
I Don't Like You [BL]

Xie Mingze started to notice the change in Fen Yichen after he gave him the letter from his admirer. He tried hard to ignore the change since he was trying his hardest to get over his crush who just got married, but Fen Yichen changed so much Mingze couldn't ignore him anymore. “I Don’t Like You.” “I’ll ask just one last time, do you like me?” “I-” "You don't need to say anything, if you like me just blink."

Nacchi_Yan · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


"Mom, I'm leaving!" Mingze said as he wore his shoes ready to leave once again. 

School had been hectic lately, perhaps because finals are approaching. Also adding the fact that a lot of characters had been added to his life. 

"It's a bit early, I haven't been able to prepare your lunch. Do you really need to leave?" His mom peered from the kitchen. 

"I need to leave early, the senior said we are going to watch at City B and it's almost two hours train ride from here."

Xie Mingze knows it doesn't make sense. Why should they go to another city just to watch a movie? Still he needs to give his senior a bit of respect. 

"Oh little Yi won't go with you? Don't you always go with him and his driver?"

"Come on mom, I can't always ride with him and his driver is apparently in vacation."

As soon as he touched the door knob, he nearly fell down. Someone else opened the door faster than him. It was Fen Yichen, he was wearing his casual clothes and was sporting his usual smile.

"Good morning Auntie I'm here to pick up Mingze!"

"Oh good, you boys take care."

Dark clouds started to cover the top of his head. 


For some reason Fen Yichen gently escorted Mingze to a red sports car, his eyes nearly budge when he even opened the passenger seat for him.

"Why are you acting like a driver?"


Fen Yichen first repeated his words in a dumbfounded way. He was a bit frustrated that Mingze can't get a hint, but at the same time he was fond of this side of him. The boy who can't read the signs was forced to seat down inside the expensive sports car.

"Do you even have a license? I don't recall you getting one?"

"I do have a license." He grabbed his wallet from his pocket before showing the driver license. 

"Then I'll trust you just this once."

Mingze put on the seat belt himself, "I never expected that you know how to drive."

"Someone told me I would be liked if I drive a car."

That statement was enough to remove all the drowsiness Mingze was feeling. What does he meant by that? Does he have someone he likes? We;; knowing Yichen it wouldn't be hard for him to woo the person he likes. 

"Well I only want to try drifting once with a car. Even a truck would do."

"I think it would be hard to drift using a truck."

"I know! I'm just fantasizing…"

The car ride to City B was uneventful, but the atmosphere was a pleasant. Since they left early, there was no traffic and they arrived at City B right on time. Their call time was supposed to be 9:00 am and they arrived near the theatre around 8:50.

"Should we buy the tickets while waiting? "

The show stars at 9:30 there are plenty of time left, still the line was long so taking that into consideration they should queu up early. 

"I already bought the tickets online, let's buy snacks."

"Um excuse me are you alone."

While contemplating what snacks to buy, some girls approached Fen Yichen. This always happened a lot Mingze ignored them, "I'm sorry I'm in a date with someone right now."

Mingze looked back at him with a what the fuck expression on his face.

'The fuck is he saying?'

"Babe don't glare at me I'm not flirting, I'm sorry I need to leave."

If this is not a public place, he wanted to flip Fen Yichen over. 

"Hottie's boyfie don't be angry, we are the one at fault. We didn't know he was with his boyfriend. We are sorry."

The girls bowed their heads in apologies before running away in a hurry. Xie Mingze's mouth twitched as he tried to process the situation. 

"Freaking hell! You even used me as your human shield."

"Don't be angry anymore, I'll buy you ice cream after the movie."

Fen Yichen tried to placate the angry Mingze and held up one finger to show he was willing to give a peace offering, "Make it two then we are good."

"Okay Two."


"Fucking hell, the movie is finished but he is still not here."

It was hard not to cuss, the movie they were supposed to watch already ended, but the person they are waiting for was nowhere to be seen. 

"Did he ditch us last minute?" 

"Wait a minute I'll call" Fen Yichen said.

The phone call started ringing, then after a few minutes the line connected. 

Mu Bai: Hello what's wrong?

His voice sounded groggy like he just woke up from his sleep;

Fen Yichen: We are at the movie theatre at City B. Senior, where are you?

Mu Bai: Oh, let's just watch here in City A. I just wake up and I drink last night, I can't be bothered to take the train anymore,

The phone was put in speaker mode, so Xie Mingze could hear what they are talking about. After being asked to travel to another city, they were forced to wait for him and now he is telling them to go back to city A to cater to his needs? This honestly is making Mingze angry, he wanted to hit Mu Bai.

"End the call, it's useless talking to him. We will watch the movie by ourselves, you watch it on your end. What a big waste of money. Make sure to reimburse Yichen for your waster ticket."

Mu Bai: ….Who are you to order m-

With a beep the phone call ended and Mu Bai's voice was cut off. He can't believe he woke up so early in the morning for this to happen, if only he could kick Mu Bai from their grp then he would do so. Mingze decided to save every evidence first just in case, worse comes to worst. 

"Yichen did you save the call?"

"Yes, I did."

I had fun with my weekend, I hope everyone else did too. Congrats for 2k Reads Thank you for reading my stuff

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