
I don't know how to play? I just cheat!

The main character, known as "Red" is the top player on the leaderboards of the simulation game "DawnLight". The problem? He's privately a modder. Illegally modifying the game to give him an advantage. But what happens, when the top 100 players from this game get reincarnated as gods. What happens when the "Best Player" is secretly a game modder? Worst of all, his hacks don't carry over. Watch as "Red" becomes the top god in an isekai civilization war.

Voiced_Studios · Fantasy
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18 Chs

No lights? No music?

Gazing at the luminous screen, I found myself increasingly drawn into the intricate tapestry of the world I observed. With each passing moment, the landscape below became more than just pixels and data; it unfolded as a living, breathing realm rich with history and complexity.

At the top corner of the parchment map I conjured, the nation of "Aximus" sprawled boldly. It was a realm teeming with adventurers, their lives intertwined with the enigmatic dungeons that dotted the land. These dungeons were not mere natural formations but concentrations of mana that had coalesced into sentient entities known as dungeon cores. Over time, these cores begin to naturally harness life energy from their surroundings, using it to strengthen themselves, summon creatures, and fortify their domains. The strategic abundance of dungeons within Aximus had spurred its founding, a testament to the ingenuity and ambition of its people.

Beneath Aximus lay "Freyguard," a realm cloaked in the mystique of ancient trees and elven lore. Despite its modest size, Freyguard's significance reverberated through the continent. At its guard stood the towering ents—massive trees with limbs capable of upper-body movement. These sentient guardians, rooted in the earth yet surprisingly mobile, served as protectors of Freyguard. Their duty was not out of benevolence alone; they demanded sustenance in the form of "spirit sap," harvested from the revered "Spirit Tree." This colossal tree, known to be the creation of a fallen god called "The Ancient One," had stood sentinel for well over fifty thousand years. During my spectral observations, I sensed a consciousness within the Spirit Tree, though whether it could articulate thoughts remained uncertain.

Eastward from Aximus sprawled "Strenthaven," a nation steeped in a history that spanned millennia. Known for their relentless pursuit of demi-humans whom they enslaved, Strenthaven operated under a tenuous peace treaty with Freyguard. Despite diplomatic overtures, their actions strained relations with their elven neighbors, who maintained an uneasy vigilance.

To the east of Freyguard and south of Strenthaven lay the paradoxically named "Demonic Lands." Contrary to its ominous moniker, this region was characterized by vast expanses of arid savannas, desert dunes, and scattered pockets of lush vegetation. These oases of greenery were remnants of failed dungeon cores that, deprived of sufficient life energy, had liquefied into a rare substance known as "liquid mana." Strenthaven revered liquid mana as "holy water" for its potent healing properties, yet its origins were rooted in the decay of once-sentient dungeon cores.

Intriguingly, the elves of Freyguard possessed a unique biological trait tied to mana. Elder elves, over the course of their long lives, bled a form of impure liquid mana when cut—a sight that, though unsettling, underscored their deep connection to the mystical energies that permeated their homeland.