
I don't follow I lead!

A_R_Wanderer · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 6

-Evelyn's POV

''Would it kill you to eat the food that Sage prepares for you?''

Where the hell did he came from?

Giving everyone nicknames was an old habit of mine. Growing up in a bar meant meeting a lot of wolves and humans, but most of them were just passing through. Learning their names was pointless and boring. Coming up with nicknames was at least amusing.

That is why I call my brothers friend Graham the old grey one, since he was old and his hair was ash grey. Not very creative, but practical and safe.

Jake really didn't like it when I referred to his friend as the old grump!

''Well?'' the old grey one asked.

''Well what?''

''Would it kill you to eat the food that Sage prepares for you?''

''That would depend on what she puts in the food,'' I answer bored. ''Anything else?''

The old grey one looks like he is going to kill me and I decide that it would be better to keep walking. I was almost done with mapping the territory of the Bloodmoon pack and I actually felt a little sad about that.

I enjoyed exploring the four territories and I had many ideas for safety measures, but it had to wait. This view made me forget about everything around me and that was probably the reason why the old grey one was able to sneak up on me.

''Alpha Hayden went out of his way to make this happen and then he went out of his way to make all of you feel welcome. Opening up his home to you and making sure that you would be comfortable by asking Sage to take care of you.''

All I wanted was to enjoy this view for a little bit and then finish up my assignment. Was that really too much to ask?

Apparently it was, because the old grey one was still talking.

''She goes all out for dinner and she makes sure you have at least four options for breakfast. She tries so hard to please you and you don't even notice it! Perhaps you are used to being spoiled or do you think that she is not worth your time, but...''

''I'm here to do a job,'' I cut the old grey one off. ''That's exactly what I have been doing all this time, my job. Mapping out every territory and figuring out what safety measures would work best. Then I will be moving on to implementing those safety measures, while I also help Emmet with assessing the packs.''

I reluctantly avert my gaze of the stunning view and I look the old grey one straight in the eyes.

''You are a member of a pack that struggling to survive, so I would think that all of you would have more important matters to attend, then to worry about me. I'm doing what I'm supposed to do and perhaps you and your alpha should do the same thing.''

The old grey one lets out a loud roar and his grey eyes start to darken. His wolf is trying to come forwards and that makes me smile.

Sybil and I came a long way!

There was a time when a move like that would make her so angry that she would fight me for dominance and won. My wolf would take over control and make whoever she saw as a threat regret it.

''He is pushing his luck'' Sybil growls. ''He should calm down before he trips and falls a very long way down.''

It's like the old grey one heard Sybil's comment, because he takes a step back and just looks at me for a moment.

''Alpha Hayden has been killing himself ever since he had to take over for his brother. Everything he does is for the good of the pack, but you don't get that. You don't get what it means to belong to a pack or what it means to have a mate.''

''Okay, lets just give him that push!'' Sybil snarls. ''I'm done listening to him!''

''I don't know what it means?'' I taunt. ''You mean always feeling responsible for others? Feeling the urge to lead and protect your own? My brothers are alphas, you fool! I was raised by them and me choosing the life of lone wolf doesn't make me forget any of that. Why do you think I came here?''

The old grey one stays quiet for a moment and then a little smile appears on his face.

''For alpha Drake,'' the old grey one answers as he walks away.

I'm stunned and then I hear the old grey one laugh softly.

''You're messing with me!''

''Are you surprised that the old grump has a sense of humour?'' the old grey one responds amused.

''I'm more surprised that I didn't gave you that push,'' I grumble.

''You and me both!'' the old grey one answers. ''Do me a favour and at least pretend that you like my mate's cooking. She won't stop otherwise.''

''That sounds more like your problem then mine,'' I say softly.

The old grey one stop walking and he turns around.

''You will if you want to make use of my tool shed.''

Fuck, did he said tool shed?

''It's nothing like your workplace, but it will have to do and you won't be disturbed there. Nobody is allowed in there beside me, so will you do it?''

He really wasn't going to let it go. He couldn't, the mate bond made that impossible for him.

That's why he came after me and why he was so upset, but also why he was trying to make this trade with me. There was nothing that an alpha wouldn't do for his pack and the same goes for mates.

''Only if you I can use your shed whenever I want.''

''Fine, but that means that you will show up for breakfast and dinner.''

''Fine,'' I sigh. ''Starting tomorrow I will show up for breakfast and dinner where I will at least pretend to like her cooking. Are you happy now?''

''Why not tonight?''

''Because I work from sundown to sunset,'' I answer as I get ready to make my way down.

Those woods were calling my name!

''What would mean that I gave up my shed for nothing, because you don't have a problem with my mate or her cooking,'' I hear the old grey one sigh. ''You just have been working all of this time.''

I don't say anything and I start to make my way down.

I still had a job to do, but I was looking forward to using the old grey one's tool shed!