
I don't know how to play? I just cheat!

The main character, known as "Red" is the top player on the leaderboards of the simulation game "DawnLight". The problem? He's privately a modder. Illegally modifying the game to give him an advantage. But what happens, when the top 100 players from this game get reincarnated as gods. What happens when the "Best Player" is secretly a game modder? Worst of all, his hacks don't carry over. Watch as "Red" becomes the top god in an isekai civilization war.

Voiced_Studios · Fantasy
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18 Chs

I sit, in my desolate room...

It all unfolded in a whirlwind—an abrupt shift from darkness to a dazzling, cosmic realm. The transition was disorienting, like being thrust through a wormhole and emerging into a space beyond comprehension. As my senses adjusted, I found myself standing in a chamber that defied spatial logic. Its walls, though clearly defined, shimmered with a transparency that suggested infinite depth, creating an illusion of boundless expanse.

In the center of this surreal setting stood a workstation, eerily reminiscent of my cluttered setup back in the mundane world. But here, everything was immaculate, devoid of the usual chaos. The monitor radiated a soft, pulsating glow, casting a serene light that seemed to pulse with life, unlike the harsh blue glare of my usual screens. On its display, the familiar interface of DawnLight's character creation awaited, promising limitless possibilities.

As I cautiously approached the console, driven by a mix of curiosity and apprehension, a voice shattered the silence behind me.

"Heya there!"

I turned to see the shadowy figure hovering in the air, a playful glint in its ethereal form.

"Whatcha doin'?" it inquired, its tone child-like yet imbued with a strange wisdom.

"Just... taking it all in," I replied cautiously, unsure of what to make of this surreal encounter.

The figure nodded knowingly, its form swirling gently as if dancing to an unseen rhythm. "So... I was quite impressed with your... appreciation for humanity..."

There was a temporary pause, thick with unspoken implications.

"OR LACK THEREOF!" it suddenly declared, injecting a dramatic flair as if delivering a punchline.

I chuckled nervously, playing along with the unexpected humor. "Drr dun skrr," I added, attempting to mimic a drumroll.

The figure chuckled in response, its amusement palpable in the shimmering air. "Hey, so... I wasn't planning to say this in front of the others, but you impressed me... made me laugh," it admitted, its voice shifting between solemnity and levity. "So, here's a little head start for you."

"What kind of head start?" I asked, intrigued by the offer of advantage in this enigmatic realm.

"Alright, here's the deal. Pick a number between one and a billion," it prompted, its form glowing faintly as if anticipating my choice.

"Sixty-nine thousand, six hundred sixty-nine," I answered with a wry smile, sensing a playful response.

The figure feigned a cringe. "Glad to see a fellow virgin," it teased, its tone teasingly affectionate.

We shared a moment of shared amusement, a fleeting bond forged in the strangeness of this cosmic chamber.

"Alright, well, here's sixty-nine thousand, six hundred sixty-nine additional divinity," it declared, a shimmering light emanating from its form and enveloping me in a warm, comforting embrace.

"Looks like it transferred properly. See ya around, and try not to get obliterated by some warrior princess, okay?" it joked, its voice echoing faintly as it began to drift away.

I rolled my eyes good-naturedly at the playful stereotype, feeling a mix of amusement and gratitude for the unexpected boost.

"Farewell, kid," I called out with a smirk, a sense of adventure tingling in my veins as I prepared to embark on this new role as a god in an uncharted realm.

As the figure faded into the distance, leaving me alone with the pulsating light of the workstation, I couldn't help but smile. This bizarre initiation marked the beginning of an extraordinary journey, where the boundaries of reality and imagination blurred, and the weight of divine responsibility loomed ahead.

a sad ending to a short bromance

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