
I don't love

Love is beautiful as well as scary. When a fearful lover, Anamika meets the one who knows love, Vihaan Oberoi...it's confusing. As they get to know each other, both feel a different love they never experienced before.

Zoyaa53 · Urban
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26 Chs

Run away

A calm and single life. That was all I wanted from life. I didn't dream of having chaos or especially love in my life.

Love was hard, uncomfortable for me. So I was going to run away from love when I find it.

I almost gag at my friend's boyfriend, trying so hard.

Mira, my other bestfriend and I share a look, trying not to laugh.

I clear my throat. "Let me get our drinks." I say.

"Let me come with you." Mira says. We escape before they could stop us. Niya gives us a look but her boyfriend looked like he wanted to talk to her.

I pick our tray of four mojitos and two french fries.

"I'm never falling in love. Ever." I say.

Mira chuckles. "People who usually say this...want love but are scared. So they say they don't want love. All my books say that people who avoid love, find it first."

"You and your boo-"

The tray falls off my hands and the drinks spill all over someone. The person turns around and sighs before giving me a glare.

No no no. This was not happening. Please god not again.

"Anamika." My boss and the man I just spilled drinks on says in a controlled voice.

"I'm so so so so-

"Cut it out." He interrupts me.

"Sorry." I say anyway.

He shakes his head as he inches forward. I gulp and try to move my legs but they are sort of frozen just like me.

Our faces are just a little far from each other, eyes staring hard. His are filled with a emotion I never understood. Mine are filled with the same fear I have towards him. One I have been hiding since the last one year.

This is my story.