
I don't love

Love is beautiful as well as scary. When a fearful lover, Anamika meets the one who knows love, Vihaan Oberoi...it's confusing. As they get to know each other, both feel a different love they never experienced before.

Zoyaa53 · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 8

For one week we pretended like everything was how it was before. I had the same routine like before.

Five days later, I was finally free from my job of one year and I didn't have to work from now on except for my expenses. I could finally live a normal life. I had no goals that were thrilling or exciting. I wanted a peaceful and calm voice.

We had a last nice dinner with a few colleagues. I'd miss some of them who were friendly to me.

Today I had a lot of plans. We were going to have a relaxing weekend-my girls and me.

When I reach home I find both of them lying on the congested couch. They were too lazy to even walk till their room.

"Let's start from ordering something." I say as I put my bag down and climb over them. Niya groans and Mira falls off. I am pushed down by Niya. I land safely thanks to Mira who must've broke her ribs. I wasn't exactly a light person.

"God loose some weight or I'll die the next time you fall on me." She says pushing me off her. We lay side by side as we stare at the ceiling.

"I'm about to get married in a week." I say after a minute of silence.

"What all dreams I had about your wedding." Mira sighs loudly.

"I didn't even dream about marrying." I reply.

"Your phone, Ika." Niya hands over or rather throws my handbag at me. It hits my face and falls into my lap.

It was my ex-boss. I pick it up.

"Dress up in fifteen minutes. I'll pick you up. And text me your address." He says and cuts the call.

"What the fuck?" I yell.

"What's wrong?" Mira asks sitting up.

"He just called me to tell me to get ready in fifteen minutes. He's picking me up." I say annoyed. "What am I supposed to do in fifteen minutes?"

Niya and Mira look at each other. "You have your priorities wrong. That is why your life is a mess."

In fifteen minutes, I'm ready with the help of my friends. It was rushed but I still looked humane.

Mr.Oberoi and his expensive car stops before our building. He comes and opens the door for me. I hear a whistle. He tenses for a moment as he searches the source.

"Don't worry." I tell him as I make myself comfortable. "It's just Niya teasing me."

He relaxes hearing that.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To meet my son."

"What?" I almost scream. "You should've told me before."

"What would it change?" He asks. That bad man.

"Right. You wouldn't care anyway." I say bitterly as I look out of the window. He would never understand how sensitive I am.

The car is quiet after what I said. He doesn't even ask me what is wrong. We hadn't even started yet and I was already having my feelings hurt.

The car stops before a bungalow. This man sure was loaded.

It was a cream and brown bungalow. The gate opens and we drive inside through the path. He drops me before the building and gets down too. A man in white takes the car to park it god knows where. It wasn't an exaggeration to say it was a big place. My house was a small two bedroomed house that my mother bought after...nothing.

"Your house is big." I tell him the obvious. "And beautiful."

Inside it was woody color and cream. It looked nothing less than the house I saw in the movies.

"Thank you. I'm happy you like it." He says with a smile. Damn those dimples for making me forget I was angry.

The smile I almost gave him was snatched off at the reminder of that day. I turn my face and walk away even though I didn't know where.

"Hey. Are you mad about something?" He asks catching up.

"I don't know. I wouldn't be mad unless you took the elevator without me. Did you?" I ask.

"Is that about that day?" He asks. "I...I just wanted to have a chat without you with your friend. And I was mad at you."

"I should be the one who's mad." I insist. "What did I do?"

"Flirt with Mr.Rao again maybe?" He says irritated.

"We're even then." I say. "Nobody remains mad at anybody."

He chuckles. I smile.

He leads me to a room that contrasted with the other room doors. I bet there were nearly three bedrooms downside. Other than that I saw a gym room, playroom and some others that I could not be sure about.

The door said 'A prince lives here.' What the fuck? Who writes that despite their age?

Mr.Oberoi knocks on the door. Wow. My mother would've just let herself in without any formality. The girls kicked open each other's doors all the time.

"Yes?" A voice answers.

"It's me, Sam." Mr.Oberoi says unlike himself. He had a softer tone and if I was not mistaken then it was a bit childish. I wondered how he was when he was not working. How he would be like...a husband?

We walk into a pastel green color room. The walls were filled with different stickers of cartoons and fauna.

The little brat i saw that day stands before us with a pink color crayon in his hand. He stares at me with judging look and finally says, "Is this my new mom?"