
I Don’t Want To Be a Hero

What happens when a lazy person with no desire of being a hero gets reborn into the One Punch Man world as Tatsumaki and Fubuki's brother? But for the sake of surviving he had to get strong. Join Ye Zai in his journey through the animeverse. I don't own the image cover or even anything in here tbh... __________________________ First of all, I'm not the original author of this fanfiction, I'm just a translator. This fanfiction has 900+ chapters so this is going to be a long ride. Original Author- Salted Fish With Rice Link To Raws- https://sj.uukanshu.com/book.aspx?id=137375 He would be having multiple women from various anime worlds but he doesn't accept them at first due to him thinking that he wouldn't be able to return to said anime world but that gets solved later on so don't worry. Also, this is a weak-to-strong novel so don't expect him to instantly defeat Saitama or something. He would eventually reach that level but not in the start. Also mostly the rewards from the system are unsatisfactory but it doesn't stop him from getting strong so don't worry. I hope you enjoy~ Also, you can consider the anime worlds AU since there are some minor changes here and there. If you realized this is a synopsis from my fellow translator -ExReality anyway imma steal your synopsis nyehehe~ (hehe jk I'm too lazy to even write synopsis on my own anyway my original purpose was just to read this fanfic with MTL but I might as well help y'all by putting the translation here I'll also edit the chapter if i feel like it anyway peace~)

ShLight · Anime & Comics
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366 Chs

Chapter 301 The Absorbed "Light"!

The other pirates on the ship were shocked when they heard the conversation between Robin and Yezai.

The Marine who just fought with their Captain turned out to be the highest combat power of the Marine, an Admiral!

What is this?

They were in the first half of the Grand Line, and the highest level of Marine they had seen was "Marine Captain".

And this "Captain" was from the branch, and his strength was not comparable to the strength of the Headquarters.

And they just survived from the hands of the Marine Headquarters Admiral, and their Captain even seriously injured the Admiral.

After a brief shock, the pirates were ecstatic, the pleasure of escaping from death, and full of glory.

Although they didn't do anything, they were now pirates who had seen a Marine Admiral and survived.

And they also held a thigh that can wrestle with an Admiral. In the future, even the "Yonkō (Four Emperors)" can't ignore their pirate group.

Compared to the pirates who were in ecstasy, Yezai's expression was a little dignified.

Yezai thought that the task given to him by the system hadn't been completed yet.

As early as when Yezai and Kizaru were fighting, the system gave him the third task.

["Task three: As a hero, your own justice is always questioned.

Fight with the Marine Admiral Kizaru, and the final result can't be lower than a 'draw'.

If the result is a 'draw', you need to let the crew leave safely!

Reward: five random draws, 1000 hero points. "]

The reward was extremely rich, and it was not an exaggeration to say that it was the first task with the most reward in the history of Yezai.

But this reward was really not easy to get. Judging from the battle he had just fought with all his strength, the result of the battle between him and Kizaru should be a "draw".

In other words, under the condition of a tie, he still had to ensure the safety of Robin and the others and let them leave safely. Only then would his mission be considered complete.

But now his task was not completed, that is to say, they haven't gotten rid of Kizaru yet.

Sure enough, shortly after Yezai left, a burst of golden particles appeared in the sky, and Kizaru, covered in blood, appeared again over them.

"How terrifying. This old man almost died just now.

A dangerous pirate like you, I can't let you go back to the sea. Otherwise, there will be another Emperor in the sea. "

Kizaru was in a very bad state at this time. His strength was estimated to be less than 20%, but Yezai's situation was even worse.

Although he did not suffer any injuries, the strength in his body was already on the verge of drying up.

"Tsk, how troublesome. I'll stay and stall him. You guys keep these gold coins and go to the Water 7 island to build a new ship.

If I survive, we'll meet up there. "

Immediately afterward, Yezai threw out a lot of gold coins from Orario and dragged his tired body to find Kizaru again.

Yezai's movements were so fast that Robin didn't even have time to stop him. Yezai had already left the Pirate Ship.

"Big Sister, the only thing we can do to help Lord Ye Zai now is to not cause trouble for him.

Let's leave quickly. Staying here will only distract Lord Yezai. He is an existence that can seriously injure a general. He won't die just like that. "

On the other side, he had already begun to instruct the sailors to set sail.

Robin clenched her fists tightly as she watched the two figures fighting fiercely in the air.

She thought that if she was a disaster, as soon as she boarded Yezai's ship, they would immediately be targeted by a Marine Admiral.

Perhaps it was just like what someone had said before. A person like her should die instead of dragging others down with her.

But she didn't know that the reason why Kizaru came here was not because of her, but because of Yezai.

In the air, Yezai was constantly gasping for breath. Now he could only rely on his swordsmanship and Armament Haki to deal with Kizaru.

As for Energy Wave, he could forget about it. Right now, he could barely even use the "Sky Dance Technique".

Fortunately, Kizaru's situation was also not good, so Yezai could still struggle at this time. If it was Kizaru at the beginning, Yezai in this state would have been killed directly.

"I didn't expect that a character like you would be willing to die here for a group of small pirates."

From Yezai's state, Kizaru knew that he was exhausted. In fact, if Yezai wanted to run, Kizaru couldn't do anything to him.

But Kizaru didn't expect that the other party, a strong character, would make such a choice in the end.

Kizaru has decided not to capture Yezai alive. Although this is the request of Tenryubito, Kizaru doesn't think that Tenryubito, those idiots, can hold such a Yezai.

Yezai, who was weak more than ten years ago, could escape from Mariejois. Now Yezai will only be more relaxed.

Kizaru is a person who is afraid of trouble, and he doesn't want to be avenged in the future.

"Oh, why does Admiral think that I will die in such a place?"

As the Pirate Ship moved away, Yezai looked at the status of "Completed" with a calm expression on his face.

Now that he has completed all the missions, he can leave this world at any time.

And just when he wanted to leave, Kizaru kicked him directly in the abdomen and kicked him directly to the sea.

Yezai, who was flying upside down, was like a meteor in the sky. That kick just made Yezai vomit blood.

Kizaru looked at Yezai, who fell into the sea, and still didn't feel relieved and added a few more lasers.

"Tsk, I didn't expect that at this time, he can still use this kind of move."

Yezai felt that he was going to overturn the car. The "Light Speed Kick" just now made his consciousness begin to blur.

And as his consciousness gradually drifted away, he saw that a few lasers had already arrived in front of him.

When Yezai thought that he might die in this world and began to say goodbye to his friends and relatives in various worlds, an accident happened again.

Kizaru's lasers that should have penetrated Yezai's body all changed their trajectory at this time and flew towards Yezai's chest and were gradually absorbed?

"Boom –!"

A huge splash suddenly appeared on the sea, and the salty seawater also pulled back Yezai's remaining consciousness at this moment.

Without thinking about how he just survived Kizaru's laser, Yezai used his remaining consciousness to directly return to the world.

At the same time, Yezai's body also gradually dissipated in the sea until it completely disappeared.

Kizaru, who was on the sea, was also confused at this time. His laser just now was actually absorbed?

But this problem is not important now, the point is that Yezai actually disappeared?

Kizaru absolutely doesn't believe that a strong person like Yezai was kicked to death in the sea by him.

But he waited on the sea for a long time, and he didn't see Yezai appear again.

In the end, Kizaru had to sadly accept the fact that Yezai escaped from his hands when he was at his last breath.