
I don't love

Love is beautiful as well as scary. When a fearful lover, Anamika meets the one who knows love, Vihaan Oberoi...it's confusing. As they get to know each other, both feel a different love they never experienced before.

Zoyaa53 · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 9

One month later,

"I can't believe you're married now." Mira says with a pout. She didn't get all the celebration she'd dreamed of. It was a simple signing ceremony and exchange of garlands.

I don't say anything to her. My heart still started beating every time the thought I was married now passed through my mind.

"I'll miss you." Mira says hugging me. She must be really emotional to do so.

"I don't want to leave you two alone." I hold her tightly.

"Wait." She pulls out suddenly. "Don't change your mind now."

"I'm not. I plan on telling mom." I say shocking them.

"She will bury us all six feet down. Don't tell her I was involved." Niya says. So much for supportive friends.

I roll my eyes. "I have a plan."

"Mom." I sigh and turn around to see Sam standing with his pink crayon in his hand.

"Don't call...fine." I forgot I was married now. I had no choice but to go with flow. I had his father pay my fees anyway.

"What do you need, Sam?" I ask. I still didn't forget that he had tricked me into buying him an ice cream. Plus kids were a headache. My mom said so.

"Nothing." He says and walks out of the room. The place was so big that it was uncomfortable. And the kid was weird. Today was Sunday so it was holiday for all.

I had to talk about things to Mr.Oberoi when I had the time.

"What are you doing?" I jump in my place.


Mr.Oberoi narrows his eyes in suspicion. But gives up when I shrug.

"I need to talk to you." I tell him.

I take three bowls out and scoop ice cream in them. I hand over one to Mr.Oberoi and bring the rest two to the table.

"Sam." I call out. He'd not reply but would surely come. He's not stayed far from me since I arrived the morning.

"What?" Mr.Oberoi asks as I stare at him with the thought if I had the right to make changes in his life.


"I'm here." Sam walk in and take his seat beside his father on the long dining room.

"Can I get one more scoop?" He asks with such an innocent facade. He was a brat in real.

"Nope." I say.

When I turn to Mr.Oberoi, he had a small, soft smile as he watched. I look at him in confusion. He shakes his head.

"So..." I start. "Let's get to an agreement."

"And that is?" Sam asks with his mouth full. It reminded me of Niya.

"I'm just suggesting this but..." I say slowly.

"How about we move in a smaller home?" Sam cuts me off. I'm in shock as I stare at him. How did this happen. Did he read my mind?

"Sam." Mr.Oberoi sighs. "We've talked about this before."

"Why can't we move into a smaller home?" I ask.

"Because." He has nothing to say.

"Please." I ask. "This house is too big. Can't we just move into a smaller apartment? Wouldn't it benefit us all? We'll all be comfortable there."

Deep stares are being exchanged as an oblivious kid licks the bowl of his ice cream.

"Just think about it once please." I say.

Mr.Oberoi sighs. He nods.

"I'll try seaching for one." He says.

"How about the one where I live? The one next door is empty since the tenant moved just three months ago. There's this park near it. There'll be a lot of kids for Sam to play with-"

"We get it." Sam cuts me off.

"I'll look into it." Mr.Oberoi says.

I nod. We all finish our ice creams in a nice comfortable silence.

The bowls are put into the basin and all three of us go back to our own rooms. Even though we were married for a month, I only came here for a few hours everyday. But today I had officially moved in here.

I follow Mr.Oberoi to his...no our room. I feel shivers down my spine even thinking about the small space we would share.

We stand awkwardly at the door. What next?

My bags are lying around. I walk in first and move them aside. I pick my basic night clothes and walk towards the bathroom. I quickly change and get out. I wish I hadn't come out at this particular time.

My eyes glance at his shirtless body. Those muscles and abs looked so...

"Take your time." I look at him with a confused look.

"For what?" I ask.

"Doing what you were." He smirks.

Oh. I must've been too obvious.

"I wasn't staring at your body." I tell him which was a mistake.

"I never said anything." He pulls a shirt over his body. This Mr.Oberoi looked so different from what I knew. The Mr.Oberoi I knew in the office always overlooked me. But here he was different in some ways.

"Which side do you prefer?" He points at the bed.

"Right." He climbs over to the left side. I lay down on the right side.


"What?" Mr.Oberoi asks.

"Sam." I say. "Did you tuck him in?"

"He doesn't nee-"

I rush to Sam's room. The lights were on. He sat on his bed reading a story book.

"Why are you still up?" I ask.

I'd seen Mira stay awake all night to read novels. I didn't want this child to do that at such young age.

"Mom." He says as if acknowledging me.

"Yes, Sam." I say taking the book away from him. He is reluctant for a second but lets go eventually. I put it on the table beside his bed.

"Nothing." He says. That was his usual response.

"Now you're going to bed." I say. He looks at me contemplating then he nods.

"Good night." I put him to bed and close his door.

Mr.Oberoi was standing outside the room with the same soft smile that i didn't understand.

"Thank you." He says.