
I Don't Want To Be A Hero.

I will fight to survive in this world, whether it be power-hungry elites, evil gods hiding in the shadows, and monsters that will make you lose your mind... I don't mind crawling as long as it means I can live another day in this unforgiving world in that is in an eternal war "What... Wait, I don't want to be a hero."

Alex_Z_5118 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 – I am going to survive in this burning world (1/5)

In the distance you could see a convoy, they were large and fast, it was heading somewhere and inside there were about 200 soldiers who were preparing for their next destination, the eastern fort, better known as the cemetery.

Slowly the scene focuses on a young man, he had black eyes and hair, he had his weapon in his hands, although there was no target on which they were going to use it, it was in the regulations that soldiers had to carry their weapons when they were outside the facilities, even now they have to be alert for a possible enemy attack this makes everyone nervous

Meanwhile this young man checked one of his front pockets and could see a round medal, he had a seal that showed a goat on a mountain, while this same goat admires the sun

You could see the doubt in his eyes for a moment, but he quickly puts the medal away and just looks out there and his thoughts are reflected there.

*My name is Fritz, in my previous life I was a simple guy... you know a normal life, studies, hobbies and those very banal things that... I hadn't even gotten married and I'm pretty sure I was sent to this place by accident.. .I was not prepared to die*

Fritz relaxes a little and continues with his internal thoughts.

*For 7 years I was in the academy, trained to become a soldier, being one more among thousands of students to prepare for the Great War, by luck or bad luck I was in the prestigious Agnus academy and it was prestigious because it treated well the children of the nobles and the rest he treated like shit*

There he took out another plate, but this one had the image of a lamb, the biggest difference is that this plate was rectangular and below the lamb there were 2 texts, one was its license plate and the other was a number 10,523

*I remember the days of the academy, it was hell, I had to train almost daily, 24/7 every day it started at 5 and ended at 10 and that was when the teachers were in a good mood, which was the equivalent to winning the lottery*

Fritz had a shudder, just leaning on that muscle-loving teacher made him tremble unconsciously, in fact if out of 50 thousand students he got this far it was because of that monster who made him do monstrous exercises, but even so even he was surprised and never gave a thought. Importance to grades because just to reach the first 5 thousand if he was screwed and he knew it

*Luckily in that school there was access to a library to see information about monsters or information about historical events that I consider to have many flaws and contradictions, being very obvious that they altered many historical events, but at least it was precious information that I did not doubt would be there. Relevant information more than anything about the monsters and how encountering them was certain death*

Instead of focusing on grades, because regardless of how hard he tried, he knew it would be useless on his part, he focused on all the survival guides he found and improving himself, such as the treasury and the use of battle weapons. The advantage of having an academy where you have many resources is that they have a large armory and bullets to burn in droves, melee weapons to take advantage of and suits that are more resistant that are very resistant

He also wanted to focus on military strategies, but most of the books that had those topics were in the elite class and in the long run it was useless because those positions are not earned, but rather you inherit the positions of your parents, even those of your grandparents. In case they die, which by the way is a little more common than I thought, after all being born in the elite gives you a more comfortable life

Although the empire had a system of meritocracy... The truth is that it is rarely applied in high positions and they pass it on because they can do it

Slowly he watched as the fortress revealed itself, it was a simple outpost armed to the teeth, and in front of him was the great border.

This will be the place where his future career will take place, he would be just another soldier among hundreds of thousands fighting for such an old war and yet the flames of war remain more alive than ever.

But Fritz's gaze took a small glance to the right side was the great titan of chaos, yes it sounds scary, but it has been sitting in one place for the last 10 thousand years without making a single move, the walls were originally made by that titan, creating an outpost that is the size of a city, observing that titan and many claims that when that titan will move when the end of times comes

*but as long as that end of the world doesn't come in the short term I'm fine*

His sight returned to the fortress, one of the most important fronts of the empire of the sun, this front also leads to the forest of death, creatures beyond our imagination, there were also other enemy kingdoms that disputed these territories, human and non-human, already You know magical, demonic creatures and strange spirits.

Then Fritz remembered something

*Our enemies are the kingdom of Sombría, a kingdom that I honestly don't know much about and the information I've seen about them is that they are dirty heretics, that we must die by the will of a farting goddess who asks for a thousand different things, but doesn't solve her problems. on their own, it already sounds to me like a cheap excuse that they only use to justify their actions, especially against minorities, since the goddess ordered us to eliminate them... once that is done, well, congratulations, you fulfilled the divine order*

Another interesting information he found is that human lifespan was double compared to his original lifespan.

Then there were more races apart from the human race, which is interesting, but what is interesting for the era is the composition of this world, it has hints of being a medieval world, but it had firearms and technology that are inferior to that of its current world being at the level of the time of the Second World War except in the field of firearms that armored vehicles are much stronger and when they are strong their firepower surpasses modern weapons, but they were unique materials of this world that had very absurd effects, even so they are inferior in the field of communication, there are methods, but it is not accessible like TVs and radios...

He had the theory that this technology had already been discovered, but it seemed that it was not a priority for the empire of the sun... Well, they were fighting a war on all fronts, obviously they give more priority to other fields.

He watched as he approached the outpost, a place where he would begin his life. He heard that the living dead were abundant here, which made him very doubtful of their existence, if he had read about the dead rising and that their number was in the thousands. millions of skeletons and these take the soldiers where they themselves die and wake up as fallen soldiers who will be your enemies serving as slaves for a heretical demon, but he came calmly as long as he was attentive nothing would happen to him.

*Who could die at the hands of a skull, they are pure bones and do not have any meat, muscle or anything like that, honestly skeletons are very overrated*

A skull appeared out of nowhere and stabbed the soldier next to Fritz.

The vehicle suddenly stopped, this caused everyone to break formation.

Fritz grabbed his gun without hesitation, but 20 more soldiers also grabbed his weapons and together they shot at the skull, destroying it into thousands of pieces and when they realized the skeletons had surrounded them.

The skeletons entered from the sides, there was no option, he left to reposition himself, in the worst case scenario he would be dismembered, but with a great leap he got behind the skeletons and saw it, he saw how the skeletons took over the first vehicle. where the commander was

The commander had died, this was bad, the enemies had passed the great wall, it was an ambush, he did not have to hesitate and started shooting wildly, this caused several skeletons to break which was enough for more soldiers to jump into the air. action, they were at a disadvantage, he began to see chaos spreading

Fritz got into the vehicle again, he had to join the others and see what was going to happen.

One stood up and took out a rectangular badge – as a student and graduate of the prestigious Agnus Academy he took control of this battalion.

I jump another guy and take out another rectangular plate – I have the rank 12,432 of the student position

The first one sat down, he had barely reached 15,000

One more person rose – Rank 11,998

At that moment, several were surprised, since Agnus Academy was a renowned place and going this far makes him look like someone important.

Fritz couldn't believe he would do this and pulls out his rectangular license plate – Fritz, license plate 19241029473838daug3793hd938, rank 10,523

They did not have a second in command, this meant that they had to choose an interim commander, which is in the rules where it dictates that if soldiers lose a commander, they can choose a situational leader who will replace the commander's duties until that the mission be completed and the soldier eventually rejoins the ranks awaiting orders from the command center or a minor regent and the minor regent was in the advance so this option was temporary

But a guy stood up out of nowhere - Because those from Agnus Academy have to be the ones to lead us, don't you see it, we are the majority, they went to an academy with a nice name, but in the end we are all soldiers, I propose that Let's all choose our leader, I propose a system in which we are the ones who choose

Fritz blew that rebel soldier's head off

Fritz – Any complaints

They all shook their heads and started shooting, this time without distractions.

Fritz – Shoot and don't let the skeletons get in

*Don't be confused, democracy does not exist in this place, if you want democracy go to a presidential debate, the one who has the greatest power rules here*

Fritz saw that he had about 197 men in his power, 2 fell... One because he was ambushed by a skeleton and the other committed suicide in a mysterious way, reporting that he could not resist the stress, he did not worry, he knew that the empire did not care human life and let's be honest something like a democracy would not be well received, they were indoctrinated to be lambs and he would have won

If there were doubts about my ability he must have been silenced by my actions, no one would hesitate to kill him, even me, but if he was on a higher scale he could survive, the bad side is that if someone with an official rank or a veteran comes He would take over, there were also more soldiers outside who must already be choosing leaders, and as I said, the one who has the biggest power is in charge here.

He watched the skeletons rush to the front

Fritz – Everyone stand back

Freeing up space, each soldier got out of the vehicle and when it was Fritz's turn he felt someone pull his leg. It was the soldier he had just killed. He had black eyes and Fritz fired a crazy shot at his head, but he didn't let go. Another one hit him. jumped on top, it was the soldier who had been ambushed by the skeleton, Fritz was intercepted and thrown to the ground

Fritz grabbed a short sword with one hand and cut off one of his heads, killing him instantly, feeling like his neck was made of jelly, causing instant death. He pushed him to the side and hit the other's face with his foot, escaping. and falling from the vehicle

Fritz – Run

The soldiers did not hesitate and ran to the other vehicle.

For his part, Fritz was still scared, luckily they limited themselves and did not shoot, knowing that he could die, not that he cared about his life, although he was grateful that they had consideration, of course if the situation had been uglier, in that circumstance they would have abandoned him.

The soldiers who were on top of that vehicle were armed, it seemed that they were more focused on pointing their weapons at them than on the skeletons.

One who stood up was in front of everyone, it was obvious that he was a born leader – The commander, where is he?

Fritz – She fell, she was in the first vehicle and it is full of skeletons

The born leader – You don't see it, the back is full of skeletons, both the front and the back are full of skeletons, they are closing us in little by little, the vehicles will be surrounded

Fritz realized that there were skeletons watching them from a distance, most of the soldiers were at the front, but at this point they stopped, they seemed to be waiting for something and he realized, they were trapped and slowly surrounded them.

Fritz with a voice of contemplation – And we will all become dirty monsters if those creatures kill us

The born leader – Don't worry, this is easy to solve, rank 10,623

Fritz – Rank 10,523

The number of soldiers that Fritz had was 397 soldiers and he chose the natural leader as his second in command.

Fritz – What is your name?


Fritz – You will receive orders from Deng because from now on you will be second in command and your mission is to organize a defensive, Deng creates a barricade and keep the skeletons aside, I will go with 50 men to bring more reinforcements

Deng just nods – You heard, get into position!

The two went to their place and Deng asks – Impressive, I worked too hard to get that position, I bet you also stayed up late in the theory exams.

Fritz only had a small silence, after all, he barely reached the minimum in the theoretical exams, in fact, he didn't even study, the only thing he could say that he did related to the academy were those simulations that he did.

Then he watched as Deng began to give orders to the soldiers, he was organizing all the forces, then he noticed a lot of courage in him being a natural leader.

This made him realize that he alone could not win, he needed to bring more soldiers, there were many students from the Agnus Academy, if one had a higher position than him he would be worth a damn, there are 30 thousand students who graduated from his generation, so it was not impossible that one of the graduates had a higher rank than him in theory

Fritz thought that this issue of grades would not be of much use to him, but who would say yes, it was going to be very useful and now the chances of him surviving are in an idiot and he doesn't mind being ordered around by idiots, but at least Be idiots who have been on the battlefield, everyone here is a rookie.

He arrived at the third vehicle and half of the soldiers were decapitated. Both Fritz's men and those in the third vehicle were tense and it was seen that someone was in the front of the vehicle.

Fritz – I introduce myself I am

The short guy in the vehicle – I don't care who you are, let me guess you are looking for soldiers to gather through your academy rank, obviously Agnus the place of nobles, although from your appearance you are not a noble in the slightest, The commander died and now you are gathering more soldiers to fight on the front

Fritz – yes

Fren – I introduce myself, my name is Fren and I want the position of strategist as well as the ability to execute subordinates, don't worry if there is a second in command, I will not get involved in his decisions, only when he proves that he is a complete idiot

Fritz – Granted

Fren – 25 men from this vehicle will accompany you, we had some problems

Fritz just passed by and several soldiers got out of the vehicle and began to accompany Fritz.

Fritz thought that this Fren guy was very strange, he had him listed as a guy who should not be messed with, even his companions were afraid of him, there were about 50 men so he had about 447 soldiers at his disposal and there were about 200 transports, and it only had 3 transports

Fritz continued, managing to join 6 more transports, reaching the figure of 1515 men that were under his control, currently 225 men accompanied him to be part of his trip and in some way he felt safer because he now had the number of a transport

But his surprise was ugly when he found several fallen soldiers, he grabbed the short sword and quickly went after them, his soldiers followed them, several fired from behind, Fritz for his part was in charge with 30 other soldiers to decapitate to those fallen soldiers, it was the only way to kill them

They encountered a force of 10 men who were desperately fighting to survive, to whom they thanked for the reinforcements. If there was one thing Fritz saw, it was that the further they went, the more and more skeletons arrived. Of course, there were many skeletons in front, but they were concentrated. at a single point where they seemed more interested in preventing someone from advancing than in advancing

They were 7 hours from the base so it would take time for the front to regroup, it was no surprise that the battlefield was under siege all the time, but I never expected the walls to be breached, it was obvious that they were the objectives, the simple matter was The fact that they had so many rookies on their hands is a perfect opportunity, he had to wait for reinforcements

??? – Since you dare to make me wait so long, I will accuse you to my father!

Fritz – Who are you?

??? – Didn't they teach you manners? You should be grateful to be in my presence, I am Ronal Feriz Acu Fervius, the seventh son of the

Fritz didn't hesitate for a second and blew that nobleman's head off or that's what he wanted, but if he really came from an important family he didn't want the elite investigating him, the guys have murderers like sex slaves who were brainwashed in such a way. So they can only sleep if they have killed someone and that someone didn't want to be them, they are guys you don't want to mess with.

Everyone looked a little skeptical, something small looked

Ronal just sighed and took out a round medal, you could see how it was a pickaxe and a sword inside the sun itself, it was definitely a medal from a nobleman.

The attitude they had towards Fritz took a 180 degree turn, since in this life no one would be stupid enough to wear a noble medal without being noble or having the authorization of the same.

Fritz – Mr. Fervius, I regret not having recognized a nobleman of your caliber

Ronal – Good, from now on you are under my jurisdiction

Fritz- Mr. Ronal, if you allow me to be impertinent

Ronal – Make it quick and make it worth it

Fritz – We have to go for the vehicles to reinforce a front that we are building, we need all the men

Ronal – Well let's return to that front to

Fritz – We need more men to cope

Ronal – You are rebelling, that is punishable by death!

Fritz felt several weapons pointed at him.

Fritz – Don't you see it, don't you see this fantastic opportunity

Ronal raises an eyebrow and moves his hands to signal them to lower their weapons.

Fritz – There are two problems, the front and the back that we are surrounded

Ronal nods.

Fritz – Everything is chaos, most of them are in groups scattered everywhere

Ronal nods.

Fritz – But what if all those soldiers are under the command of Ronal Fervius, the nobleman who united the rookies and forged a resistance

Ronal – what do I gain?

Fritz – Glory, your name will be praised, you will put the Fervius family on top, this place will remember such a feat and that it was you who guided them

Ronal – and then I could stand out among my stupid brothers

Fritz smiles knowing that he escaped certain death

Fritz – Let's put your name up high

Ronal – How many people do they have?

Fritz – 1525 counting on this vehicle

Ronal – But we don't have more than 300 in our ranks

Fritz – We grab 25 from each car and the rest go to the front

Ronal – This is unacceptable

Fritz – Sir, we all make sacrifices, furthermore this army will slowly grow and will be an unstoppable force. Currently our strength will surpass any tank

Fritz noticed that several soldiers were approaching them, he could estimate a force of 800 men.

Fritz – It is the first important group, most of our forces are on the front, but it would be a great annexation

Torrent – ​​I am Torrent from the prestigious Agnus Academy and I am rank 9,345

Ronal took out the round medal that endorsed him as a nobleman.

Fritz looked at how Torrent arrogance had suddenly subsided.