
I don't follow, I lead!

Alpha Hayden is desperate when he asks the alpha of a pack of rogues for help. Not only an alpha of rogues, but also the banished son of the king alpha of the Golden Forest pack. The pack that was once considered to be to most powerful pack out there and that was wiped away by a fire. Now alpha Jake was coming and so were his siblings, the two only known survivors of that fire. It's then when alpha Hayden meets the lone wolf Evelyn. The shewolf that has been living as wolf for almost a decade and who wants nothing to do with him or with pack life. Alpha Hayden feels drawn to her and after a while he starts to believe that he finally have found his destined mate, but that doesn't make things any easier. Neither Evelyn or her wolf Sybil wants a mate, destined or not. It's their chemistry that eventually brings them together and things heat up. Their bond is getting stronger, but Evelyn keeps resisting. When her brother is forced by his siblings to reject his mate, things start to escalate and secrets are being revealed. Alpha Hayden finds out what really happened to the Golden Forest pack and why Evelyn left her brother's pack at sixteen. He also finds out why Evelyn and her brothers have to reject their destined mates, but by then it is too late. Evelyn takes away every memory of her and disappears, but she forgets one thing. The mark that she left on her mate.

A_R_Wanderer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 8

-Alpha Hayden's POV

''Four rogue attacks so far, but no losses,'' alpha Cameron says very pleased. ''No injuries even, the new strategy is working.''

''And what is that new strategy?'' alpha Drake asks sceptical.

Alpha Cameron opens his mouth to answer the question, but he seems to change his mind.

''It works and that's all what matters. How are things going here?'' alpha Cameron smoothly changes the subject.

''The attacks continue, but no losses,'' I answer. ''Samuel?''

Alpha Samuel stays quiet and he just keeps staring at the table.

''Samuel, are you alright?'' I ask.

''I'm alright, thank you. I'm just trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I owe my life to her.''

The way he says that last word tells all of us that he is talking about Evelyn. Alpha Jake told us that his sister worked on her own and that we shouldn't get in her way. Well, he was definitely right about that!

Alpha Drake took offence that Evelyn kept referring to him as the Newborn. He ordered her to address him as alpha, otherwise she wouldn't be welcome on his territory. Evelyn defied him by simply continuing her work and by ignoring alpha Drake all together.

It got worse when Jasper, alpha Drake's beta, and a few of his warriors tried to put Evelyn in her place. She knocked Jasper out with one punch and she probably would have done the same to the others if her friend Kenneth didn't intervened.

''Her mate,'' my wolf corrects me sadly. ''We have seen him with his arms around her several times and we saw them laying on his bed.''

I was really trying to get that image out of my head, but that was impossible. Evelyn was reading something, while Kenneth slept with his head on her lap. They looked so comfortable with each other and I knew Ace was right.

They had to be mates.

''She told me to forget about the southern region for the time being. Too much land, too few wolves to guard it and too few places to take cover. She was right about all that, but I still went on patrol in that area,'' alpha Samuel continues.

''You all know that I lost most of my senior warriors during the last big rogue attack, so it was me and my youngsters on patrol. They needed the experience and I thought it would be safe enough since their hadn't been any rogue activity in that area for days, but I should have listened to her.''

Alpha Samuel clenches his fists and he angrily shakes his head.

''They came out of nowhere and they were trying to surround us. My youngster tried to hold their position, but they panicked when two rogues were able to get a jump on me. I was done and then shots were fired. The rogues started to scatter and after four of them were killed, they retreated.''

''She stood there with a shotgun in her hand and said ice cold that my pride would have gotten my youngsters killed. She left after that and the next day she decided that she would take over training my youngsters, because seeing them in action was just painful.''

''Goddess, she took her rudeness to a whole new level,'' Emmet sighs.

''Your sister wasn't rude, she was stating facts. I didn't wanted to give up any part of my territory, so I let my pride get the better of me and I went against her advice. My pride almost got me and youngsters killed, that's the truth. It''s also true that my youngsters are still a long way from becoming warriors.''

''So, you let her take over?'' alpha Drake scoffs. ''She is really pushing it!''

The front door opens and I can hear by the footsteps that Sage and Evelyn are back.

''Alphas,'' Sage says as she bows her head in respect.

''Ladies,'' we hear Evelyn mumble as she follows Sage into the kitchen.

''That's it!'' alpha Drake snaps and he gets up.

''Sit down, alpha Drake,'' alpha Jake says very calm.

''I'm sorry, but I'm not going to let her disrespect us like that!'' alpha Drake responds indignant.

Alpha Jake also gets up and he blocks alpha Drake's way.

''Drake, sit your ass down!'' I command. ''You are not going to pick a fight with her, because you will end up as your beta!''

''Says who?'' alpha Drake taunts.

''Me, because I will knock you out if you don't take a seat right now!'' I bark at him.

Alpha Drake looks stunned by my reaction, but he finally sits down again. Alpha Jake still looks like he wants to kill Drake and he excuses himself.

Emmet looks a little worried, but then I hear a deep sigh coming from the kitchen. Evelyn walks out of the kitchen and she follows her brother outside.

I'm trying not to look at her, but I don't know what it is. She has this magnetic effect on me and it only got worse after that whole debacle with Trevor.

I felt sparks when my skin touched hers, actual sparks! Although the sparks were nothing compared the waves of heat that rushed through my body when she pressed her body against mine. In that moment I forgot completely that I was mad at her. The only thing that I wanted was for the moment not to end.

She has a mate!

I force myself to look away and to think about anything else, but that was easier said then done.

''I'm sure we all have better things to do, so I will cut to the chase,'' Emmet takes over the meeting. ''Evelyn is finished with mapping your territories and we are already implementing some of her safety measures, but it will take some time to finish implementing all of them. Is everybody okay with that?''

We all nod and Emmet continues.

''We are in the middle of our assessment of the packs and we will discuss our findings individual. The last thing is we are going to step things up a little. Not only during work out sessions, but overall.''

''What does that entail?'' alpha Cameron asks intrigued.

''That we are going to turn the tables on you and that non of you is going to like it,'' Emmet grins. ''That's all I can say and I think we should end this meeting with that.''

Emmet looks at me and I nod.

''That would be for the best and I really hope our next meeting will a lot more civil.''

I look at alpha Drake when I get up and he is wise enough to stay quiet. I say goodbye and I make my way to the kitchen. I smelled coffee, but the pot was empty.

Great, just fricking great!

Then I notice that Evelyn is watching me from the doorway and she is holding cup of coffee in her hand.

''Was it too much to ask to make a new pot?'' I ask not able to hide my annoyance.

''No,'' Evelyn answers.

I open the cabinet and I look for the coffee. The jar is empty and that means we are completely out, because Sage always made sure to refill it.

''You could have said that we were out,'' I grumble as I close the cabinet door.

Evelyn doesn't even bother answering me and I lose it.

''I would not have let Drake go after you, but he is right. We don't have to put up with your attitude and I really shouldn't have to put up with it! Not after I let you stay here in my pack house as my guest and all I did was showing you kindness!''

The cup brakes in Evelyn's hand. Blood and coffee are dripping on the floor, but she doesn't seem to notice it. Evelyn keeps crushing the shards in her hand and she shakes her head.

''You are letting me stay here as your guest! The only reason that I am here is because you bloody alphas failed to protect your packs! So don't fucking act like you are doing me a favour and you can stop showing me your kindness, since I won't be staying here anymore.''

Evelyn drops the shards on the floor and she stomps past me. Up the stairs and back down within a few seconds with a duffel bag.

''You are actually leaving?'' I ask in utter disbelieve.

''Obviously,'' Evelyn scoffs as she makes her way to the front door. ''But you don't have to worry. I will still do my job and unlike you, I don't fail.''

With that Evelyn slams the door shut behind her and I'm left stunned.

Did this really just happened?

I stare at the bloodstained shards on the floor and a dull pain replaces my anger.

Fuck, what did I do!