
I Don't Want To Be A Hero.

I will fight to survive in this world, whether it be power-hungry elites, evil gods hiding in the shadows, and monsters that will make you lose your mind... I don't mind crawling as long as it means I can live another day in this unforgiving world in that is in an eternal war "What... Wait, I don't want to be a hero."

Alex_Z_5118 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 2 – Welcome to the cemetery (1/5)

[4 days after the Undead attack]

There were 7 people at a round table, shadows covered their faces, but each of these people had enormous military power.

Then shadow 1 began to speak – Okay, today's meeting is to talk about the rookie ambush.

A light was projected in the middle and thousands of corpses were seen - Out of 40 thousand soldiers, only 17,512 soldiers survived, all guided under the flag of a Ronal soldier.

Ronald's image was projected

Then everyone looked interested.

The Shadow 2 Speaks – It is not the shame of the Fervius family

Shadow 3 answered – Even I would be a shame by the standards that are used in that family, they are a bunch of crazy people.

Shadow 4 hits the table – Orion you have to respect the Fervius family, it is one of the 7 families!!

Orion just gave a small smile – Oh come on, it was just a little joke.

shadow 4 growls

Shadow 7 begins to touch the table with his index finger

everyone calms down

Shadow 1 resumes with his explanation – Ronal is officially the leader of the resistance, although there were rookie mistakes, the truth is that he made key decisions that helped in survival, even bringing reinforcements for a rear front was correct, the only problem is that he was late

Shadow 5 spoke – But he also made very big mistakes, he killed 3 nobles

Orion smiles – But as they say when the 7 families sing they all dance hahahahaha

Shadow 4 hits the table

Shadow 5 – Although there were many witnesses who testified in favor of Ronal and that both the Morvius and Fervius families suppressed those 3 families only leaving the clothes of said Ex-nobles… I don't think it was the best move, especially in this era it is vital

Orion – Blah, blah, blah… They didn't know their place and their only crime was not killing Ronal before he killed them, it's the norm

Shadow 4 gave a sigh - I can't believe I'm saying this... But Orion is right, they lost everything when they attacked Ronal, although the Fervius family couldn't care less about Ronal's existence, he is still a Fervius and This means that if another noble offends Ronal, it can make the Fervius family themselves take it as an insult to them.

Shadow 5 thinks something – And what was the Fervius family's position on Ronal's feat

Shadow 1 begins to see many leaves and finds it - The posture is... "It's the least a Fervius should do, he didn't do anything special"

Everyone remained in silence

Orion – Not even my father was so cold to me and he died in a block of ice

Everyone looked at Orion

Orion – I am breaking the ice

Shadow 5 resumes his talk – Coming from that family it is not a surprise, for any other family that would be a reason to boast

Shadow 1 resumes his talk - Well let's move on to the deputy leader Edwin Morvius, a former student of the Morvius Academy and he is credited with the rescue of 9,000 soldiers, in addition to being the official leader when Ronal was outside, being one of the fundamental pieces

Shadow 2 – He is the third son… It is not like that… From what I understand he is someone with a lot of leadership

Shadow 1 – Unfortunately he decided to leave the Elite class, the reason is obvious, he does not want to fight in the succession, even the fact that Ronal is a leader aligns with his interests to stand out… But not enough to be a threat for his two older brothers

Orion just sighed – Let's move on to another one, I'm getting bored.

Shadow 1 put one of his hands between his two eyes and then the projection changed to Deng – The third in command is Deng… he is a normal commoner… but he has a very good ability

Everyone looked at each other concentrated

Shadow 1 – He is very organized

Everyone was taken aback

Orion – And why is that good?

Shadow 1 – You see everything was perfectly organized, he personally made sure that the entire chain of command worked and each document was so well organized that it took them very little time to collect everything and he still had the time to organize the forces more effectively in the shortest time possible

Shadow 1 showed the plans of the front – Even the structures were so organized that it allowed the forces to have a smooth operation, plus it allowed them to cover all the francs

Even Orion was surprised

Shadow 6 spoke for the first time – Because such a prospect was not in the Elite class

Shadow 1 reviewed several documents - For a series of factors... But the two biggest are because he is physically weak, being below average, plus he usually led his own simulations with perfection, unfortunately when your soldiers are commoners who can barely support themselves afloat... Well, you don't look good, you have a great leadership capacity... But without power, words are just words, lacking the strength to make those words come true

Everyone agreed with those words, it is obvious that no noble would allow himself to be ruled by a commoner, even if his life depended on it.

Shadow 1 continues with the report – Next is the official strategist Fren… There is nothing, even his last name is censored

Everyone stayed silent

The shadow 1 – All information about Fren is censored, even for us

Shadow 2 speaks – It is impossible for something to have more authority than us, unless it is related to the 7 families and even with

The shadow 1 – The imperial family… It would be better to avoid messing with that guy, he seems like an epicenter of problems, but he is a great commander who does not have to envy the elite of the Agnus Academy

He put up another image and in this one was Jay's image

Shadow 1 began to speak - Now there is one of the two commanders who commanded the forces, Jay Cooper, he is a commoner who comes from the city of Astoria and apparently he was a student at Agnus Academy, a legend in his respective academy

Everyone looked impressed

But Orion had a doubt – Then why is he not in the capital?

Shadow 1 continued – It was in the second of the physical attitude and the theoretical exams he was above average, he even had average grades in the simulations

This made everyone raise their eyebrows.

Shadow 7 speaks for the first time – As Orion said… Why isn't he in the capital?

Raise a finger

Shadow 1 begins to explain – 3 fundamental things, although he is someone very skilled he is also very idealistic, in the last year he had 42 conflicts, all because in most cases they were people who abused their authority, the number 41 had a conflict to a teacher and calling it a fight would be an understatement, it was a massacre... Usually, that would have gotten Jay expelled, but Agnus Academy decided better to keep silent and deny that such an event happened, since it would be admitting that a Student is more skilled than a teacher, but even so due to these conflicts he had a drop in abundant points, but it was not the main reason

Go up two fingers – As I said, although the simulation exam was average, the truth is that he had many conflicts with his classmates, barely achieving the mission, he tends to do everything on his own and when he does not respect anyone, he does not respect them , so there are very few leaders who could really control them, unfortunately the elite teams saw more disadvantages in including them in their team

And finally, the third finger goes up - And the most important thing is that he lacks support, he had conflicts with both the teachers and a lot of noble children and some small modifications meant that he could not enter the elite class, looking for any means to not letting him up, it seemed like it was implied that if they wound him up, they wouldn't be able to stop him

Shadow hits the table 3 times, but this time it forms a crack – Those bastards

Orion just relaxes – Well, it's predictable

Shadow 6 – This is a waste of talent, your skills

Orion – he is an idiot, an idealist who strikes first and thinks later, the capital does not need him

Shadow 2 – I agree, a jerk is a jerk and it quickly escalated.

Everyone started talking, the discussion was everywhere

Then everyone heard a sound

Shadow 7's little finger was tapping on the table

Everyone stopped

Shadow 7 just gave a sigh – What's done is done, that won't change, let's continue with the meeting

Everyone was dissatisfied with the talk, but if they continued debating Jay's situation they never finished.

Shadow 1 projected the image of Fritz – And lastly there is the second commander, at this point both Fritz and Jay have the same rank, also from the Agnus Academy

Everyone noticed Fritz.

Shadow 1 – his rank is 10,523 and yes, although it seems like he is very average, I just want you to know that he is the first in the physical exam and one of the best evaluated in the simulator

This made him miss

Shadow 1 – But his case is different from Jay's

Orion asked the question – What is different

Shadow 1 – The yes has the support of a noble of the 7 families, Alisha Bellavius

Everyone paralyzed and everyone turned to see the shadow 7

Slowly, he showed his features, white hair and red eyes, he had a white beard that was very finely cut, he had a large and muscular build.

[Leonidas Bellavius, leader of the Bellavius ​​family, hero of the empire and one of 7 members of the military council]

Leonidas seemed uninterested, but if you paid attention you could see him moving his finger.

After all, it was not a secret that Leonidas favors Alisha a lot, since she has 9 sons and only one daughter, also being the youngest, that is why for Leonidas he is a father who shows her a lot of affection.

He thinks he should keep this a secret, but the truth is that it is no secret, in fact, her older brothers are also known for being very overprotective of her, having the same treatment as an imperial princess but older.

Shadow number 1 – In fact, together with Jay he was a disciple of Mitochondria Bellavius

It was seen how Leonidas had a slight tremor and his face became gloomy, it seems that he looks at Fritz with eyes of pity and closes his eyes as a moment of pure respect.

If Fritz had seen that scene, it is most likely that he would have cried, because he more than anyone understands what it is like to see Mitochondria naked, those things mark you for life.

Shadow number 1 ignored Leonidas' expressions, at this point it was already implicit that Mitochondria was a taboo topic for Leonidas, even those who were under his tutelage preferred to avoid touching that topic.

Then shadow number 1 continues with its theme – In fact in the entire history of Agnus Academy it only had one conflict, the information we have collected we were able to find the reason for the fight and that was Alisha

Leonidas paid too much attention

Shadow number 1 continues – In short, she despised Fritz for being an orphan, tried to pressure Alisha to join her and finally offered a challenge to Fritz with the only condition that he no longer come near her again. In short, it was a duel for Alisha

[Note Fritz saw it differently]

Fritz had a different uniform, you could see that he had younger features, in front of him was a blonde boy, he was very handsome and he could see many girls behind him

You could see a great arrogance and the worst of all is that he never shut up, I had had enough of him for 3 weeks he was bothering him, but before he did anything he heard some words

Handsome boy – Hit me, hit me, hit me really hard, hit me and don't stop and when I'm on the ground have no mercy, so please have no mercy, even if I give up have no mercy

Fritz – I accept

[In the present]

Shadow 1 counts as what really happened - Then he told him "You dirty orphan, you have sullied the honor of this beautiful lady, I declare you to a duel and if you lose you will never get close to her again" then Fritz said "I accept"

Shadow 2 – And then

Shadow 1 – He gave her a legendary beating, even if she asked for mercy he did not give it to her, from that day on no one dared to approach Alisha and the number of confessions she had regularly was reduced to 90 percent

Shadow 2 – Like confessions

Shadow 1 – It was well known that the two of them spent their time together, in fact all the simulations did it together, there were rumors that the two of them dated

They felt oppression by Leonidas

Shadow 1 hurries up – but so far nothing has been made official between the two of them and what's more, we have already interviewed Alisha because there were some doubts about Fritz and his information is very confusing

Then she grabbed a piece of paper and started talking – Meeting 1 "I won't talk until I know what exactly happened to him."

I grab a second sheet - "I see... That sounds like something he would do, very well I'll tell you his daily routine, he gets up, has breakfast, goes to class, eats, goes to train, has dinner and goes to sleep"

Then shadow 1 stops reading – And that's all he told us, we wanted to get more information, but maybe... Well, let's move on.

He could see how Leonidas was looking at him with a hunting gaze.

Leonidas had a doubt - But if I spend the simulators with my daughter, who was one of the best qualified, and in the physical tests I spend it with my uncle... How is it possible that I have such a low rank?

Shadow 1 seemed relaxed and then spoke – Very easy… Theory exams like this suck!!

Shadow 1 begins to explain – This guy didn't care about his grades, he never made an effort to earn a point, even the simplest work and if they could give him a point, he ignored it in the most absurd ways, being the worst student for far from this moment, and no, he's not an idiot, he just didn't care about his grades

Everyone looked at each other dumbfounded, what kind of person was this, who in her right mind would do something like that?

The shadow 1 continued – His case was very different from Jay's, he had the support of Alisha so no teacher would dare to play a trick on him, but in the end he did not go to the capital because he never tried… Even now I wonder, what It would have happened if he had taken the grades seriously...

He just sighed – But well, right now we just have to wait.

He began to pass various documents to the other 6 members - Currently he is resting, he has not woken up since he fainted, currently the only thing he has are 3 medals, his Agnus academy medal, Edwin's that was returned to its rightful owner … Edwin acknowledged that he gave it to him personally, so there were no conflicts and a trinket

This caught everyone's attention.

Shadow 1 speaks – At first it was believed to be the medal of a noble family… But it was one of a fallen family, that's why it is marked as a trinket, that's why it didn't have any problem… Because there would be a problem in it having such object

The message was simple, it would be like acknowledging that they are still worth something, when the reality is that the message that the imperial family wants to give is that they no longer matter.

Everyone was reviewing the documents and you could see that this Fritz guy was an interesting character, he was too eccentric, plus he was related to 3 members belonging to the 7 families, he had solid connections and all of that was by chance.

But in themselves they did not see anything suspicious, in fact the fight he had with a Lich was attributed to him, the simple fact that he lost an arm is proof of his worth, although of course it was determined that it was thanks to everyone's faith. the soldiers and Edwin's medal that was sadly lost

Going back to the fight, it is possible that half of the soldiers had died, they had basic equipment, they were practically third rate weapons, they had cheap uniforms instead of battle armor and they had to manage being divided, without a chain of clear command and the worst of all is that they had no priests

They turned to the last page and each one had a different expression, from surprise, some to horror, to amusement, everyone realized something, this was crazy.

Then shadow 6 stood up – Wait, maybe they will put such an object on it?

Shadow 1 only nods - He will be one of the first to test such a prototype and if he manages to survive, maybe he can have something better... After all, one cannot survive on the battlefield with only one arm

Fritz slowly wakes up and the first thing he sees is a white ceiling.

He suddenly remembers everything that happened, the most curious thing is that what impacted him the most was a particular memory that he had.

Slowly, she turns her head and looks at him, looks at his arm…. She was no longer there

What was there was a metal arm

At that moment she touched the piece of metal and was shocked, she did not expect such a result.

Fritz suddenly calmed down – Well, it could have been worse.

(He still hadn't processed what happened)