
Thinking About Life

As I ran for my life I kept looking around to see if anyone came after me but nobody did. I also, checked to see if guards were outside but none were around. I smiled as I ran past the front yard and into the street. I kept running and thought about my way here from last night. There was only trees around as I came from the jet to the mansion. "No negative thoughts! Just keep running!" I stopped to catch my breath and looked around as there was only trees. "I don't care. I will hide in the trees if I have too. To take a break and keep going." I said.

I started to jog and saw a sign that said "Gas station 1.5 miles away."

"Great!" I smiled as I ran towards that direction.

As I got closer there was some cars and I ran faster.

"Please! Someone help me!" I yelled as I got closer.

"Are you okay?!" A woman asked as she looked like the owner of the store.

"Please! I need a ride to get home!" I said desperately.

"I'll call a taxi but are you ok?" She asked with concern.

"Yes just please hurry!" I shouted at her as she took out her phone.

"Oh! Well look at that! You're in luck today." She glanced up behind me.

I looked back and it was a taxi that was going to get gas. "Oh my goodness! Thank you!" I shouted as I smiled. I ran towards it and I asked the guy if he could take me home.

The ride was quiet and I held my head as I had a horrible headache. I hadn't eaten since yesterday and I was feeling weak.

After, awhile I made it to my apartment and asked the taxi to wait so I could get money. I looked under the mat and my spare key was there. I ran inside and recalled I didn't have my purse with me because Suga took it. I ran to my savings shoe box and took some money. I ran downstairs and gave him the money. I quickly went upstairs as I was terrified of being outside. I sat in my couch and rinsed my fingers through my hair. I took out the gun out of my pants and put it beside me. "Suga will come and find me if I stay here." I thought. "No wait. He wouldn't risk his pretty face, it would harm his company and himself" I said in calm voice.

I made myself something to eat and thought about my job. Then I thought about the gas station how I lied to her. "Suga probably is the owner of that place and many more companies. He probably owns her and the rest of the people around him. So, they won't snitch on him or they could be scared of what Suga could do." I smacked my lips as I recalled the bruise on it. I winced in pain and thought how bad my life had changed. "Good thing I ran away and the people around me will defend me." I smiled as I thought.

I went to shower and thought about where would I work now or if I should still work there. I didn't care if he had my stuff because I only had a few dollars in my account. I don't think he would want a few dollars when he's filthy rich.

I got out the shower and brought the gun with me. I sticked the gun under the pillow next to me as I got in bed. "Home sweet home." I said before drifting to sleep.

The next morning I woke up kind of nervous because I was scared Suga would appear in my apartment ready to kill me. I was eatting some waffles as I thought what would I do today. I looked out my window at the parking lot to see if I saw anyone familiar or any of Suga's cars. I just saw the one's that were usually there from my neighbors. I sighed in a nervous way as I got another purse and put my spare key inside and Suga's gun. I got out of the apartment and walked towards the end of the hall. Honestly, I was shaking to death that Suga would be around or stalking me. However, he can't because he has business in India to handle. I walked around the corner and bumped into someone hard. I got pushed back a little because of the velocity of the other person. Thankfully, he grabbed my hand so I wouldn't lose my balance.

"Hey are you ok?! I'm sorry I didn't see you." The male voice said.

"I'm so sorry I was walking in a rush that I got distracted and didn't see you. Oh and thank you so much but I am fine" I quickly said as I felt myself blush because he was just stareing at me.

"Are you sure?" He looked at my lip as he asked.

"Oh I already had that! Don't worry." I said as I nodded with a smile.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't introduce myself to you." He said in a panic way as he took out his hand for me to shake. "My name is Jackson."

I took my gaze off of his dark eyes and glanced down at his big pale hand. Reminding me of Suga's beautiful pale skin and other features.

I sighed as I kind of didn't know if I was missing him or I was just scared.

I reached out my hand and shaked it as I said "My name is Nammi."

He didn't let go of my hand and asked again with more concern "Are you sure your ok?"

I chuckled as I let go of his pale hand. I put some of my hair behind my ear and glanced towards the parking lot.

"Yes, I'm fine and thank you again." I said as I walked around him to get to the stairs behind him.

"Hey! Wait, Nammi!" Jackson shouted behind me.

I ran down the stairs as I heard him calling me. He catched up as we both made it to the bottom. He got infront of me which made it hard for me to look up at him because of the sun. I put my hand inches away from my face to block the sun from attacking my eyes. I hummed in response.

"Do you live here?" Jackson asked.

I frowned my eyes in confusion and asked "Why?"

He chuckled and said "It's because I just moved here." He blushed as he continued to talk. "I really would like you to be my friend. I don't have anybody around here that I know."

I softly made a sad face and said "Yeah but I think I may move."

"What? Really?" He asked with a sad tone.

I chuckled and said "Don't tell me your getting attached to me."

He played with his fingers as he said "I really wanted a friend." Jackson glanced down at my lip and asked "Can I know why your leaving?"

I looked away and said "I think it would be safe and better for me to leave. I think I need to start off somewhere else and not live here anymore."

Jackson grabbed my chin softly and turned my head around. He smiled as he said "If you need anything just call me." He let go of my chin and walked off.

I looked at him confused as he walked away and I shouted "You don't even know me!"

He turned around and shouted "I don't need to know you; to help you!"

I turned around and felt myself confused. "This guy barely knows me and already cares about me." I nodded my head sideways as I thought.

I went to my old job and told them I had a family thing going on. They didn't believe me until I told them I was going to get married. I got congratulated but then they got sad. I informed them I wouldn't be working there anymore. They understood and gave me my paycheck. I walked out and went to a new phone company. I decided to change my number as I got a free phone. As I walked I looked around to see if anyone was following me but to my luck no one was. I smiled as I got on the bus and waited to be transported to the other side of town.

"Maybe I should stay in the apartments. I think it would safer because the people there already know me. I have a better chance that I would be saved and helped there. If I move no one will help because they wouldn't want to be involved in any problems." I thought during my ride.

After, awhile I made it to the other side of town and went to go apply at a small store. It seemed like they sold only things that would be sold for a dollar. I got hired right away as they just needed one more helper. They just needed me to stock the shelfs with merchandize and I could go home after that. There were three other employees and each got a row.

I stayed to start my job and start earning money.

It was time to go home and I was kind of nervous. Suga would probably know by now what I did but at the sametime I didn't care. As I walked to the bus stop I looked around and even when I got on the bus. I was the last one on the bus and the last ride for tonight. So, I got to be dropped off right infront of the apartments. I felt really happy for that and as I made my way up the stairs I looked around. I frowned my eyebrows in confusion as I heard groans from a male voice. When I finally reached the top and headed towards my door I saw Jackson. He was standing infront of a door with a tool in his hand.

"Hey! What are you doing?!" I yelled as I saw him distroying the door.

"Ah! Nammi help me. I left my door keys inside my apartment. How can I be so dumb?" Jackson pouted as he put his face against his door and groaned.

"You live next to me then? Oh well that's great but the office is closed. You will have to wait until tomorrow to get new keys." I said with a sad tone.

"Can I barrow a blanket? I think all stores are closed by now." Jackson said as he turned to look at me with hopeful eyes.