
I don't love

Love is beautiful as well as scary. When a fearful lover, Anamika meets the one who knows love, Vihaan Oberoi...it's confusing. As they get to know each other, both feel a different love they never experienced before.

Zoyaa53 · Urban
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26 Chs

Chapter 20

"And I hate myself for that now." I say. My heart felt like puking the burden.

"Because now yo-"

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Our conversation stops as his phone rings. I shut my mouth and he reaches for his phone that was in his pocket. He takes it out and looks at the screen. He frowns. His eyes come back to me as he gives me a look that I found said sorry. A sad and pitiful look.

"Hello." He says after picking up. In the silence the I could listen to the other end.

"Vihaan." A voice says. It was a woman. My heart shrinks at the thought of him having another woman after kissing me all these times.

His jaw tightens. "What do you want?" He asks. When I think he's going to hang up he starts walking away. The voice kept saying something but I couldn't hear her now.

Why did he go away?, I question myself.

I face palm myself. How stupid of me. He had a woman but he married me. Or maybe this was his sister? Some friend? Which friend called him so late at night? Even mine don't.

I go back to our room. I lay down on my side and close my eyes. I felt embarrassed. I was going to confess at that time and a woman suddenly appeared in our life. I would be rejected.

When the light switch is turned on I pretend to sleep. Mr.Oberoi walks over and there is shuffling of clothes.

"Are you asleep?" He asks. I don't open my eyes. I tell myself I'm in deep sleep.

The lights turn off and I feel him lay beside me. His breathing is loud.

"What were going to tell?" He asks again. I don't give an answer again.

Unlike everyday he doesn't cuddle closer today. I am disappointed. He is so far away right now. I almost feel like going and pressing myself into his chest. Or ask him about the woman I was dying to know about. But instead I just sleep.

I forget when I fall asleep.

"I have a date tomorrow." Sam says as we wait for Mr.Oberoi to finish making us something. The cook was let off. Now we had to cook our own meals. And I was the one supposed to do that. I wanted to learn it. Being a homemaker.

"With Sara?" I ask.

"Yeah." He says shyly.

I tease him for a while until Mr.Oberoi comes with breakfast.

We have breakfast and I am dropped at my job. I was planning on quitting.

"Hey." I say to Jay who walks out of the changing room. He is startled but sighs in relief when he sees me.

"Hi. Long time no see." He follows me back in. I put on the nameplate and leave the locker room with him.

"You should come over sometime. Meet my family." I suggest.

He smirks. "Your family huh? I leave you alone for a month and you already have a family."

"Sush." I say playfully.

I pick both the kids today and take them home. Sara was a little too enthusiastic about it. She talked all the way home.

I let them wash up and wait with snacks. They get busy in their plays as I clean the house up. I was good at cleaning.

In the evening, Sara's mom comes to pick her up. We send them off and go back in.

Today Mr.Oberoi was late. My heart crushed at the thought of him being with someone else.

Sam was already in bed when Mr.Oberoi comes home.

He is reeking of alcohol.

I was scared of him for no reason now. I had seen the consequences of being drunk in my father. He got violent.

I expect the same from Mr.Oberoi. But strangely all he does is walk to me and engulf me in his arms tightly.

"I was wondering if you could tell me: If you're here, who's running Heaven?" He whispers in my ear.

"What?" I ask.

He bursts in laughter at him own joke. I frown.

"Vihaan is happy to have you in his life." He confesses suddenly. "Vihaan is me." He laughs again.

He must be really drunk. He was a mess.

"Does Vihaan want to sleep?" I ask playing along.


I lead him to our room and take off him clothes. He sleeps shirtless anyways. I loosen the trouser button. My mind goes to the day I almost gave him a blowjob in his dream. I shake my head to clear the unwanted thoughts. He was drunk. I couldn't take advantage of that. I had to bury the emotion in ny heart and only be his wife. Nothing more.

I feel things when he scoots closer and his head in on my stomach as he hold me tightly.

He sleeps peacefully. I don't.