
I don't follow I lead!

A_R_Wanderer · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 9

-Alpha Hayden's POV

''I trained you better than that, alpha!'' Graham snaps. ''Get it together and show me what you really got!''

I'm trying to focus, but I keep making mistake after mistake. Dumb and sloppy mistakes, what only pisses me off more. Combat training was what I always excelled in and where I proved that I was worthy to be called an alpha, but not today.

The only thing I excelled in today was failing. I forgot to sign some papers at work, so shipment got delayed and that lead to a lot of angry phone calls from our buyers. Then I almost gave my employees a bonus that would make sure we couldn't make payroll and I almost agreed to a deal where I basically gave our newest wine away for free.

After that Brock told me to go home, because he was convinced that I would bankrupted us by the end of the day. I figured that I what I needed was a good workout and for that I needed Graham. He trained me since I was a pup and he never took it easy on me.

Like now!

I push myself for what feels like the hundredth time off the ground and I get back in position. Graham doesn't hesitate and he comes at me again. I'm barely able to block his attack and I'm only getting more frustrated with myself.

''Okay this is just getting ridiculous! What in the name of the Goddess is going on with you?'' Graham asks as he throws me a towel.

''You tell me!'' I growl. ''It's not like I'm trying to suck on purpose, but apparently that's all I can do!''

Graham looks at me and he shakes his head.

''The lone wolf really did a number on you, alpha.''

''She didn't and I don't want to talk about her.''

''And why is that?'' Graham presses on. ''She is clearly the issue, because you haven't been yourself since the two of you got into it.''

''I said that I don't want to talk about her!''

Graham bows his head in respect when he hears my alpha command and I only get more frustrated with myself. Forcing my will on my pack members was not one of my favourite things to do, but sometimes necessary.

Like when we were under attack or when a fight was getting out of hand, but I never used it to get out of a conversation. That was just immature and an abuse of my power.

''Graham, I had no right to talk to you like that and I apologise.''

''You don't have to apologise, alpha. I ignored your order and you were right to put me in my place.''

''Not when you are right!'' I sigh as I hit the punching bag. ''But I really hate it that she was right. I'm arrogant and ignorant! Demanding respect when I failed to do the one thing that an alpha is supposed to do and that is keeping the pack safe.''

I hit the punching bag again and I keep hitting it. Harder and harder, what feels good.

Really good!

''Every alpha is arrogant and every young wolf is ignorant,'' Graham remarks drily. ''Although I don't think you are either of those things. You wouldn't have asked alpha Jake to come here if you were and you always try to do better.''

I punch the bag one last time and I get back into position. I'm blocking his attacks with ease and it doesn't take long before I start to come after him.

''There we go,'' Graham says approvingly. ''Anything else you need to punch out of your system?''

''No, I'm good,'' I grin and throw Graham a bottle of water.

''Great, but you are not done,'' Graham says and to my surprise I see Kenneth entering the gym.

''Alpha Hayden,'' Kenneth says as he bows his head. ''Graham asked me to spar with you.''

My anger sneaks up on me and all I want to do is beat the hell out of Kenneth.

''What did I do?'' Kenneth laughs as he takes his position.

Can't kill him, he is her mate.

''But we can hurt him,'' Ace suggests and I can't tell by his tone that he is not joking.

''Nothing, I'm just ready to continue.''

Kenneth nods and he doesn't waist any time. He is fast and his moves are calculated. He is trying to find my weaknesses and that only fuels my anger.

He wanted to spar with an alpha? Fine, he had it coming then!

Within a seconds I have him on the ground and he can't wrestle his way out of my hold.

''Back in position,'' Graham orders and I reluctantly let go of Kenneth.

He doesn't look scared or worried. He actually seemed to be enjoying himself and I can feel my last bit of self control slip away.

Kenneth comes at me again and he manages to get a few punches in and then there is a horrible sound.

The sound of bones breaking.

No, what did I do? All I meant to do was to make Kenneth lose his balance with my kick and then get a jump on him. I never meant to break his leg!

Kenneth is screaming and I see the bone sticking out of his leg.

No, no, no!

A furious roar echoes through the gym and I'm being thrown against the wall with so much force that I actually feel lightheaded for a moment.

Evelyn is sitting next to Kenneth on the floor and she growls loudly when I attempt to get closer to them. Both of her eyes are silver and her body language is clear.

Stay away!

''Syb, look at me,'' Kenneth manages to get out. ''Come on, look at me.''

Evelyn's hands are pressing the bone back into place, while her whole body is shaking with anger.

Kenneth tries to sit up a little and he tries his hardest to hold in the scream.

''Stay down, you idiot!'' Evelyn says, but her voice sounds different.

Husky and deeper.

''Sybie, can I have my best friend back now?'' Kenneth asks. ''I'm already healing, so you can stop fuzzing over me.''

''No, because she will kill him and stop moving! You know that she has to break the bone again if it is not set properly.''

Kenneth groans loudly and he lays back down again.

''She doesn't have to kill him, because we were just sparring. May I remind you that she knocked out a beta the last time she stepped into a ring, so this is nothing!''

Realising that Sybil was speaking was insane. Our wolves shouldn't be able to take over when we were in our human form, but that was exactly what was happening here!

''How are we doing here?'' I suddenly hear alpha Jake ask.

''I just broke my leg, alpha. I'm fine, but Sybil doesn't agree with me,'' Kenneth sighs.

Alpha Jake kneels down and he inspects Kenneth's leg.

''She is right, this is a nasty break. It will heal, but there is no way that you will be able to go on patrol tonight,'' alpha Jake states.

''In a few hours I will as good as new, alpha!'' Kenneth groans.

''Out of the question,'' alpha Jake decides. ''You will still be a liability and it's not like either of them is going to let you go on patrol anyway.''

''Fricking unbelievable,'' Kenneth mutters.

''Stop whining!'' Evelyn snaps and this time it is her own annoyed voice that we hear. Her eyes are still silver, but she does look more like herself again.

''It was so obvious what he was going to do and you still didn't change your strategy!''

''Are you seriously blaming me?'' Kenneth growls.

''I'm talking to you, aren't I?'' Evelyn says sarcastically as she helps Kenneth up.

Kenneth tries to put some weight on his leg and it looks like he is going to faint.

''Yes, you are perfectly fine,'' Evelyn mumbles. ''Your leg needs rest, so you can you now stop acting like an complete idiot?

''Fine,'' Kenneth surrenders. ''But only because I know as your best friend that this is your way of telling me that you are worried about me.''

''Did you also take a few punches to the head?'' Evelyn asks as she helps Kenneth walk towards the exit of the gym.

''No,'' Kenneth answers.

''Still a possibility,'' we hear Evelyn say softly.

''Alpha, she can take my place tonight. You need a tracker and she hasn't been on patrol with the Bloodmoon pack.''

''That's actually true,'' alpha Jake says. ''Ev, you are going.''

''I hate you!'' Evelyn growls as she kicks open the door.

''No, you love me,'' Kenneth answers.

The door closes behind them and alpha Jake shakes his head.

''Does two will never change, but it's settled then. Evelyn will join your patrol tonight, alpha Hayden. It would be great if the two manage not to kill each other!'' alpha Jake grins and he also makes his way towards the exit.

''Yes, stop giving her reasons to kill you!'' Ace snaps at me.

''I'm not doing it on purpose!''

''Well, just stop it or weren't you listening. He is not her mate, they are just friends!''

That was true!

Kenneth was not Evelyn's mate and I had a whole other reason to feel nervous about going on patrol with her.