does not matter...

It doesn't matter, I have already accepted my death

The second prophecy covered their fall, but two attacks occurred at the same time and I had two options: help them by saving more than 39,000 soldiers and have the first prophecy come forward and the fall of the cemetery would come in a month... Or let them die and the prophecy would be fulfilled in 5 months and there would only be 3,000 survivors

Artur speaks – We had to deal with the priority attack and let them die… I'll be honest, I don't regret it, I had to make a decision and to be honest they would all die in 5 months, so I could only extend my time…

Fritz understood the situation and just said with a serious voice – You didn't tell the empire.

Artur shook his head – If I tell him the prophecy, the empire will stop sending supplies, after all a prophecy is inevitable and since the prophet didn't say anything about the front, it means that we are not an important target for the empire.

Fritz looked confused.

Fritz just tilts his head – Wait, you're not a prophet, you made two prophecies.

Artur just shook his head - Although I surpass the 80 percent of blessed in this area, the truth is that I am not that impressive, I can only predict an event and those are results, the prophet, on the other hand, can see the entire future and She does it daily... and unlike mortals like us, she can guide destiny as she pleases, it can be said that just like a transmigrated person, she also writes her destiny.

Then Fritz realizes – Wait, why didn't we consult with the prophet?

Artur looks a little conflicted and confesses - There is a problem... She is a 15-year-old teenager and she is capricious and childish, she is also too spoiled, practically the emperor himself regards her as a spoiled daughter... She has an excessive ego and if we offer her a request for help, the most likely thing is that he would get lazy and say that there is no salvation and then the empire would stop sending supplies

Fritz understood the situation perfectly and then speaks – So you hope that fate will change and that I will save everyone in this fortress and prevent the cemetery from becoming a…. Cemetery

Arthur nods.

Fritz starts laughing like crazy

Arthur frowns.

Fritz stops, but you could see the laughter – Don't you see how absurd you are hearing, I am not a savior, I am an agent of chaos, a damned parasite that only brings misery and destruction

Artur speaks – But you saved 14 thousand soldiers, you faced death and stood up for your companions

Fritz – I'm sorry to throw the theater at you, I was trying to survive and saving the rest was something collateral and I doubt I can do it again... Maybe you don't see what I lost

He shows his metal prosthesis

Artur – And yet, there is nothing we can do… The only person who can change destiny is you

Fritz just turned his head away, you could see that he had no confidence or certainty that he could do anything, he was even considering how to escape from this place, but Fritz had a doubt deep in his heart.

Fritz – How did you know that I am a transmigrate?

Artur answered without hesitation - You do not have an Aura, a characteristic that only transmigrated people have, I just want you to know that everyone in one way or another has an aura and this aura has a representation, it shows your destiny, fortune and religious inclination.

Then Artur looked into Fritz's eyes - But you don't have any of that, it's like seeing a corpse, but at least a corpse has residue of its essence... You have nothing and I, as a servant of the goddess, can see this in you.

Fritz just frowns – But I have been with many priests and none of them said anything about my aura… In the orphanage I was surrounded by priests, so how do you explain that?

Artur raised an eyebrow and pointed his finger at himself – I'm a bishop… This above those losers, only people of my rank have the ability to see the aura and some of them can predict the future like me.

Fritz had a doubt - Then why don't they use bishops to catch transmigrates... I say here I am so...

Then Artur frowns – The process of hunting transmigrates is so standardized that auras are not really needed, the simple fact of being an orphan and going through all the tests is a miracle in itself.

Artur looks at Fritz with a slight anger - Besides, we have many things to do, spending all our time in hospitals would be a waste of time for our rank, it is already a miracle that he is in this fort that is being abandoned by the empire itself.

Fritz just sighed, now that he knew that information he had the Bishops and higher ranks marked on his list of people he had to avoid.

Artur speaks – But if you cooperate with me, I can give you an artificial Aura

These words made Fritz pay attention to Artur

Artur pointed to his mechanical prosthesis – There is a special seal on the arm.

Fritz looked at his prosthesis and noticed a small mark

Artur continued explaining – This mark gives you an artificial aura and this mark will make you go unnoticed with bishops and archbishops… But avoid direct contact with cardinals, especially high-ranking ones, who can see beyond

Fritz had a doubt – What about the Pope?

Artur – He is a cardinal empowered by the holy grail, without that he would be a high-grade cardinal… But the pope can easily see through the artificial aura, so if you can avoid it for your entire life it would be the most advisable

*Avoid the Pope for life, noted*

There was an awkward silence, it seemed that all the cards had been placed

Then Artur speaks tiredly – ​​I am the only person who knows that he is a transmigrate, I even went to the trouble of hiding your secret, if I need something from you… But I was completely honest with you

Fritz had a doubt – And that ensures that he does not escape at the first

Fritz didn't have a mask on, be honest with Artur

Artur didn't look worried - It's easy, I put a bomb inside you, it's made to explode in 5 months, if the fort falls you fall and it doesn't matter if you're on the other side of the continent, you're going to die.

Then Artur had a satisfied smile on his face – Believe me, if you're going to see a survivor in this fort, I'll make sure it's not the two of us.

Fritz just swallowed his saliva.

At that moment Artur calms down - So what are you going to do, you will fight at my side and fight against destiny or die here, after all you are a transmigrate, I don't think anyone will blame me... In fact, they would throw your body outside to end and end you can't become an Undead

Fritz just sighed, he knew he had no choice.

Then he decided to ask one last question – Are you really that desperate to turn to me? I am a transmigrate, we are supposed to be the enemies of the world, because you think I can make a difference

Artur said without hesitation – Because I think you have the makings of a hero.

Artur gave a small sigh – You already changed destiny once… I know you can do it again.

At that moment their eyes met, but Artur realized that Fritz did not believe in himself, even so he will not give up on him, after all he had faith that he could make a difference.

Artur grabs a notepad – Now, once our business is over let's move on to official things, if I give the regent this blank notepad he will be suspicious, so I need to ask you some questions related to the accident... I usually don't do this , but I used the excuse that you caught my attention to meet you and in the process I'm doing a favor for him

Fritz nodded and the two began to talk about the accident.

Meanwhile outside Fritz's room

The young priest had one ear pressed to the door

Meanwhile, Ronal and Jay looked at the young priest with pity.

Ronal – What are you doing?

The young priest – There is a blockade, it seems that they want privacy and to avoid gossipers

Ronal – Like you?

The young priest nods

He begins to make a glow in the young priest's hands and begins to form some runes.

Then he sticks the runes on the door

Immediately afterwards the runes bounce off the door and the young priest feels how the runes hit him.

He tried to say something, but he realized that he couldn't say anything.

He started to panic and started running down the hall.

Ronal – I'm not the smartest in the cemetery... But even I know not to mess with a bishop

The young priest is complaining, you could see that he was dissatisfied or throwing a tantrum, he couldn't tell for sure after all he didn't make a sound.

Ronal looked thoughtful and asked – What is your rank?

The young priest formed a two with his fingers

Ronal – A deacon

The young priest ascends

Ronal – And you still have the nerve to confront a Bishop

Jay looked confused – What is the rank of a bishop or a deacon?

Ronal just sighed and began to explain, there are 7 ranks and each one has 12 divisions.

First there are the Laity, you could say that they are the students of the church, to graduate you have to pass the first 12 divisions and when they graduate they become Deacons and when you complete the 12 divisions you go to the next level

The structure of the church is composed like this

Laity, Deacons, Priests, Bishops, Archbishops, Cardinals and The Pope

Jay noticed something – It seems like everyone talks in general, but the dad… There's only one.

Ronal nods - Only first division cardinals can be pope and there can only be one... But that doesn't matter, what matters is the division of this guy

The young priest smiles and shows 7 fingers

Jay – So he is a 7th division Deacon

The young priest nods his head

Jay – I see… I imagine he is very strong

The young priest seemed like he was going to boast, but Ronal interrupted - Of course not when they are priests they already surpass the threshold of the human and only from the bishop onwards is a threshold that transcends the superhuman, furthermore my sister was a seventh division deacon at 8 years old

The young priest opens his mouth in surprise and then looks angry, flexes his arm and hits him, saying that he was too strong.

Ronal – I only told the truth

The young priest hits one of his hands and then points at Ronal

Ronald doesn't look intimidated

From one second to the next, Ronal saw a scene

In front of him was the young priest's fist and blocking it was Jay's hand.

Ronal did not realize when such a scene occurred

Meanwhile Jay was in shock, unlike Ronal he saw the whole scene

He saw how he tried to hit him, clearly he wasn't going at full power and his only intention was to show off, but when Jay stopped the blow his hand recoiled slightly.

This made him surprised at the strength of this young priest and unconsciously Jay began to smile, he had an indescribable madness.

Meanwhile, the young priest looked at Jay and slowly began to adopt that crazy smile.

Jay – You are a warrior priest, guys who use their body as a weapon

The young priest took a big leap back and got into a battle stance, but before he started a battle he felt something cold on his neck.

Fren – If you want to die just say it

The young priest felt his spine frozen and slowly turned around, he had not felt a presence behind him and he looked into eyes that made him very afraid, you could see the anger and there was a persistent bloodlust.

The young priest relaxes and raises his hands as a sign that he surrenders.

Fren removes the knife from the young priest's neck

Then he starts walking towards the two – This is no place to start a battle, you understand.

Jay – Ronal home

The young priest nods his head

Ronal – Wait, you shouldn't be with your friends

Jay – This guy is my new friend, after all he is a new training partner, Fritz should be happy too, the more the better

Fren just sighed – If you are going to fight, leave.

He tried to enter the room, but something prevented him from entering.

Ronal – Fritz woke up and the Bishop is currently talking to him

Fren was surprised and then calms down, turns his back on them and leaves.

Ronal tried to approach Fren, but he never gave him the opportunity to approach and he wondered how Fritz managed to approach him... He looked at the door and wondered what he was talking about with the bishop.