
I Don't Want To Be A Hero.

I will fight to survive in this world, whether it be power-hungry elites, evil gods hiding in the shadows, and monsters that will make you lose your mind... I don't mind crawling as long as it means I can live another day in this unforgiving world in that is in an eternal war "What... Wait, I don't want to be a hero."

Alex_Z_5118 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 – I am going to survive in this burning world (2/5)

They annexed 800 soldiers, 600 directly to the front and 200 accompanying us, for the security of the front they took Torrent, they did not want more chaos, or at least I did not want more chaos, Ronal's presence is more beneficial than I believed

30 minutes passed since Fritz began his trip and they barely collected 2,325, in theory they were a force of more than 40 thousand soldiers, more and more forces are going to gather, their survival is over, it is necessary for the front to continue receiving reinforcements, the ammunition is limited, there are about 6 hours until the reinforcements arrive, they were against the clock

They continued, but for 22 minutes they found nothing, almost all the vehicles were empty, skeletons and severed heads abounded, you must have come across one or another fallen soldier, but it was not a great threat.

Until they encountered a large group, he could tell about 3 thousand men, they surpassed in every way the number of his army, even so, Ronal was confident of his title, since who could refuse a noble, the soldiers looked at the scene, a force of 400 men perfect to join them and there he was, it was obvious that he was a nobleman, but unlike Ronal who was creepy, this one gave security, he looked like someone to follow, a leader among leaders, even Cheng he looked like a rookie

This nobleman stood in front of Ronal, you could see his superiority with golden hair, but the most characteristic thing about him was that he had his eyes closed and a small smile on his face.

Ronal looked a little uncomfortable.

Ronal – I introduce myself I am

Edwin – There is no need to be so formal, I am Edwin of the Morvius family

Ronal – Ronal Fervius

Edwin – You are not the shame of the Fervius family… oh well… You are the seventh child, I am the third in my family, so I think I have more authority

Ronal looked nervous

Edwin – Well, now that it is clear who is in charge, how many are there?

Ronal – How many were there?

Fritz – 2,325, the troops we carry are 435

Edwin – That's surprising, I mean I have about 6,000 assets working for me, but it's still impressive

Ronal – 6 thousand assets

Edwin – If we had split up, since I thought that here would be perfect to make a front, it is obvious that the front is in chaos and many resurrected undead will come from the front

Fritz – Currently the front is stopped, it is obvious that they are holding back, but with your help we can

Edwin – No.

Fritz just kept quiet

Edwin – You see, as I said, I plan to create a front here, your soldiers can be there, it would be better this way to prepare ourselves better and gather enough power.

Fritz wanted to protest, but at this point it would be suicide, there were 3,000 men against 400 and when Fritz realized many of these soldiers, they all went to the other side, only Ronal and Fritz were alone

Edwin – I am a kind person, join me and work for my juice

Ronal simply walked towards Edwin, at this point Fritz resigned himself, you know it was stupid, he is not a hero, nor the protagonist of a Cheta story... He was a soldier


Of course he was not a hero, he was thinking if Edwin took care of this it would be better for him... He would no longer have to do anything and just have to follow orders.

Then Ronal took out a glove and threw it on the ground, Fritz was slightly scared while Ronal could see the deep anger that this guy had, you could see that he was holding back from hitting at this point.

Ronal – I am Ronal Feriz Acu Fervius, seventh son of the regent Farías Fervius, leader of the great Calar mine, the one who provides all minerals to the entire kingdom.

Edwin just smiles, he was a calm guy, but it seems that this challenge made him angry, but if he refused he would lose the loyalty of half of his soldiers, in the worst case he would lose all influence he had.

Fritz for his part wanted to stay out of this unnecessary fight, if he joined forces with Edwin he would be happy.

Edwin – Well I accept it, Edwin

Fritz wonders why they have to use his first name, last name, number of births and father of the family and what he does for a living... It is so difficult for them to find out about the mother as normal people were against the clock.

Edwin – Jay step forward, you will be my representative

Ronal – Whatever your name is, take a step forward

Fritz realized – Me

Ronal – If I give you the honor of fighting for my prestigious surname

Fritz thought that he did not want to fight over his surname, nor did he care, if it were not for the fact that there were witnesses, he would have killed him when he had had the opportunity.

Edwin – That's your second in command

Ronal – he is my subordinate

Fritz – I don't have a vote

Jay – I don't have a vote either.

Ronal and Edwin – No

Now Fritz was in trouble, if he backed down he would be called a coward and he would be shot by Ronal, well not specifically Ronal... But any of Edwin's 3,434 soldiers would do it.

Fritz and Jay stood in front of each other, while a soldier, with his gun, placed a circle of earth that surrounded Fritz and Jay.

Many looked with expectation since Jay was a legendary fighter, it is said that his first year he knocked out a third year, after all he is Ranked 5,341, being at the level of the elite and close to the elite of the elite, if not If he didn't reach 5,000 he would have worked in the capital, a person like him is invincible

Jay – What position do you have?

Fritz – Rank 10,523

Jay – I see, it's a shame that someone so dedicated to training camp and my... Turns out he's 523 points shy of average

Fritz – What position do you have?

Jay – 5,341 I know I am

Fritz – I see, it's a pity, you are 341 points short of being someone extraordinary, from what I see, you are just an average soldier

Jay made a small face and then gave a small smile – I see, you're still the same one from the academy.

Fritz was confused

*I know you?*

Jay looked at Fritz - I would be lying if I said that I am not excited to fight with you, after all you are the only one who could surpass me in physical attitudes, but do not underestimate me, maybe at the Agnus Academy you ignored all my proposals for duels.

Fritz more confused

*What duel proposals?*

Jay looked at Fritz as if he was waiting for an answer.

Fritz – Who are you?

Jay looked surprised - It's me Jay... You know your rival

*Do I have a rival?*

Jay just closed his eyes – Do you remember the Mitochondria teacher?

Fritz felt a tingle on his spine, this was because Fritz would never forget Master Mitochondria, since he was a damn bastard who tortured him for 7 years.

He remembered the image of the teacher, he was huge and for some reason he did not have a shirt showing his muscles, you could see a white mustache on his face, his eyes could not be seen due to dark shading, but the most striking thing was his smile that showed a pure white and I could swear that those things were shining, but what I would never forget was his voice – "Oh my favorite student, do you want to walk around the facilities 100 times with your hands?"

Fritz wanted to suppress that memory

Fritz continues – Wait, you were with us

Jay raises an eyebrow – What are you talking about, we toured the facilities with our hands… You don't remember

Fritz just shook his head, he was sure he did it on his own.

Jay – And the island of death

Fritz just tilted his head.

Jay – Come on, we practically take a bath together!!

Everyone remained silent, even Fritz himself raised an eyebrow.

Jay – Don't you remember, you washed the teacher's back

At that moment something happened, a memory that Fritz considered suppressed.

A hot spring scene with pure naked men and at that moment Fritz knelt down and grabbed his head at that moment deep in his memory he remembers an extra person although there was a fog that covered him

Fritz opens his eyes and with a voice of resolution says – You are the muscle licker.

A vein formed on Jay's face, he heard a giggle and lo and behold, Edwin returned to his characteristic smile that he always maintained.

One of the soldiers noticed something - hey, that's not the one who hit the pretty boy.

Several who studied at Agnus Academy came to their senses, they remembered that he was a crazy man who spent his time in the training camp 24/7, in the third year he had a fight with a seventh year student, a guy who was attractive and someone who had all the women surrendered at his feet

He was someone who was self-centered and treated everyone like shit, until he got involved with the pretty boy beater where he challenged him to a duel for getting dust on his shoulder, and it is said that it was such a brutal beating that he received that seventh grade boy who deformed his entire face.

That was the last time they messed with him and he kept that nickname, that was the story that the Agnus Academy students spread to the rest of the soldiers who had no idea about the story and quickly put Fritz on Jay's level,

Although of course the most sensible people thought it was impossible, logically there were 5 thousand people between the two of them, someone as inferior as him would never be on par with Jay.

Both Fritz and Jay were on guard, each had left his weapon and short swords aside, Jay always looked at Fritz, he trained all the time, he trained everything he could train, but in the end it was inevitable, From his Perspective Fritz had no ambition to be the strongest

Meanwhile Edwin was seeing from a different perspective, after all it is the first time she has observed Fritz himself up close and then she had a thought – What was she seeing in him?

Both Jay and Fritz put themselves on guard, the rules were simple, the first to fall loses or failing that, the first to leave the circle, this made the two of them have a perfect guard... No, Jay looked at a weak point.

Jay jumped into the fight and with a perfect technique attacked Fritz, it was impossible for Fritz to do anything, but he himself kicked Jay in the balls causing him to lose his posture, Fritz took advantage and took him out of the circle by pushing him with another kick

Fritz had something that most did not understand yet and that was that the sense of honor is a tremendous nonsense, a fight is a fight, many considered that Fritz cheated and that he did not deserve to win.

But before they could do anything a laugh was heard, everyone looked at Edwin laughing out loud slowly a soldier followed along and more soldiers started laughing

Slowly Edwin stops laughing.

Edwin – Well I admit my defeat

Fritz looked at Jay's anger, but that anger turned into resignation.

He couldn't help but feel sorry for himself, he wondered what path he would have taken if only he hadn't allowed himself to be blinded by ignorance.

The Agnus Academy was not as honorable a place as it was painted, it was a place where the elites reigned and with enough money you could be in the first 5 thousand categories.

No matter how good you were, Fritz knew it, that's why he didn't look for a vacancy in the capital.

What was done was done, I had to continue

He already lost a lot of time and needed to gather all the rookies and resist this great attack.

The reinforcements would eventually arrive or perish on the battlefield and he didn't want to do it so he would fight, even if it meant facing everyone and reaching the outpost, after that the real war would begin.

He reached an agreement with Edwin where the forces they had would go to the front where they would support the rest of the soldiers and for his part Fritz had to continue with his plan, the invading forces were many and he needed to fight with everything he had. , the reunification of all the rookies was necessary to survive until reinforcements arrived

Edwin stopped Fritz and he threw two medals at him.

This was a round medal, it was similar to the one Ronal had, only the difference was the beak, this one had a sickle, even the sun was the same.

The next medal was a gold one and when Fritz himself saw it he was surprised.

Ronal – Wait, we could have brought those trinkets… Damn I would have brought a chest of holy medals!!

Edwin made a face and then made a mocking face – If you had brought a chest with those "trinkets" we would have easily crossed the front, since they are "sacred treasures"

Then he speaks pessimistically – Sorry for not having the chosen one in my family.

Ronal makes a surprised face – Wait, those things are valuable

Edwin grabbed Ronal by the neck and started shaking him – It took 9 months of my savings to buy that medal and it was only because that damn priest felt charitable.

Ronal was getting dizzy and simply said – It's not my fault you're so poor and making a scene.

Edwin realized that everyone was looking at him and simply moved away from Ronal and composed himself – For your information I have a great source of income and now back to what's important

Edwin – The first medal indicates that you speak by my name, it is an official seal of the Morvius family and with this my men are going to support you, and since you speak by my name you have the authority of a noble and at least let that guy speak for his Sister, I doubt he has more authority than me... I am aware that there are more nobles out there and to be honest, Ronal's name does not impose anything, even if he also belongs to the 7 families

Fritz opens his eyes – 7 families

*I think I heard that name before*

Edwin nods - Below the imperial family there are 7 families that have the highest rank among all the noble houses, although of course Ronal and I do not have absolute authority in our families because we are not the direct heirs, the simple fact that there are two medals of the seven on our side will make any noble who dares to play with us retreat after all those rats will remain rats

Fritz turns to Ronal – You are one of the 7 families and you felt uncomfortable by him

Ronal – I was not intimidated by him… I was intimidated by the great army behind him

Both Fritz and Edwin started to get a little worried… He was a bit honest, no… He was very honest, at this point he wondered if it was an idea for him to take the lead.

Edwin continues after all this aligns with his interest

Fritz – And the second medal

*Sounds too expensive*

Edwin – It is the protection of the goddess of the sun, that the goddess is with you something tells me that they are going to need it

Look away and look at the sun for a moment

Edwin – Well, we have extended the meeting too much, we don't have much time and I still kept them for a long time... Well we have to hurry and by the way Ronal you have to remember that you are part of the 7 families, never let yourself be bothered by the nobles lower

Ronal looked slightly thoughtful.

Edwin just smiles calmly and takes the other soldiers, in the end Ronal was left with a force of 500 soldiers, they were not even close to a relevant number of soldiers, there were more soldiers, a gigantic number and this made this complicated, They needed to gather the majority of soldiers

Edwin, who always had his eyes closed, simply opens his eyes, they were brown and at that moment he has a small memory

(2 years before current events)

Edwin was sitting at a desk, he was reading a book and his eyes focused on a girl with white hair.

Edwin – Rumors have come out that you are in a relationship with a commoner

The girl - …

She looked like she didn't care in the slightest

Edwin – You should think more about your image, you are in rank 8 of the Academy, it does not suit you

The girl closed the book making Edwin shut up.

The girl – It's why he got this far, he is physically stronger than average, after all he has the recognition of the Mitochondria master

Edwin raises an eyebrow - And what about Jay, he also won the teacher's recognition and is second in physical abilities, unfortunately he could not access the Elite class, since he does not reach the first 5,000, but both of them they make a team maybe I can access

The girl interrupts – And why don't you recruit him… Number 102

He had a look of disdain in his eyes, ruby ​​eyes as pure as blood.

Edwin puts on his characteristic smile – Well, I've had a bad streak

The girl – You are not fooling anyone, you are lowering your grades on purpose, your plan is to obtain less than the range of 5,000 students and thus avoid going to the capital so having Jay on your team means that there is a lot of risk of exceeding that goal… After all you want to be out of the Morvius family succession

Edwin only makes his smile grow bigger - It was never my intention to hide it, because fighting for a stupid title, I prefer to live in comfort and having more emotions in my life than being a bureaucrat

The girl continues - And about him... Don't underestimate him, he can be very strange and detached from reality, but believe me when I tell you that he is capable of doing great things... I'm just saying that you will be in for a big surprise.

The girl gets up and leaves the scene, leaving the book on the desk

Edwin approaches and observes the title of the book "5 ways to fake your death when surrounded by enemies"

Edwin had a confused face – Where did I get this book?


Edwin began to reach the front and only had one thought – *Alisha... I hope he gives me a surprise*

Meanwhile, it took both Ronal and Fritz 1 full hour to reach the remaining troops that Edwin together, 6 thousand men were accumulated, Edwin completed a great organization to be able to reach extraordinary numbers