
I don't love u anymore

As one grows up, in the Indian subcontinent, marriages are arranged. This story revolves around a boy, who was immature enough to get married, shoved into the rat race of work and earning money and before he could realise his goals in life clearly, he was put into an arranged marriage. As years go by, he though bodily matured, but emotionally still a boy gets involved into alcoholism, smoking, women, gambling. He took his arranged marriage as part of life's adjustments. I don't love you anymore is contradictory as he falls in love with his wife past 25 years of marriage, whereby he realises, friends who seemed friends actually, were enemies in disguise.He goes for rehabilitation, due to alcoholic tendencies but does not recover. He does not succeed in business world and feels all these bad things that are happening to him is because of his wife. She is the greatest bad luck in his life is what he feels. He never loved his wife, from the first day of marriage, took her just for sexual needs, made her his 24*7 secretary, beat her to pulp due to alcoholism and frustration. But she never left his side. As years go by, he sees his wife as the only strongest pillar of his life. So when at the age of 60, he thinks of telling her his true feelings for her, his wife says that she has moved on in life. Now that her children are grown up, she is tired of his bickering and fights. She confessed, I don't love u anymore and goes to enrol in an old age home, to live a life without any pain and emotional struggle. Even when you look at the book cover of two ducklings, here in this book, looking at opposite directions, this also has a lot of significance, as per the storyline. Both are in the same pail, as in marriage, at a young age, tied to the family, but both looking in opposite ways. One into family bond, taking care of in law's, children, daily grocery shopping, cooking and doing all household chores. The other has his life outward bound, partying around, drinks and friends, women, gambling, earning money and travelling distant lands, passports filled with visas of countries around the world, no strings attached to the family. As years fly by and things don't change in the scenario, the wife at old age walks out of marriage, to lead a life as per her choice, at 62 years, the man has now stabled up and looks forward to live his old age along with his wife, but here is the cliche, she simply walks out without looking behind to a life where she relentlessly always gave without any returns or favours asked. She walks towards an unknown voyage at old age where nobody expects anything from her and she does not expect anything from anyone, a house she would learn to call her home, an old age home..... This is my first attempt in weaving a story. I would appreciate for a genuine feedback from my supporters in the form of comments, votes and spirit stones. I was unwell for the past month and a half , so the speed has lessened, but I will not fail in weaving my thoughtsand pen them down at the earliest. Your genuine feedback will help spark my imagination.

Nirni · Realistic
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55 Chs

Ador pregnant..... so soon

Days passed by normally.

Ador used to go to her company where she worked as a manager. Dev's company closed. His business failed miserably. He was thinking of starting another business. He asked Bali for some financial help. Bali declined. He said that without a proper report of what business Dev would venture and the idea of profit that the business would generate, Bali would not give a penny. So Dev, felt devastated. He wanted money. Due to his helplessness in front of Bali, he used to vent his frustrations on Ador. Every night, he used to do sex with her, trying out different positions, that would hurt her. He used to get satisfied while Ador used to feel scared of the painful sex. She could not share her trauma with her mother or mother in law. Just to keep everyone peaceful, she stopped complaining to her mother in law. She thought that most women felt that way. So she kept to herself. Moreover Hoping used to always justify Dev's actions. The nights where she used to say, " no" to Dev's advances, she used to be beaten black and blue. So, Ador suffered from mental agony and urinary tract infections as Dev would not use condoms. In his drunken state, he used to do sex vigorously and abuse her mentally and physically. To get a breath of fresh air from this tiring marriage, her escape window was her job. No matter what happened in Durgabari, Ador used to go for work.

In the month of March, Ador started having indigestion and morning sickness. When she missed her periods, she worriedly called her mom. Ita, heard her daughter. She told her to come home but Ador refused. Then Ita asked her to do urine test, just to confirm if it is pregnancy. When the test confirmed two parallel pink lines, Ador was ecstatic. She hurriedly ran down the stairs to call up her parents, but she saw Gopi and Bali sipping tea. Excitedly she told, " Maa, Baba... am pregnant." Both looked at each other and said with knitted brows, "You, pregnant, so soon??? Dev is still not established well enough in life and you got into all this? " Bali seemed unhappy. He rose from the chair in the drawing room and left for the study.

He called Dev.

Gopi was angry. She did not want added responsibility so soon either. She snubbed Ador, "Shall I serve you tea and biscuits or should it be the other way round? " Ador served the biscuits and sat beside Gopi.

Dev came down for his coffee, and with the coffee in hand, he entered the study.

Bali said loudly." Since you are a fool, you will show your foolishness. Are you serious about Ador? I thought, since you both have so much quarrels, this marriage would not work and she would leave you and go, since she is too headstrong, but you, because of your physical urges , you have made her pregnant. Now rot with her.... "

Dev laughed and told Bali not to fret. "She is meek. The way I treat her, she will not speak anything foul, to her parents, because of family prestige issue. As for the child, it would be good. She will stop working and look after me and my child. "

Ador being pregnant within three months of marriage was now a hot topic in Durgabari within closed doors.

Ador texted Ita, "Mummam, you were right, am pregnant. But it seems nobody is happy here"

Just when the message got delivered, Ita called.