
I don't follow, I lead!

Alpha Hayden is desperate when he asks the alpha of a pack of rogues for help. Not only an alpha of rogues, but also the banished son of the king alpha of the Golden Forest pack. The pack that was once considered to be to most powerful pack out there and that was wiped away by a fire. Now alpha Jake was coming and so were his siblings, the two only known survivors of that fire. It's then when alpha Hayden meets the lone wolf Evelyn. The shewolf that has been living as wolf for almost a decade and who wants nothing to do with him or with pack life. Alpha Hayden feels drawn to her and after a while he starts to believe that he finally have found his destined mate, but that doesn't make things any easier. Neither Evelyn or her wolf Sybil wants a mate, destined or not. It's their chemistry that eventually brings them together and things heat up. Their bond is getting stronger, but Evelyn keeps resisting. When her brother is forced by his siblings to reject his mate, things start to escalate and secrets are being revealed. Alpha Hayden finds out what really happened to the Golden Forest pack and why Evelyn left her brother's pack at sixteen. He also finds out why Evelyn and her brothers have to reject their destined mates, but by then it is too late. Evelyn takes away every memory of her and disappears, but she forgets one thing. The mark that she left on her mate.

A_R_Wanderer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Chapter 3

-Alpha Hayden's POV

''Are we sure that we want to invite a group of rogues into our territories?'' alpha Samuel asks sceptical. ''They are not loyal to any of us, so how can we trust them?''

''Exactly!'' alpha Drake agrees. ''Rogues can't be trusted, but how can you trust anyone that once belonged to the Golden Forest pack? The king alpha was mad and we shouldn't pretend that his children are any better!''

''Do you actually believe that the second son is responsible for the death of his father and his mate, Drake?'' alpha Cameron scoffs. ''The boy was seven years old at the time!''

''We can discuss events that happened two decades ago or we can get to the point,'' I cut in. ''We are already struggling with keeping the rogues of our territories, but what if the White Claw pack comes for us? They know our weaknesses and if they join the Shadow pack, then...''

''Then it will be over for all of us.'' alpha Samuel sighs. ''Graham, do you truly think we can trust them? You were once a member of the Golden Forest pack and you kept in touch with the oldest son, right?''

Graham looks at me and I nod.

''I did, alpha Samuel. That's how I can tell you that Jake is nothing like his father. He is kind and considered, but don't ever underestimate him. He was disowned by his father, but he is still an alpha. He fights like an alpha and he leads his pack as one.''

''You mean that bunch of rogues?'' alpha Drake snarls.

''His pack grew, alpha Drake,'' Graham answers calmly. ''Jake is coming with thirty of his best warriors and his younger siblings.''

''Is it true that the second son is just as powerful as his brother, Graham?'' alpha Cameron asks intrigued.

''Emmet is an alpha by blood, but he never claimed that position. As far as I know he is the beta in his brothers pack.''

''And what do you know about the girl?'' alpha Drake asks bored, but I know he is only faking it.

Drake was still looking for his mate and of course he liked the idea of a mate that came out of old bloodline.

''She is a lone wolf, alpha Drake. Raised by her brother and his chosen mate, but she left when she was sixteen years old. She has been on her own ever since and she only recently came back to her brothers pack.''

''When will they arrive, Graham?'' I ask before the others can ask more irrelevant questions.

I could understand why they were so curious about alpha Jake, his siblings and his pack. There were many unanswered questions there, but I was only interest in the answer of one question. Can they help us safe our packs?

''They will be here in two days, alpha Hayden.''

I nod and I look at the other alphas.

''You know that I trust Graham with my life and I believe him when he says that we can trust Jake. That said, we should proceed with caution.''

The other alphas nod and I look at my beta, Brock.

''We are getting the barns ready, alpha. We can create enough places there for them to sleep, to eat, hang out and wash up. However I do think we should offer alpha Jake and his family to stay at the pack house. As a sign of respect or of good faith at least.''

I nod in agreement, although I'm not looking forward to inviting strangers into the pack house. Things were already far from normal there. The pack house was once a real home. A home filled with warmth, love and with laughter.

That was the home that my brother and his mate created, but that home was gone now. It died when my brother and his mate died. Now this place felt empty and cold. Graham and his mate, Sage, kept telling me that we needed time. Time to deal with the lost we had suffered and time to heal.

I really hoped that that would be the case, especially for my nephew Trevor. He used to be a happy and chatty little pup, but now my five year old nephew looked lost. He had not spoken one word since the death of his parents. He barely ate and he would wake up screaming or crying in the middle of the night.

''Alpha Hayden, please keep us informed,'' alpha Samuel says as he stands up.

''I will, alpha Samuel. How about all of you come back for dinner when they are here? That way we all get to know them a little and I will not finalise the agreement if any of you has second thoughts about it.''

Brock lets the other alphas out and I stay behind with Graham.

''Do you think that Gray would have made the same decision as me?''

''You can't do that, alpha Hayden. You can't keep comparing yourself to him. Your brother was a great alpha, but he struggled also with making the hard decisions,'' Graham says in a stern voice.

''I was his beta for years, Graham. Not once have I seen Gray doubting any of the decisions that he made. Not once!''

''Because he understood what it meant to be an alpha. He couldn't show fear or doubt, because everyone trusted him to keep the pack safe. You understand that also, alpha Hayden.''

Graham pores whiskey into three glasses and he slides one over in my direction.

''You never got to morn the death of your brother, of Vera or of the warriors that we lost that night. You shoved your feelings to the side, because the pack needed a leader. You put the needs of the pack before your own, just like your brother always did.''

I take a big gulp and I let the whiskey burn my throat. These were the moments that I wished that werewolves could get as easily drunk as humans. It would be nice to forget everything for a while, but that was not an option for me. I needed my mind to be clear and alert.

Brock comes back and he lets out an annoyed sigh.

''Alpha Drake wouldn't shut up about the girl! I think he is truly not aware of the danger that we are in or that he simply doesn't care. He was already busy with planning his mating ceremony!''

I chuckle and I slide a glass over to Brock.

''I have dinner ready for you two,'' a warm voice says.''

Sage walks in and she locks eyes with Graham for a moment, before she turns her attention to me.

''Trevor only ate a few bites, alpha Hayden. I couldn't convince him to eat more and neither could Clairy. I wanted to make him a sandwich, but Cassandra ordered me not to.''

I hear Graham growl and I finish my drink, before I hold up my hand. Sage hands me the foiled package and I stand up.

''Thank you for making dinner and for the sandwich, Sage. I will make sure that Trevor will eat at leas halve of it.''

Sage nods and I can see the concern in her eyes.

''The alpha will take good care of him, love. Lets go home now, you look tired,'' Graham says tenderly.

Saga immediately relaxes when Graham wraps an arm around her and she lets out a deep sigh.

''I will see you all tomorrow then. Goodnight, alpha Hayden. Goodnight beta Brock.''

Graham and Sage leave.

''In three, two, one and...'' Brock whispers.

''Don't let your dinner get cold!'' Sage yells from the front door.

''No,'' Brock and I answer at the same time.

We stand up and walk in the direction of the kitchen. Sage made a casserole and I frown. I didn't had much hope for the sandwich if Trevor even refused to eat his favourite food.

''As long as he eats something, alpha.''

I let out a sigh and I take a bite.

''Wasn't Cassandra supposed to be on patrol?''

''She was,'' Brock answers coldly. ''Night patrol on the north side, but she said she switched her shift with Lois. It's not the first time that she pulls something like that.''

''Why didn't you tell me that?'' I ask annoyed.

''Because you have enough to deal with, alpha. Cassandra thinks she can get away with everything, because of her family and because of that incident.''

I let out a groan when Brock says that last thing. He means the incident where I was drunk and passed out, but not before I kissed Cassandra. Dumbest mistake I ever made, because I knew she had a crush on me for years.

Cassandra was the daughter of a beta, but her father died when she was very young. Her aunt was a member of our pack and the only family Cassandra had left, so she came to live here. She was not shy about her feelings for me, something my brother Gray would always tease me with.

''One drunk kiss and I apologised for it. I told her it was a mistake and that it will never happen again. How much clearer can I be?''

Brock walks to the fridge and he grabs two beers.

''Forget about her, alpha. I will deal with her or I wait until Graham snaps.''

''Then you won't have to wait long,'' I grin. ''Now, show me the barns. I want to make sure that everything will be ready when they arrive.''