
I Don't Want a Divorce[BL]

Brian, stuck in a loveless marriage with his military-obsessed husband William, is at his wit's end. William, who bolted for the barracks the day after their wedding, has been MIA for three years, leaving Brian hanging on tenterhooks with only sporadic, nerve-wracking updates about his safety. But Brian's got a plan. He slaps down a divorce agreement, not out of spite, but as a crafty strategy to reel William back in. It's a high-stakes gamble, a desperate bid to make William realize he can't just leave their home in the rearview mirror. Amidst the chaos, their love for each other is the only constant, a beacon in the storm. Will Brian's bold move pay off? Can their love survive the trials and tribulations thrown their way? Only time will tell.

Jade_Quill · LGBT+
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55 Chs

Chapter 17

"Weren't you supposed to call home after every mission? Did you never call?" The higher-ups stared at William, disbelief written all over their faces.

"I only told my mom," William admitted, as if it had never crossed his mind that he was married.

"Three years, five phone calls. You can check my phone; that's how many times he called me. During New Year and Mid-Autumn Festival, and those calls were only because his mother forced him to. Any other news, I had to hear from our parents. Sirs, give me one good reason not to divorce. Is wanting a peaceful life too much to ask? Military marriages need legal protection, but what about the struggles of military spouses? Do the higher-ups ever consider that?"

The higher-ups were at a loss for words. Brian's demand for a divorce, simply seeking an end to a loveless marriage and not having to worry about someone he felt disconnected from, was not unreasonable.

"William, William, Brian's demands are not unreasonable. You've really let him down, man. Didn't you realize you were married? You should have called your partner as well as your parents. At least let him know you're safe,"

"No wonder it's come to this. You've brought this upon yourself,"

Seeing that the higher-ups were conceding, William grew restless.

"Brian, can you give me some time? Please don't rush into signing the papers. Let's start over. I know it's been hard for you. I don't want to compensate you, I care for you. I want to take care of you, really. Consider this a probation period, can you give me that?"

Brian didn't respond, just walked behind his desk and lit a cigarette.

"I'll take whatever you throw at me, whatever you say. I know you're heartbroken. You've done so much and I've said I don't love you. I didn't love you before, but I will in the future. I've hurt you, and I understand if you're furious. If you want to kill me, I get it. I'm right here, do what you want. Just give me some time, I won't let you suffer anymore," William pleaded.

"Brian, give him some time. Consider it like bail. If he doesn't change, or you still feel he's not right for you, we won't stop you from divorcing," one of the higher-ups suggested.

The door swung open as Nina Li, dragging William's father, Jay, and Belle Mi, barged in.

Jay also had a pleading look on his face. "Brian, I apologize. It's my fault for not raising him right, and he's upset you. Please give him a chance, for the sake of your grandfather."

"Brian, how about giving it another shot?" Belle Mi chimed in.

Brian rubbed his temples, looking torn, and sighed deeply without saying a word.

"Kid, we'll give William a six-month leave, so he can treat you right. During this time, if he mistreats you or if you're not satisfied, and you want a divorce, we won't stop you," one of the higher-ups promised.

"Let's give it another shot. Let's put the divorce on hold and give him some time. Don't give up just yet. Give it one more try, and if it doesn't work out, we can talk about it then," the other higher-up added.

"Brian, please," William pleaded once more.

Brian dropped his hand from his forehead and looked around the room. Everyone's eyes were fixed on him, full of hope. He glanced at William.

"William, you know I've put a lot into this marriage and I'm exhausted. These three years waiting for you to come back, enduring loneliness and handling work and family matters, that's all small stuff. I'm a man; I can handle it. I used to have hopes for you, and a single call from you would keep me going. But you know the main reason our marriage has come to this? There's no love. You don't even acknowledge that we're married. What do marriage and I mean to you? I can give you a chance, but can you give love? I don't want to drag this on and end up in the same place, not seeing any hope in our marriage. I'm really worn out," Brian spoke earnestly.

"I can give love. I'll get to know you, respect you, and cherish you. I'll treat you as a partner and won't neglect you anymore," William hurriedly made a string of promises, as if saying, 'Just don't divorce me, and I'll court you from scratch.'

"Look, my parents and my mother-in-law, and my superiors are all here. They can vouch for me. I'll keep my word, treat you well, and do what a husband and partner should do. I'll treat you like royalty. If I fail, you can divorce me. Just give me a chance, okay?" William's voice was desperate.

Brian looked at his parents, who were nodding vigorously. "If he misbehaves or treats you poorly, I'll disown him," Nina declared.

"Brian, if it doesn't work out and you're disappointed, I'll leave with you. I won't miss this life," Belle assured him.

Brian looked at the higher-ups. General Liu and Director Gu quickly spoke up.

"We'll grant William a six-month leave. He won't be assigned any missions and will only need to attend regular military training. We'll give you plenty of time to work on your relationship,"

"If he continues to be irresponsible and doesn't value you, we'll discharge him from the military," General Liu added.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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