
I don't love u anymore

As one grows up, in the Indian subcontinent, marriages are arranged. This story revolves around a boy, who was immature enough to get married, shoved into the rat race of work and earning money and before he could realise his goals in life clearly, he was put into an arranged marriage. As years go by, he though bodily matured, but emotionally still a boy gets involved into alcoholism, smoking, women, gambling. He took his arranged marriage as part of life's adjustments. I don't love you anymore is contradictory as he falls in love with his wife past 25 years of marriage, whereby he realises, friends who seemed friends actually, were enemies in disguise.He goes for rehabilitation, due to alcoholic tendencies but does not recover. He does not succeed in business world and feels all these bad things that are happening to him is because of his wife. She is the greatest bad luck in his life is what he feels. He never loved his wife, from the first day of marriage, took her just for sexual needs, made her his 24*7 secretary, beat her to pulp due to alcoholism and frustration. But she never left his side. As years go by, he sees his wife as the only strongest pillar of his life. So when at the age of 60, he thinks of telling her his true feelings for her, his wife says that she has moved on in life. Now that her children are grown up, she is tired of his bickering and fights. She confessed, I don't love u anymore and goes to enrol in an old age home, to live a life without any pain and emotional struggle. Even when you look at the book cover of two ducklings, here in this book, looking at opposite directions, this also has a lot of significance, as per the storyline. Both are in the same pail, as in marriage, at a young age, tied to the family, but both looking in opposite ways. One into family bond, taking care of in law's, children, daily grocery shopping, cooking and doing all household chores. The other has his life outward bound, partying around, drinks and friends, women, gambling, earning money and travelling distant lands, passports filled with visas of countries around the world, no strings attached to the family. As years fly by and things don't change in the scenario, the wife at old age walks out of marriage, to lead a life as per her choice, at 62 years, the man has now stabled up and looks forward to live his old age along with his wife, but here is the cliche, she simply walks out without looking behind to a life where she relentlessly always gave without any returns or favours asked. She walks towards an unknown voyage at old age where nobody expects anything from her and she does not expect anything from anyone, a house she would learn to call her home, an old age home..... This is my first attempt in weaving a story. I would appreciate for a genuine feedback from my supporters in the form of comments, votes and spirit stones. I was unwell for the past month and a half , so the speed has lessened, but I will not fail in weaving my thoughtsand pen them down at the earliest. Your genuine feedback will help spark my imagination.

Nirni · Realistic
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55 Chs

Bangkok and New year

Dev opened his eyes to see himself resting his head on the sofa while the rest of him was lying in the floor. He looked towards the bed and swallowed. Ador was sleeping, rather snoring to be precise.

He got up and checked his watch. It was eight in the morning. Normally Ador used to wake up early. "What happened, suddenly? " he thought.

Then realisation hit him..... ROOM SERVICE. The reason why he was on the floor was because of alcohol intake partially but more so of the fright that he was in, seeing Ador , all red. Dev thought once he gets back home, he will talk with Bali how Ador beat him black and blue. It was a case of domestic violence or husband abuse..... who knows, he could get rid of this mental pervert, once and for all, but first he needs to be back in his territory.

Dev went to freshen up and then called to reception to send tea, via room service. When Ador awoke, it was 9 am. There was a knock on the door. A timid voice said ,"Room service..."

Ador got startled. Before her antenna could decipher anything, Dev said while combing his hair, "come in" and looked sheepishly at Ador. Once the tea was served and the girl left, with the teapot, both Dev and Ador had a hearty laugh.

"Good morning" Ador said to Dev. "What's today's plan? " she asked. " Hmm.....post breakfast, we go to see city tour along with some pagodas. in the evening, will go to a discotheque. It's a famous one in Bangkok. I don't want you to say to your relatives that your honeymoon went boring, but prior to the discotheque visit, we will do some shopping for you. I want a hip and happening babe like room service last night, who would put me on fire....."

Ador threw the pillow towards Dev and after drinking tea went to freshen up.

Ador and Dev saw gem factories outlets , cashew nut factories outlets, 2 famous Buddhist pagodas and some beautiful shopping malls.

Dev bought a necklace for his mother, Gopi, from the gems factory outlet after he took a round of the factory. He did not buy anything for Ador. Ador did not mind. She on the other hand bought some cashewnut juice, rangutan, sexy nightwear, local earrings, souvenirs from the mall. She was unaware that Dev, who, while strolling on his own ,when she was purchasing gifts for everyone back home, had bought lingerie for Ador, a sexy white blouse, a glittery cap and hot pants along with stillettos.

He had noticed her well. So he did not bother asking her, her preferences. Instead he bought as per his whims and fancies.

So when the shopping expedition was complete, he pampered her with the Thai spa and body massage. So when she delved in her luxurious pampering, he went to the bar counter beside the spa parlour for his soul pampering. When he reaches back to India, he knew, Ador would complain about his continuous drinking habits.

While he was relaxing, he went on chatting with some local people about Bangkok and it's night life, the best disco nearby and the like. Tomorrow was new year and he wanted to party hard before he left for India.

Ador joined him after some time. She had a warm glow. Dev appreciated her look with a nod. They then went back to their hotel.

Ador said "Its already seven in the evening, let's pack our bags. we will be leaving early. So to reach airport by 11 am we need to leave by 9" Dev nodded. Then he surprised her with his gift. Ador was shocked. He said, "Go and change, show me how you look." Ador said "the lingerie is very vulgar type, I can't wear it." Dev said "You will not be wearing it back in India, at least let me see you in it, here."

She reluctantly went to change. When she came back, Dev had a small grin in his face. His little brother had come alive. His eyes were jet black, full of lust. Ador shuddered. She tried to run back to the washroom, but it was too late. Dev pounced on her , gave her love bites all over and did physical activity not once but thrice, until his little brother felt satiated.

Ador was all sore.

She took a bath and went to Dev. It was 11pm already. Dev was lying in bed, naked. She said, "let's drop the idea of discotheque".But Dev gave her another gift. He told her to go to the washroom and change and come. When she came back in her off shoulder white blouse and hot pants, Dev was ready. He looked like the local Romeo. She thought maybe Dev was an alcoholic but his charismatic face was a thing girls would swoon over. Dev too eyed Ador hungrily.

He said " Come on, hurry. Wear your heels, put some light make up and leave your hair open. Let's party the night over"