
I Don't Want Her [Min Yoongi]

Suga says he doesn't want or need her. Nammi doesn't like anybody in the gang or him. Will they fall for eachother? Did his mom do the right thing? Will she escape or will she stay?

thatfgshirt · TV
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46 Chs

The Cell

The guys kept talking and I was just thinking as I ate. How I was now a slave to this guy called Suga. I was going to have a kid that would be his and I would be tied to him forever. I would have to live with all this going around me like it were normal. My eyes widen as I recalled the accident. I looked around for a television and there was none. I sighed in relief because I didn't know if anybody was looking for me. Honestly, I didn't know if I wanted to be in jail or stuck with Suga forever. However, the scene was just an accident and I didn't mean for any of this to happen. So there is hope that I can get out of all of this. I thought as I smiled widely.

Suga stared at me as he beat me at eating and I felt his stares as I looked at him.

"What?" I asked hoping he didn't see me smiling.

Suga looked away and towards the guys.

"Get down!" Jimin shouted as we heard the glass from the restaurant shatter in pieces.

Suga didn't waste time as he grabbed my hand and pulled me down on the ground. We hid under the table and I put my hands over my ears. The noise of gunshots were the only thing we heard around.

"Lets go!" Suga shouted.

The guys nodded and started to crawl towards the back door. I kept down over my knees and Suga grabbed my hand.

"Come on!" Suga shouted.

I wanted to cry as I looked up at him from the floor.

"No! I don't want too!" I said as I was at the edge of losing myself.

Suga looked towards the back door and the guys were gone.

"You'll die here! Nammi lets go trust me!" Suga tried to calm me down but my heart was a mess.

Suga crawled away from me and I saw him.

"No! Wait!" I crawled behind him as we made it outside.

Suga got up and held out his hand for me to grab. I looked at his hand and took it. I got up and as we were about to run towards his car. The police were already surrounding the restaurant.

"Put your hands up!" A police officer said that seemed to know English very well.

I smiled as I put my hands up in the air. "Finally free!" I thought.

Suga didn't seem to happy about anything but he put his hands in the air.

As the police officer's came and arrested me I looked around and the guys weren't around. I frowned as I wanted them in jail for everything they have done to me. Now they will help Suga get out or they will leave him in here.

They put us in separate cars but we went to the same police station. I was put in a cell right across from Suga's. "I'll be out in no time and most importantly, free!" I smiled as I thought.

A police officer came after awhile and took me out. Suga didn't even look as he was sitting on the floor thinking.

I was handcuffed and put in a small room. The police officer sat me down and sat across from me. He had a yellow envelope in his hands and put it on the table.

"Your name is Nammi and your from America. You worked in a small store and now your here." He waited for me to agree.

"Yes!" I smiled as he had it all right and I was only mintues away from freedom.

He took out some pictures and lay it infront of me on the table. My eyes widen as I saw them and I looked at the police officer.

"You came to my country to kill one of the members of the aam aadmi party and one of his men. You will pay for this!" The police officer leaned in my face as he shouted.

"Tell me how you killed him!" He shouted again.

"I didn't mean to but-" I wanted to cry as I stuttered.

"But what!" He slammed his hands on the table as he got up from his chair.

I flinched as I said "He was going to rape me so I shot him and the other guy."

"You got in his car because you wanted to steal his money! Don't lie! We know girls like you come here to steal people's money or have fun with men!" He pointed at me as he shouted.

"That's a lie! I would never steal his money or go with him anywhere! He is ugly and old! If that guy didn't come and kidnapped me from the club I wouldn't have shot him!" I shouted angrily.

"See you were at the club!" He smiled as he made his point.

"No! I was forced to be there! You see I'm being forced to be here too! I should be in America and not here!" I tried to calm down before I lost my temper.

He laughed and asked "By who?"

"Suga." I calmly said.

"Who?" He looked at me confused.

"Suga the guy that was arrested with me" I said as I looked up at him.

"His name isn't Suga. His name is Min Yoongi and owns a big company in America. Soon he will build a company here too." He walked behind me and waited for my response.

"It doesn't matter that guy and Yoongi were in the club together. They were having a meeting and I'm pretty sure it was about something bad. They started shooting eachother and I escaped from the back. That's how I ended with him in the car. That politican guy was in some dirty business just like Yoongi. I was kidnapped by Yoongi first and then that guy!" I said as he stayed still in the back.

He laughed and asked "Do you hear yourself? How dumb you sound?"

"What you think I'm making this up?!" I shouted towards the glass window that was infront of me and I could see his reflection.

"You will stay here in jail! Justice will be made for both of them!" He standed infront of me and said "Leave Mr. Min out of all of your lies! You disgust me and you will die behind those filthy bars!" He aggressively said.

"I am innocent and you have no proof against me that I did it on purpose." I said.

"We have the bullets, your fingerprints every where in the scene and your saliva on him. Everything shows that you went to the club to seduce him and take his money. No witness that says other wise but yourself and that doesn't count." He was about to walk out before he said "Mr.Min the guy you said kidnapped you is free. I thought maybe it would make you happy too."

The door closed and I was left alone a few seconds. I was put back in the same cell and looked across. Suga wasn't there anymore and it was true that he left this place. "You know what atleast I'll have a free place to stay and have food in jail." I thought as I tried to cheer myself up a little.

My cell was opened and I quickly looked over towards the door. It was three women around their 30's and they didn't look friendly at all. The police officer locked the door. Which made my heart thump a little faster as I saw them have pocket knife's in their hands.

"Meet the three daughters of the guy from the club. Oh and have fun!" He said as he walked off.

I quickly went to the corner of the cell and said "You guys don't understand what your father was going to do to me! Stay back! I don't want to die or kill you too."

They came closer and yelled at me in their language.

"Maybe it's not a good idea to stay here after all." The last words I thought before they were inches away from me.