
I don't love

Love is beautiful as well as scary. When a fearful lover, Anamika meets the one who knows love, Vihaan Oberoi...it's confusing. As they get to know each other, both feel a different love they never experienced before.

Zoyaa53 · Urban
Not enough ratings
26 Chs

Chapter 21

"You know..." I randomly hear after a few hours. The hands around me tighten as if I'd disappear the moment I was freed. "I love you."

My heart stops for a moment. He loves me? Shit. This was bad. I was panicking. Wasn't I the one who was going to confess that day? Then why was him saying those three words that scary.

"You would never say those back, would you?" He asks in a smiling tone. "But I love you anyway."

"I..." I couldn't say it.

"Shhh." His index finger shushes me by being on my lips.

I hear shuffling and suddenly he's hovering me. The little light from the window is enough for me to see his eyes. His dark black eyes stare at me. It was my soul that he was looking into. My eyes couldn't lie like my mouth. I did have feelings for him. I wanted to say those words.

He leans in and gives me kisses on my neck. They were wet and sloppy. His lips moved down and went from my neck to my collar bones. I let out a moan. He sits up and smirks.

"You like that?" He asks. I nod vulnerable.

He gets off me and falls beside me.

"Why..." I start.

"Because I don't have sex. I make love." He says pushing the strands of my hair back.


"Shh." His palm rests over the left side of my face. He pats in slowly. And I start feeling sleepy. But I didn't want to sleep. I wanted what was happening to continue...

"Mommy." I hear the familiar voice call me. I feel like pulling the blanket over my head snd go to sleep. But instead I get up.

"Daddy said you'll drop me off. He has work today." He says.

"Did he leave?" I am disappointed. I wanted to talk to him.

"Yes." The kid says.

He's all dressed up. I fix his bow tie and take him for breakfast. The breakfast was ready to eat. I feel guilty for making him work so early.

We have our breakfast and then I get ready in hurry.

The driver opens the door for us and we climb in the car.

After Sam is gone I go to work.

I put my resignation letter on my boss's desk the first thing. We talk about the usual. He had seen it coming so there was no suprise.

But I still had to work until they found a replacement. I was fine with it.


Mr.Oberoi stumbles as he enters home. Good thing Sam was asleep.

I try not to snap at a drunk man. I do the same I did yesterday. I take him to our room and take off his clothes.

He snuggled close just like yesterday. Even though his breath stinked, I bear with it.

I weave my hands through his bushy hair. It was sweaty now. Yet soft.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask even though I knew there would be no reply.

"Because I love you." He sighs. "And you don't."

I do. I loved him so much.

I close my eyes trying to hold in the tears. Why did he have to act like my father's shadow. I hated people who drank. I was scared of them.

"You're up?" Mr.Oberoi asks as he wakes up. I never slept yesterday. So I got up and tried making breakfast.

"Yeah." He says looking down.

"Let's talk." I say sitting before him, almost in his lap.

He looked at me with his doe eyes. I feel bad for hating for a brief moment.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"No." He lies.

I scoff. "Why are you drinking so much?"

"Just..." He trails off.

"Tell me, Mr.Oberoi." I ask.

He looks at me for a brief moment. "I'm not your boss anymore. I'm your husband. Stop calling me Mr.Oberoi." He says.

"Vihaan." I say for the first time. It sounded so perfect. His lap was uncomfortable. Something was wrong here. "Don't change the topic."

"I'm not." He says running a hand over his face. "I was just tired."

"Is that all?" I ask.

"What else?" He sounds irritated. "What do you want to hear?"

That it was because of me. I wanted it to be me who's on his mind. To tell me how much he loved me. That he wouldn't be like my father. He would love me till the end.

"Nothing." I say instead.

Wait a minute.

"Right. Morning wood." He says. I was sitting on his boner. Shit.

I get down and walk away. I meet Sam on my way. Sam reminded me of young Sheldon in some ways. Smart, quiet and too honest even when not necessary.

I wonder what Mr.Oberoi, I mean Vihaan was doing right now. Taking care of his 'morning wood' as he said it?