
I don't love

Love is beautiful as well as scary. When a fearful lover, Anamika meets the one who knows love, Vihaan Oberoi...it's confusing. As they get to know each other, both feel a different love they never experienced before.

Zoyaa53 · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 5

"I'll marry you." I tell him. "But."

He narrows his eyes. The temporary happiness taking a halt on his face.

"But what, Anamika?" The way he says my name, I had butterflies in my stomach.

"But we'll end it till only there. I won't be a lover, just your wife." I say. "And you can divorce me when you get bored."

"I don't think I'll go for it." He says. "But thank you. You don't know what it means to me."

I don't. But I'm too scared to ask what it meant to him.

"Another thing." I let out a breath. "Let's keep our marriage a secret. And we're not having a ceremony. It'll be a court marriage."

"As you wish." He says.

What was in it for him?

"And..." I sigh. I was being shameless. "Fund my education. I have goals. Think of it as a loan. I'll pay you back as soon as I start earning."

"You don't have to pay me back. I'm you husband." My heart skipped a beat hearing him say that. My husband. What was I getting into.

"What about you?" I ask. "What do you want?"

He gives me a strange smile. A very strange one. Like he had a conversation where he left me out.

"You'll see." He says trying to hold his laugh. I don't question his strange action. "For now let's get married."

We have a bit of food and he drops me home. He gets out and opens the door for me. My heart flutters again.

"So..." I try to say something to break the ice. "I'll get going now, I guess."

He smiles. A real smile. "You're nervous. Do I make you nervous?" He asks. His dimples distract me.

I look down, not meeting his eyes. He does. But I would never admit it.

I watch him as he takes a step forward. There is just a palm's distance in-between us. He leans in and...This is it. Our first kiss. I close my eyes bracing myself. His plush lips. The cherry one.

His one hand is on one of my cheeks. My kiss. Our kiss.

"What?" I open my eyes to see him chuckling. He'd kissed me. But on my cheek.

I feel embarrassed that I anticipated so much. Why did I have to close my eyes.

"I'd kiss you but you didn't seem ready for it. Let's take it slowly like you want. We have a lot of time to melt that frozen heart of yours." He says as he walks to his side of door.

"I told you-"

"We'll see." He smiles and gets in the car.

I frown. He was upto something. I watch until the sight of the car completely disappears.

When I walk to our two bedroomed apartment, I find my friends all sitting on the couch, watching something on my laptop.

It was a movie. Titanic.

"Nice." I comment. I sit on the hand of the sofa, beside Mira who snuggles towards me.

"How did it go?" Niya asks curiously.

Jay pauses the movie. How did we get so accustomed to him so fast? We had just met him yesterday and he already had access to our apartment.

"You won't believe it." I say.

Mira narrows her eyes, expecting the worst. Niya already understood. She always did, like she could read my mind. Jay was neutral. And Prem was missing. I guess he went home.

"I'm getting married." I tell them the big news.

Jay snorts. "Seriously?"

"Yup." I say.

Niya nods. She understood even without me having to explain.

"What? Why?" Mira stood up, kneeling before me. I knew what was coming.

"Because I want to." I tell them.

"No you don't." Mira disagrees.

"Mira. You know you are my friend. Even if you don't agree with me please support me with the decision. I want to get married." I plead.

"It's not about support, baby." She is holding herself back from lashing out. "You know what marriage is, right?"

"I do." I tell her. "And I know what i am doing. You can't change me mind." I get up, slightly knocking her. Niya catches her. I change into a more comfortable leggings and a loose t-shirt. I wipe off the make up and tie my hair.

Mr. Oberoi would seriously be shocked when he sees me like this. Plain and lazy.

I take my phone and earphones and walk out. All three of them were in a serious discussion. Probably about me.

"I need some time to clear my head. I'll be up on the terrace. Don't worry about me." I say the last line looking at Mira.

I take the steps one by one, stalling time. I knew I'd have all sorts of thoughts when I go up.

There was no one there to my relief.

I lean against the wall and sit down. I play music as I think about everything.

I was stupid. But my gut said it won't be bad. Mr.Oberoi would be a good husband. He's been a good boss and maybe we're friends now. And he'll be my husband soon. That part made me feel something. I'd never thought of marrying. I am almost against marriage. But I did not want to spend my life alone. Atleast Mr. Oberoi didn't ask for stupid love. He just asked for...I don't know what he is asking for. But I'm sure it's not something bad seeing how he agreed to my terms.

Just when I was thinking about him, my phone pinged.

It was him. Mr.Oberoi.

Mr. Oberoi-Two weeks from now.

Two weeks from now what? Oh wait. I'm getting married in two weeks?

What am I getting into? I have no idea.