
I don't know how to play? I just cheat!

The main character, known as "Red" is the top player on the leaderboards of the simulation game "DawnLight". The problem? He's privately a modder. Illegally modifying the game to give him an advantage. But what happens, when the top 100 players from this game get reincarnated as gods. What happens when the "Best Player" is secretly a game modder? Worst of all, his hacks don't carry over. Watch as "Red" becomes the top god in an isekai civilization war.

Voiced_Studios · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Living life in god-time

I settled into the chair, my eyes fixed on the luminescent glow of the "character creation screen." The room enveloped me in a surreal atmosphere, a blend of nervous anticipation and daring uncertainty hanging palpably in the air.

The first field beckoned for a name that would echo through eternity, resonating among my future devotees. After a moment's contemplation, I decided on "Red." It carried a legacy from my gaming days—a name steeped in history and familiarity that I could now wield in this uncharted realm.

With a decisive click, "Red" materialized on the screen in bold letters, solidifying my identity in this strange and boundless domain. The avatar customization followed, where I sculpted a youthful visage of seventeen years, blending maturity with a hint of youthful vigor. A sleek Calvin Klein hoodie in vibrant red draped over my virtual form, adding a touch of modern flair to my divine presence.

Next, the ability section beckoned—a realm of possibilities limited only by the measure of divinity at my disposal. I chuckled softly, silently thanking the enigmatic figure who had bestowed upon me this newfound power.

"I'm going all-in," I muttered with a mix of exhilaration and resolve.

Without hesitation, I allocated a staggering sixty-nine thousand points to my chosen ability.

Name: Customize

Ability: Alter any aspect using reserved divinity

Requirement: Sufficient divinity

A wave of satisfaction washed over me as I confirmed my choice. The screen shimmered subtly, as if applauding my decision with a gentle, approving glow.

But there were more choices to be made. The option to select a race loomed large, presenting over two hundred sentient species, each with distinct cultures, histories, and potential for allegiance. The game's mechanics dictated that securing followers required the belief of one individual, a catalyst for expanding influence.

After deliberation, I settled on the bunny-people. Their whimsical charm and earnest demeanor resonated with me, and their distinctive rabbit-like ears added a playful touch to the serious task ahead.

As I finalized my decisions, a surge of anticipation coursed through me. This was no longer a mere game; it was a new reality where my choices held profound weight and consequence. The room seemed to buzz with latent energy, charged with the promise of adventure and dominion.

With a final click, the screen brightened, signaling my transition to my sanctum—{space}, a haven where I could observe and intervene in the unfolding world without depleting my precious divinity.

As the scene dissolved into darkness, a grin spread across my face. This marked the beginning of my odyssey as a god, and I eagerly embraced the challenges and triumphs that lay ahead.

and we faaaaadeeee to black.

cue transition

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