
I don't want this novel

what would you do if you get transported into your own novel? Hiraya a novice novel writer got transported to his own novel but slowly the plot of his original novel change bit by bit. how is that possible? Everything that he had wrote is slowly changing. is it even his own novel anymore? Or does it belong to someone else now? the question is who is rewriting his novel? And what is more in-store for our protagonists in his journey in his novel?

Useless_Child · Fantasy
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20 Chs

CHAPTER 14: Battle against shadows (second part)

I look at outside the window where there are no clouds and no moon on the sky, just a pit of darkness covering the night sky. "Ay berhen Maria!" I jump up from my sit out of being suprise due to how loud Zagreus slam the books on the table. "Did that wake you up?" smirking his face at me, I just rolled my eyes at him and grab one of the books that was piled up on the table.

"These books are dusty, where on earth did you get this from?" I blowed the dust off the book and opened it. "The old centuries section in the library" he answered me while flipping pages on the book. "What are we looking for?" I asked "creepers" he answered. I look down on my book and flip the pages of it for a few minutes. "FOUND IT" I yelled making my voice echoed through out the library "read it" he commanded "Creepers are shadow like creatures that lurk around the north side of Alac.

These creatures feed on the spirts of humans to so they can continue to roam in this world." I flip the page and continue on "Creeper are creatures from the underworld, souls that brings death to others in order to summon the creatures-" I paused "continue on" "I can't, the page was rip of the book" I showed him the book "see" I told him.

"Hmm" He look out the cold dark sky as if he is drowning himself in his own world. As we are in silent a load scream shook me from my gaze of him and Ashir; the annoying boy from earlier cam bursting out the door "YOUR HIGHNESS WE HAVE ANOTHER VICTIM" the boy scream out "show us" both of us got out of our sits and rush down through the long hallway of the palace.

"Did you the both of you find anything on the sacrifice body?" I asked them "Yes, we found a burn mark on the back of the neck of the victim, it shape like a" he stractch his head try to figure out what he is about to say next "a knife" Ashir speak out.

Ashir opened the door to one of the guest room in the palace, we're greeted by a cold pale lifeless body of a noble blood laying dead on the floor of the room, the maid near the bathroom door looked in horror looking at her mistress lifeless body.

She must be the one who screamed. Another person came in the room "OLIVIA" another noble came in trying to hold the woman's body but was stop by Ashir from getting near "UNHAND ME THAT IS MY WIFE" he screamed out while holding his tears on the sight of seeing his wife.

He turned to the maid that was sitting on the floor and shouted "YOU! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HER?!" he screamed. Zagreus signed Ashir to get the man away from here and he did so closing the door. Making the room fill in silence. Both Zagreus and the boy examine the body while I came over to the maid to calm her down "It wasn't me" she murmured over and over again. I squat down to her and calm her down and look at the back of her neck "it was the witch" she said "what did she look like?" I asked her.

She look up at me with horror on her eyes "I didn't saw her face but I saw that she had long black hair and then she walk to my mistress and summon those things" she said with a shaky voice "and then those those things went inside of her and made her pale by the second and then she drop down the ground but" she said tears rolling down her eyes "but I just stood there and watch I couldn't do anything to help my mistress" she cried burying her head to my chest.

I slowly help her got up on her feet and escorted out of the room, I told one of the guards to take care of her and I told her that we will be handling this to minimise her worry but I doubt that.

I walk over to Zagreus and examine the corp on the floor. Zagreus brush off some hair at the back of the neck of the woman, there was a freshly burn mark that is same to the maid earlier. I tap Zagreus shoulder and whispered to him the information that I got from the maid. Zagreus got up from his position and said the time of hunting is now.

"Hunting?" I blurted out, He look at me and shirk, like he had a devious plan up on his sleeve and his eyes says that I'm not going to like what he had instore for me.