
I don't love

Love is beautiful as well as scary. When a fearful lover, Anamika meets the one who knows love, Vihaan Oberoi...it's confusing. As they get to know each other, both feel a different love they never experienced before.

Zoyaa53 · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 7

I gulp everytime our eyes meet in the office. He kept smirking and I kept panicking. At the rate he was staring at me, I was sure someone would catch up. Just six more days and I don't have to come here again. Except as his wife ofcourse.

At twelve in the noon, I go to give him his usual coffee like everyday. He was working.

I knock on the door and let myself in. When our eyes meet he smiles at me unlike before when he did not even acknowledge my existence before. The sudden change made me wonder what he meant by wanting me.

I put the mug on his desk and was about to leave when he stopped me by catching my wrist. It wasn't painful but the hold was strong.

"Stay here for a few minutes." He says looking straight into my eyes. It sounded like all-an order, a request.

"I can't-"

"Please." I think for a seconf before giving up. He gets up and pulls a chair over for me to sit beside him.

We sit in awkward silence for a minute. I fiddle with my fingers and he's looking at me.

"Do I make you that nervous?" He asks.

He does. He was one intimidating man.

"No." I lie. He knows it's a lie but doesn't point it out.

"You know Mr. Rao?" He asks slowly.

"I do." I tell him. Mr.Rao was one of his employee. We had a friendly relationship. He would occasionally flirt to which I seldom responded. But why was he asking about him now?

"I hope you stop flirting with him." His voice is stern. Was he jealous? Probably not. It was more like an order.

"Yes sir." I respond.

"Do you really have to call me sir when we are alone?" He has one of his eye brow raised.

"Should I not call you sir, sir?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Mr.Oberoi." I more of ask then tell.

"For now." He mumbles.

I wait till seven again.


It was a message from Jay.

Jay- Waiting.

I sigh. Just five more days to go. Then I won't have to wait for my boss to leave so I leave.

Dot on seven he comes out of his office. I stand up quickly as i pick my things. He glances at me once but doesn't wait. Meanie.

Before I reach the lift he closes the door. Was he mad at me or something? I think about all the things I did that could provoke him.

My mind goes to Mr.Rao. Was it because of him? But I did not flirt back today. And even if I did he didn't have the right to treat me like this.

But this was life. The affection one has today won't be the same tomorrow. This is why love was scary.

I take the stairs instead.

I was so not athletic. Till the time I come down I am panting and sweating.

I see Mingyu talking to someone. I wave at him. He smirks and gestures me to come to him.

I was hesitant, seeing he had company but go and instantly feel like running away.

I glare at Mr.Oberoi slightly. He left me alone back and here he was, talking to my friend.

"I was just talking to your boss, Ika." Jay says in a suggestive tone. I nod not getting what he was getting at.

"And also her fiancee." Mr.Oberoi intervenes.

My face is red from anger as well as embarrassment. My fiancee. I wanted to shout to the world that I was getting married. But that was only because I was confused. Me wanting to get married was one of the biggest plot twists in my life.

"Is he your 'fiancee'?" He kept highlighting the word fiancee on purpose.

I frown at him. What was he...Oh.

"What about us then? Am I nothing to you now?" He asks dramatically. To me it looked fake but to someone else it might have looked real. I didn't know what it looked like to Mr.Oberoi.

"It's..." I say joining his act. This was for leaving me behind, Mr.Oberoi.

"I'm still yours, Jay." I take his hand in mine. "This is just a marriage. My heart lies with you."

I glance at Mr.Oberoi. His jaw was clutched and eyes throwing fireballs at us. He needed that. I was a bit scared for Jay but I didn't want to back off. I wanted to test the waters. How far will he let it go?

"Is that true?" Jay asks as he stares at me with his puppy eyes.

"Ofcourse, baby."

That did it. Mr.Oberoi lost his cool. In a moment, I was pulled towards him. I crashed into his chest as he held my wrist tightly.

"I am your husband." He says in a controlled but stern tone. "You do not call anyone baby in front of me."

"I can do that behind your back then?" I ask tilting my head to the left a little as I blink innocently.

"You are not doing it anywhere." He says. I liked what was happening now.

"We were just kidding, old man." Jay says laughing awkwardly.

"You." I was pulled to the side a little but still in his arms. "If I see you bringing something like this up then I swear you'll have a really bad day."

Jay raises his hands in surrender.

"You don't have to worry." Jay shrugs. "We're just friends."

"You better be." He warns.

This is what included in wanting me. He wanted me to be his. Only his.

"We were joking, Mr.Oberoi." I say freeing myself. "You don't have to be jealous. Jay is not prettier than you." What did I just say?! Both the men stared at me. One in suprise and one scoffed.

"Gross." Jay says. "I'll wait at the bus stop. Come when you're done." He walks away but not before shuddering infront me to show how much he was cringed.

I wish he had taken me with him.

"I need to go too." I prepare to sprint but Mr.Oberoi puts his hand on my shoulder.

He has his smug face on. I was about to be teased now.

"What?" I ask when he doesn't say anything.