
I Don't Want To Be A Hero.

I will fight to survive in this world, whether it be power-hungry elites, evil gods hiding in the shadows, and monsters that will make you lose your mind... I don't mind crawling as long as it means I can live another day in this unforgiving world in that is in an eternal war "What... Wait, I don't want to be a hero."

Alex_Z_5118 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 – I am going to survive in this burning world (5/5)

After that I look at how they were using the vehicles as barriers, of course they are not bulletproof, but it was better than nothing.

It was a war field ready for action, with every second that passed everything became quieter

The calm before the storm

Everyone knew it, they knew that they would possibly die, morale was at rock bottom, this was also a factor.

Ronal somehow knew it, he could see how many soldiers lost hope

Ronal steps forward and begins to recite

"O Goddess of the sun, humble sinner, I bow before you for mercy. In this dark hour, I beseech you to illuminate our hearts and grant us the strength to fight this holy war. May your light guide us in the battle against those who threaten our will and our empire. I promise to fight in your name, defend your magnificence and keep your legacy alive in every step we take, we will defeat our enemies and restore peace. I pray to you, oh Goddess of the sun. Hear my prayer and give us the courage to face this trial with courage."

Several soldiers began to join their hands and began to pray in silence, Fritz simply closed his eyes and joined his hands, of course, he was not praying to the goddess, he did not believe in her.

But he seemed to give comfort to the other soldiers.

Religion was always a weapon to control poor lambs, well that's Fritz's perspective

If you tell him what he believes in, he would answer that the goddess of the sun, but because he would ask forgiveness for his sins, the most atrocious sins have been committed in his name, but he would not try to change the world that was not his paper

Fritz watched as more soldiers regained a little hope, many were beginning to talk about the great goddess and as this was a test, in desperation people look for figures in which to take refuge and this was a very desperate situation in which realize that everyone believed in something, hold onto something, look for a solution to an idea

The sky was darkening and as night fell and Fritz knew that when the sun fell, the real battle would begin.

Fritz knew that that great goddess that they praised would not be there and it would be the moon that would rise.

He will fight to survive

And as Fritz predicted, the night arrived and purple lights rose in the shadows, but they would soon discover that they were not lights but rather something that shone in the skulls, specifically where their eyes used to be, a detail that went unnoticed by many because the sunlight overshadowed that darkness

Fritz, on the other hand, looked at a small light in his pocket. Fritz took it out and it turned out that it was Edwin's medal, the one that had the mark of the sun goddess.

Fritz – I didn't know this was a mini lamp

Fritz kept the medal, he did not give much importance to the sun medal

Everyone got into his positions, each one preparing their weapons, at this point it was easy where he had to shoot.

They only had to shoot at the purple lights, if the light disappeared it meant they were getting rid of a skeleton, it was basic reasoning.

No one shot, everyone stayed on the sidelines, meanwhile the skeletons accumulated more and more.

He arrived at a point where he tripled his strength and there they saw it, they saw the fallen soldiers rising by the thousands, soldiers that were equivalent to half of their forces.

The tension could be cut with a knife and then they saw that the skeletons began to run quickly, the fallen soldiers began to shoot.

Brake - Shoot!

Nobody hesitated and everyone fired, clearing rows of skeletons, luckily the skeletons were weak to a headshot.

On the other hand, the soldiers who died and were resurrected were immune to all physical damage, only separating their head from their body was the only way to stop them.

Unfortunately, the process could have been more effective, but they did not have full strength on all fronts, most were aiming at the rear front, but a large part of the forces were at the front, keeping the margin by force. lead.

At that moment the skeletons continued advancing, there were more skeletons than they had anticipated, their bullets were not enough for such a large number of skeletons, they continued shooting to see if they could kill something, make a comeback or survive.

Even so, everything seemed in vain, for every 10 skeletons they killed another 50 appeared, but what was most annoying were the fallen soldiers who were practically immortal, they seemed to have a lower bullet load than theirs.

The shooting issue was the least worrying.

Most of them lacked something, they aimed in a less precise way and wasted the bullets in crazy shooting, without strategy, shoot anywhere that is in front of them without measuring anything, maybe that's why rarely a soldier fell as a result of those bullets

A soldier is shot in the head

Sure, it was unlikely that one of those bullets would hit you, but it was never 0

At that moment Fren stood up

Fren – Strategy 1/1, Fast!!

More soldiers arrived at the blockade and positioned themselves, at one moment the soldiers who were shooting went down and those who arrived went up to shoot, while many of the soldiers who went down were reloading their weapons, at another moment those who were shooting went down again exchanging places.

Fritz noted that this was an interesting strategy, this allowed them to reload more efficiently and ensured that they did not lose firepower, the main thing here was to stop the advance of the skeletons.

Fren next to him looked worried.

Brake - Back up!!

The soldiers left the front of the vehicles and watched as several soldiers opened the tanks of the vehicles. He also saw how several soldiers brought several bottles.

Fritz – Is that it?

Fren – Nilium… yes

Fritz – Because you have something so dangerous

[Those who do not know Nilium, I explain, this is a material that is the equivalent of gasoline in this world, but there is one detail, it is 10 times more explosive and more powerful than this]

According to Fritz, gasoline was not explosive only in large quantities and under pressure, Nilium was not, 10 milliliters was enough to lose an arm and those bottles had at least 1 liter of Nilium, so Fritz had no doubt.

Fritz – Everyone stand back!!

Fritz ran away, it would be stupid to stay so close and at one point it didn't explode, on the contrary, several were aiming at the engine tanks.

Fren – Something tells me that those skeletons are fireproof, but the fallen soldiers are not, the more burned they are, the more likely they are to shoot us.

Fritz looked at several soldiers who had been hit by the explosion, but they were not seriously injured, some had minor burns.

Fren – It is dangerous to die, in this battle the casualties are harmful because we no longer lose a soldier, but rather we win a semi-immortal enemy

At that moment many hordes of skeletons jumped on the vehicles, but what Fren observed was the precise moment he looked at a fallen soldier.

Fren - Fire!!

They all fired a little at the fuel tanks, causing a huge explosion to occur that blew many fallen skeletons and soldiers into thousands of pieces, making a large wall of fire that completely divided the skeletons and soldiers.

This explosion was seen from a distance, a person in white clothes looked at that scene and he just gritted his teeth.

??? – Hold on, we are coming

Returning to the battlefield, the soldiers looked at the curtain of fire watching from where the skeletons entered, several skeletons jumped over the wall of fire

Fren was right about the part that skeletons were to some degree fire resistant.

When the first fallen soldier passed by it was seen that if he took damage and that soldier's effectiveness had decreased by 50 percent, he had no self-preservation skill or friction.

He walked towards the fire like a normal thing when it was obvious that the fire was harmful

No more than that, his skin was softer, his body was extremely more sensitive and to a certain extent it was easier to cut and there you could see how the bones of his skin were visible, its effectiveness had fallen by up to 70 percent.

The biggest problem was that they were immune to bullets and could only be stopped until they cut off their heads, now he had a chance.

Brake - Attack!!

Fren just looked at Fritz and he just nodded.

Fritz grabs his short sword and with more soldiers he charges, quickly going to the body, at this point they were better organized and now that the fallen soldiers could no longer shoot left and right, it was his opportunity.

It seemed that everyone was following him, this is a little uncomfortable for Fritz, but there was no time to think about the matter, a fallen soldier appears in front of this

Fritz will slash him with a quick blow, cutting off his head

At this point everyone already knew that the head was the weak point of the fallen soldiers, it was already something that the other soldiers could dominate, the skeletons were extremely fragile, what was really dangerous was the absurd amount of numbers they had and that they It was enough to break their bones so that they could not regenerate

Confidence was returning, losses were very minimal, the wall of fire prevented the skeletons from being able to group together effectively, at this point more and more soldiers could genuinely believe that reinforcements would arrive or that they could take care of it, but Fritz only go back to the back

The soldiers didn't give it any importance, they were quite sure that they could handle it without Fritz, maybe he would give a report to Fren about their performance.

Fren looked at Fritz – Why are you abandoning your position?

Fritz – Everything is going well

Fren – That is why you must be in front and make sure that

Fritz – No, everything is going too well

Fren wanted to reply, but suddenly he became thoughtful.

Fren puts on a serious face – Tell me what are the chances that these skeletons will turn this situation around?

Fritz – Well, it will depend on the undead commander.

Fren – It's true, the undead blocked our front and they surrounded us in such a way that we couldn't escape and cornered us

Fritz – Such a good organization should have orders

Fren – Skulls do not have a very marked reasoning capacity, on the contrary, I doubt that they have anything close to a strategy... But I do not doubt that there is a mind behind this, like a connected mind

Fritz – A connected mind

Fren – Maybe it is a heretical spell that manipulates the skeletons, if our foundations are true we just have to blow the general's head off and the skeletons will be dust

Fritz – So how do we proceed?

Fren – The statutes indicate that I must inform Ronal about these findings, unfortunately Ronal is in a campaign organizing the pre-elimination reports as indicated by the statutes

Well Ronal didn't have it easy either, he had to give reports, positions and organization as a general summary of the entire situation and he had to be very, very detailed because if he didn't know he would get into trouble.

This served as evidence, if we fail, then these sheets will be used for records, Fritz did not set the rules, in fact he didn't even know, there was the report

Fren – I will send a message where we will report our course of action

Fren was writing the instructions, it was easier for him to simply act, but there were certain protocols that he had to follow, protocols that marked the school's statutes and that were repeated year, after year and year.

Due to his bad luck, Fritz did not pay much attention, since he was a faithful believer that things had to be done at the moment, of course he respected bureaucracy because it made the world work in a certain way, but he did not believe that this was effective in this situation.

Fren gave Fritz a role

Fritz – Where did they get this paper?

Fren – It was in the luggage, most of it brought by soldiers who come to record their lives, another is used as standard material for records, organization such as roll call, and it is very common in vehicles to carry emergency papers to record actions .

Fritz – I don't want to delay you because we are in an urgent situation, but this is necessary

Fren – They are standard procedures, the important thing is to create a chain of command where actions are recorded and it is an organization… you studied at the Agnus academy, I know it is a rat's nest, but that is basic information

Fritz didn't want to complicate his life anymore, he would simply return to the front, but he looked at the paper

Fren – Give that paper to Ronal, he should give you written orders

Fritz just leaves quickly, at this point he couldn't seem more absurd.

Fren looked at the leaves – All this seems absurd to me too, but in the end we have a system to follow…

It only took Fritz about 3 minutes to get to the center, there was Ronal surrounded by a bunch of soldiers who were talking to him in unison, it seemed that Ronal was stressed

Fritz – It only took 15 minutes that happened to you.

Ronal stretched out his hands as a sign for everyone to be quiet.

Ronal – Yes

Another soldier – I've been there for 4 minutes, my time is

Ronal – Then don't waste it, he is in charge of the main battlefront

Fritz gave a paper to Ronal.

Ronal began to read it, he simply closed his eyes.

Ronal – Do what you want… You have permission to act according to the situation

Fritz – Fren said he wanted it written down

Ronal looked angry for a second, he grabbed a piece of paper, he said that he had authorization to act according to the parameters of the mission and signed.

Ronal began to hear how the soldiers began to scream, at this point Ronal was about to explode.

Fritz hurried and left as quickly as possible, he did not want to be present when Ronal exploded, he cannot believe that in 10 minutes they created an internal system, he remembers when the Agnus academy talked about ranks and the chain of command

He arrived with Fren and gave him the sheet

Fren – It was a good idea, it would have taken up to 10 minutes if it had been someone else and we are very short on time

Fritz – why did you want this?

Fren – In case everyone dies… this indicates that it is Ronal's responsibility for all the losses, washing my hands, that is why the command center is there… it is not because it is functional… it is used for the soldiers to exonerate themselves and for all sins to be fall into one person

Fritz – If we fail

Fren – Ronal will be the scapegoat, if we survive all the blame will fall on him, even if I fail I will be able to relegate the responsibility, although what else could I care, he is a dirty nobleman, the only thing different about him is that his sister is very possibly the one. next Emperor

Fritz opens his eyes – Emperor

Fren – There is no time, go to your position, the formation is going to be restructured, it is possible that something enters and we have to be attentive to what is coming

Fritz nodded at that moment all the soldiers slowly began to retreat.

At this point the skeletons were no longer a serious threat, but slowly everyone began to feel something.

It was hopelessness, fear and uncertainty, they also felt as if their stomach was turning, it is as if they felt that their stomach was rotting and they knew it, they instinctively wanted to run and not look back.

Everyone was preparing their weapons, even Fren was with them, usually he should be at the back, but he also had this feeling.

Everyone was pointing at the curtain of fire waiting for something to happen.

Suddenly the curtain of fire expanded and the soldiers began to retreat, followed by a shock wave that caused all the soldiers to fly away except for one.

Fritz with all the strength he could muster just flew away and somehow landed on his feet, now he took a couple of steps forward while the rest struggled to get up.

The fire disappears and is revealed, it was a levitating skull, he had a black cape and a center in his right hand, behind him was the army of skulls and fallen soldiers, you could see in his left hand how he had a ball of energy black that was getting bigger and bigger

Those who watched the scene knew it, they knew that they were dead, they knelt down, they could no longer see hope and could simply accept death.

After all, they were facing a Lich, a very powerful creature, only those warriors who have achieved mastery could dare to face such a monster, only the elite of the elite can face them... But they were a bunch of novices so it was impossible.

The aura that this being imposed was too powerful, so much so that it was difficult to hold one's breath and at this point only one person was able to stay on foot, in front of everyone was Fritz, he could see absolute nothingness and did not back away.

From the outside it looked like he was willing to fight against the Lich, a very heroic or very stupid act.


The reality is that Fritz was waiting for the right moment to run, he was almost sure that he could mislead him and from there he could go with Ronal and then he could retreat to the other front with Edwin and Jay to buy some time... but before Fritz did something

He heard a soldier begin to speak – "O Goddess of the sun, humble sinner, I bow before you for mercy." 

Another soldier began to speak – "In this dark hour, I beseech you to illuminate our hearts and grant us the strength to fight this holy war."

More soldiers began to join – "May your light guide us in battle against those who threaten our will and our empire."

The soldiers were starting to get up, Fritz turned to see how they all recovered their fighting spirit.

More soldiers began to join – "I promise to fight in your name, defend your magnificence and keep your legacy alive in every step we take, we will defeat our enemies and restore peace."

Fritz knew he was stupid, there was no chance he could beat a Lich… But if there was 1 percent, he would buy it.

At that moment they began to see how Fritz was beginning to shine, Fritz looked in his pocket and there he looked at the medal of the sun goddess.

This made everyone completely regain hope, everyone joined together until Fren who only had his sights set on Fritz.

Everyone except Fritz – " I pray to you, oh Goddess of the sun. Hear my prayer and give us the courage to face this trial with courage."

At that moment the medal gave off such a great shine and at that point Fritz realized something, small lines running behind him.

Fritz thought that this was like a battery, anime techniques that collected energy from others, where the power of love and friendship was the norm, but this was incomprehensible to him... But even he could feel the hope

The Lich had already prepared the attack and did not hesitate for a second, launching a huge disintegrating ray, everyone looked at that scene.

Fritz extended his hand and the medal reacted, a large shield manifested, protecting Fritz, when the two powers met there was a great clash,

The shield came before the undead's lightning

Fritz felt that his hand was burning, there was a great burning in it, the only thing he could do was resist.

All the other soldiers looked at was the heroic figure of Fritz, as he expelled a beautiful intense gold, a gold that made him look like a benevolent being, fighting and doing against the enemies of the goddess of the sun, there he was. they saw, from their most sincere words or thoughts. "He is a hero"

As long as the soldiers continued to have hope and their great faith in the sun goddess, everything would be fine.

Fritz for his part was suffering

It turns out that Fritz is not entirely compatible with the sacred powers because he was not a priest or a normal soldier, he was a simple human and in normal situations he would not harm, but with a lot of faith, something that Fritz does not have, but his companions do. That faith recharged that medal and since there are many people, that power is greater than just being one.

There is also the detail that he is stopping a large disintegrator attack that would wipe out everyone in less than two seconds, something so powerful that it is obvious that it harms anyone and Fritz had to deal with that and with the faith of thousands of soldiers that crushed his hand

This made Fritz feel how not only was his arm being roasted, but he felt that this medal was trying to repel him in some way, but if he let go of the medal that lightning bolt would strike him down.

When it seemed that the two reached their strongest point a shock wave rose up.

There was a great light seen from all directions, the skeletons began to melt and the fallen soldiers were collapsing for a second, they still recovered and got back up, only those who were close to Fritz were affected by the shock wave.

But Fritz stood up again, he watched as the medal cracked, at this point it would not withstand another attack, the Lich was in perfect condition and was preparing to launch another attack, there was nothing more to do, but Fritz just gritted his teeth.

He refused to die, he refused to give up, he refused to lose hope

When everyone realized they were looking at Fritz himself running towards the Lich, Fren looked at the hand that was still glowing in Fritz's hand and understood.

He braked with a shout that echoed throughout the battlefield – Don't let the Undead get to him, shoot them and protect him!!

Even the most clueless soldier can recognize Fritz's bravery and at that moment they began to shoot at the skeletons seeking a last desperate stand.

For their part, the undead ignored the rest and focused on Fritz himself, they tried to catch up with him, but he was so fast and they could only watch as he walked away from them.

While Fritz himself continued running

The fallen soldiers tried to shoot, but their accuracy was so bad that when they fired Fritz was already too far away from the place they were shooting, that was their weak point and even then they hit their own companions, so the Lich chose to let the soldiers shoot. fallen soldiers stop shooting

You will wonder what Fritz was thinking about and the correct answer is that he was not thinking about anything, it is not a lie, Fritz had one thought and that thought was "I want to live"

At that moment time slows down, he could see the same time when he was still very small.

He was running with tears spread and on the other side was a girl who had brown hair, you could see that she was a young adult.

At that moment he turns around and shows a sweet smile, he moves his lips, he says "sur-vi-ve" young Fritz wanted to be faster, he wanted to be stronger and at that moment he looked at his current version that surpassed him, at that moment At the moment Fritz himself was in front of her, but he did not stop

He passed through her like a mirage, like she was a shadow from the past.

Now his sight was not on the past but on the now and there he saw the eyes of the Lich... But Fritz did not stop and continued running, the plan was easy, Fritz would hit the Lich with the magic medal, if there were many failures and the possibilities of fail were high… He did not hesitate for a second

A skull jumped out and was going to intercept Fritz himself, but a bullet managed to intercept him, he was not alone, the soldiers who were behind him would have made the way for him, they only had one chance and they were not going to waste it.

The Lich already charged the second spell, but before casting it he already had Fritz himself in front of him, how was it possible for a human to be so fast, the Lich asked himself, he did not know, but one thing is certain, he could not cast the spell. spell rather than take a hit from that human

Then Fritz shouted – I don't care what happens in the future, I'm going to survive in this burning world!!

Fritz hit the Lich himself in the face, a shock wave that even the soldiers who were far away felt it and there they saw a light that spread throughout the place, even so the most damaged were the Lich and Fritz himself, especially Fritz, since he was in contact with the medal and therefore suffered all the consequences of the medal

But before he could process anything, the force of the ounce of shock caused Fritz himself to recoil and fly away, firsthand he felt how he fell and bounced as if it were a ball, breaking several bones in the process.

Until he stopped

But before worrying about his injuries or the medal he looked at the Lich, a part of his face was destroyed, but he looked like he could still get up.

The skeletons that had surrounded Fritz had crumbled to dust, yet the undead were too many, the Lich looked at him with absolute anger, a resentment that he would never forget.

Fritz tried to see the medal, but what he saw made Fritz feel slight despair, not only had he lost the medal, but he had also lost his arm.

Now he could no longer stand, this made him completely useless, he could only see the Lich's eyes and resigned himself.

He had already done what he could have done, but before he could do anything Fren grabbed him and dragged him to the back.

The soldiers began to shoot at the Lich, buying time.

Fren was applying first aid to Fritz, this was strange, he was the main strategist

You should be paying attention then listen to Fren's voice - Damn, you're crazy, we managed to push the big guy back, but it's still not enough, the bullets are running out and the only thing that still keeps them fighting was your suicidal act that raised their moral

Fritz – So this is it

Fritz had never noticed... But Fren seemed to have somewhat feminine features.

Fritz slapped himself and thought that he was not going to cross-dress a man, he had enough men dressed as women for the rest of his two lives.

Fren grits his teeth – I know… I know you want to get up and keep fighting… You've done enough… As far as I'm concerned you've earned my respect.

Fren stands up and sees all the chaos of war for himself, but now he had no doubts

Fren shows a hollow smile – It seems that today we are going to die… Let's show those heretics the glory of the goddess of the Sun!!

They all ran to the battlefield

Fritz could no longer keep his eyes open when he heard a voice.

Soldier – Reinforcements have arrived!!

An explosion is heard in the background

Fritz slowly began to close his eyes.

Something in him calmed down, it was all he needed to hear and there was a thought before he fell into unconsciousness – This day sucks.

He slowly loses consciousness, but with this Fritz survived his first battle.


