
I don't follow, I lead!

Alpha Hayden is desperate when he asks the alpha of a pack of rogues for help. Not only an alpha of rogues, but also the banished son of the king alpha of the Golden Forest pack. The pack that was once considered to be to most powerful pack out there and that was wiped away by a fire. Now alpha Jake was coming and so were his siblings, the two only known survivors of that fire. It's then when alpha Hayden meets the lone wolf Evelyn. The shewolf that has been living as wolf for almost a decade and who wants nothing to do with him or with pack life. Alpha Hayden feels drawn to her and after a while he starts to believe that he finally have found his destined mate, but that doesn't make things any easier. Neither Evelyn or her wolf Sybil wants a mate, destined or not. It's their chemistry that eventually brings them together and things heat up. Their bond is getting stronger, but Evelyn keeps resisting. When her brother is forced by his siblings to reject his mate, things start to escalate and secrets are being revealed. Alpha Hayden finds out what really happened to the Golden Forest pack and why Evelyn left her brother's pack at sixteen. He also finds out why Evelyn and her brothers have to reject their destined mates, but by then it is too late. Evelyn takes away every memory of her and disappears, but she forgets one thing. The mark that she left on her mate.

A_R_Wanderer · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 15

-Alpha Hayden's POV

''I need you, Hayden. I need you to take me, right now!'' Evelyn pants.

Was this really happening?

Evelyn's hazed scent made it impossible for me to walk away from her or to think clearly. All I wanted to do was to claim the beautiful shewolf who was pressing her naked body against mine.

In one swift move I lift Evelyn up and I kiss her eagerly while I position myself between her legs. My dick is painfully hard and I can feel the top sliding inside her.

Fuck, she was wet!

''Please, Hayden,'' Evelyn whimpers. ''Take me now, it won't stop otherwise.''

It's like a fog suddenly clears up in my mind and I look at Evelyn. Her golden eyes are mesmerising as always, but they are different. Clouded by the haze and I know that I was going to regret what I was about to do.

The cold shower feels like a rude awakening to me, but it helps. Evelyn's hazed scent is not messing with my ability to think anymore and I can also force my dick to stop having a mind of his own. Although that last bit took all my willpower, because I had a taste of what it felt like to be inside Evelyn.

No, think about something else!

''Please, Hayden,''

Goddess what was I supposed to do?

''Hayden, I need it to stop.''

Evelyn's eyes are still clouded, but I also see the agony in her gaze and I can't bare that. I can't bare for her to be in any kind of pain. That's why I turned on the cold water in the shower and placed Evelyn back on her feet.

The cold water doesn't bother her at all and she also doesn't mind it when I turn her around and start to lead her hand between her legs.With my other hand I cup Evelyn's face and I pull her in for a kiss. My tongue finds hers and again a moan escapes Evelyn's lip, but much louder this time.

She starts to move her hand faster between her legs and I pull my hand away as I keep kissing her. Every part of me wanted to stay with Evelyn in the shower, but she is getting close. So I kiss her one last time and I'm back in my bedroom when I hear her let out a long soft moan.

Distract yourself!

Our clothes are scattered in pieces through out the room and I start to collect them. Throwing them into the trash bin as I walk into my closet. Sweatpants and a shirt for the both of us, although I know that Evelyn will drown in them.

I get dressed and I sit down on the end of my bed while I try to figure out if I did the right thing. I never heard before that a healthy wolf without a mate walked away from a shewolf that was going through the haze.

No, all I heard were stories about how amazing it was to have sex with a shewolf that was going through the haze.

Yes, I must be a complete idiot!

The shower is being turned off and a little bit later Evelyn is sitting down next to me on the bed. Dressed in my shirt and drying her long hair with a towel.

''You know what, Hayden? I don't know if I should feel mad, embarrassed, rejected, relieved or nothing at all.''

That pretty much summed up all the reasons why I couldn't go through with it.

''You have nothing to feel embarrassed about and you really shouldn't feel rejected. I was ready to claim you, Evelyn.''

Evelyn purposely looks away, but she can't hide the fact that her cheeks are turning red.

''But you didn't claim me. Not even after I tore our clothes off and begged you for it?''

''You begged me to stop the agony of the haze, Evelyn. Trust me if I thought that you truly wanted me to claim you, I would have. Claimed and marked, because that's how badly I wanted you.''

''Well, I at least know how to feel now. Relieved!''


Evelyn lets herself fall back on the bed and she then realises what she just said.

''I'm sure having sex with you would have been nice, but I'm relieved that you didn't marked me.''

Again ouch and did she really said that sex with me would have been nice? Nice!

''I don't want or need a mate and no offence. If I do ever change my mind, I can tell you for sure that my mate will not be an alpha. I'm a lone wolf and I will never belong to a pack, let alone help lead one.''

Okay, who ever came up with the saying that words don't hurt was a moron! Evelyn's words didn't just stung. It felt like she was twisting a knife in my heart.

Dramatic? Probably, but that was exactly how it felt.

Evelyn gets back up again and I don't know what is going on with her. She sits down on my lap and she kisses me. Not a peck on the lips, but a real kiss.

''Evelyn, you are giving me a headache!'' I groan in utter frustration. ''You can't say that you don't want to be with me and then kiss me like that.''

Evelyn smiles while she lets her fingers roam through my hair and I let out a satisfied sigh.

That felt really good!

''I don't want anything serious, Hayden, but I never said that we couldn't have some fun together.''

This time I'm the one who leans in for the kiss and I don't hold back. Evelyn moans softly and she tries to pull me closer to her, but I don't let her. Instead I lift her off my lap and place her back on the bed.

''I bet that if you really get to know me, you will have to take back everything you said. The parts of only wanting to have fun and not wanting an alpha for a mate, I mean.''

''Spoken like a true alpha,'' Evelyn mumbles sarcastic. ''I will take that bet. Tell me your terms and how much are we talking about?''

A bet was not what I had in mind at all, but it was probably the only way to get Evelyn to give us a fair chance. In my gut I felt that we had something. Something real and something that went further then physical attraction.

''Mate,'' Ace whispers and I can barely keep it together.

I wasn't ready to feel that sudden burst of happiness or to feel that overwhelming need to be with this shewolf. I could feel our mate bond and I was ready to complete it, but then I see Evelyn looking at me.

From the way she is looking at me I can tell that she is not feeling the same thing as me. Evelyn looks really annoyed at the moment and I realise that I haven't answer her question yet.

''Don't mess this up!'' Ace growls at me.

''Not helping!'' I snap back at my wolf.

''Fine, I will go first then,'' Evelyn says impatiently. ''I don't want anyone to know about our bet and we are not together, lets make that perfectly clear. We are both still free to do whatever we want with whoever we want.''

I'm trying to keep my temper in check, because just the thought of Evelyn with someone else makes me furious and insanely jealous. Apparently Sybil picked up on my feelings, because I see hints of silver in Evelyn's eyes and I know have to be careful.

Acting like a jealous and possessive idiot wouldn't help me with getting Evelyn to accept me as her mate. It would make her run for the hills or worse. She could reject me here and now.

No, I couldn't risk that!

''There is no bet if you don't agree to my terms, Hayden.''

''Just promise me that you will give me a fair chance and I will accept your terms.''

''That's it?'' Evelyn asks sceptical.''All you want for me is to give you a fair chance?''

''Yes and that you remember that you can always come to me when you struggling to get through the haze on your own.''

''Like now?'' Evelyn asks as she moves closer to me.

My heart is beating like crazy and I'm really not sure if I have the willpower to walk away again. Not when Evelyn looks at me like that and it really doesn't help that I know that she is not wearing anything under my shirt.

Evelyn sits down on my lap and she pulls me close to her.

''I will help you if you let me,'' I answer as I try not to get lost in those beautiful eyes.

''Good to know,'' Evelyn smirks and she gives me kiss on the cheek. ''The bet is on then.''

Goddess yes, this bet was on!