
I don’t plan to die as a villainess !

Rosie Ainsworth, the wife of the Archduke Cedric Evergarden, just wanted to have a simple life. She was told ,that when she worked hard and stayed humble , she would be rewarded . … … But how did it turn out like this? After waking up, she found out that she took the role of the villainess in the novel , named “ The archduke and the baron’s daughter journey to love“, that she read when she once lived in a different world. The title is just …. just reading it someone could already guess what happened there . As cringe as this book was , it didn’t change the fact that she would experience terrible death in the end ,whereas this cheating husband and damn female lead got their happy ending . Her thought : “ Why am I the villainess ? Are you kidding me ?! Never mind , I should just concentrate on my stuff for now. Let’s get divorce ! “ The picture wasn’t from me. Original written

Jbee09 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Do I have to argue with you again ?

After my half-great- and half-disaster-breakfast, I now walked down the hallway hand in hand with Kitsune to explore the building since it was my and Kitsune's first time being here, except for my other family members. Our adventure instinct awakened at once.

Furthermore the meeting would soon begin anyway, so we decided to stay here for now, much to my dismay. My previous plans were thrown out of the window just with a few words. At least this small journey could distract me from the inevitability, like kids playing hide and seek at the mansion hiding away from the searching adults. We didn't find any hidden doors or magical regal like " Nania", yet it was still enjoyable - expected at the end. The rooms were organised and decorated in similar manner of many other noble mansions. Despite this, we both found some joy looking into the rooms, kitchen and parlour room, especially watching the workers doing their duties. Now finally arriving at the last one destination, we stood in front of large solid wooden doors, blocking our way. Without hesitation we opened them but with much difficulty. Once we touched the ground to the possible most beautiful place of the mansion, I really felt refreshed yet familiar. At the moment we were outside viewing the clear sky and simultaneously hearing the horse galloping far away, shouting and laughing of the people walking past our mansion, smell of fresh bread and twitching of the birds. The city came back to life. Although this should motivate me to leave this place immediately, I didn't do in the end. Not because I had a meeting later on, but because a sea of beautiful red roses reflected by the light took my breath away, making me unable to move.

" Why are there so many roses ?" , I asked myself as this occasion somehow reminded me of the garden at the Evergarden mansion. While I fell deep in my thoughts, Kitsune took the chance to further inspect the roses and already went on the path with roses in line. We stood in the middle of the way and Kitsune kneeled down looking at one particle flower. Whereas I watched the roses moving with the wind creating a wave accompanied with fallen petals which flew in one direction. In the sunlight the play of the colour green of the plants, red of the petals, blue of sky and light-yellow of the sun made a pictorial moment, almost instagram-worth if I had to say. But like in any most popular insta photo, models were needed and right now, Kitsune very much fit in this kinda picture. I was so absorbed that I missed out the gazebo far away from us.The gazebo placed as the centre of this large garden. But when I finally realised the obviousness here, I soon took small steps towards the place leaving my small brother behind. He in return looked at me questionably. Fortunately, the boy seemed fast to see my intention and followed suit.

Suddenly he called out to me, " Hey, Rosie". I turned around and asked, " Is something ?"

" Now what should we do ?", was his question. I just looked at him confused, then asked , " What do you mean?"

As response my little brother rolled his eyes and replied, " The archduke Evergarden. " I stood still at once just in front of the stairs leading to the gazebo. I became paralysed when the certain thing was mentioned.

" We can't walk or hide around here for long. ", he added.

" We don't hide, Kitsune. What do you think of me ?" , I said annoyed, trying to calm my nervousness. To look convincing I even crossed my arms in a challenging way. The boy just looked at me deadpanned. I became slightly insulted by this comment, but I couldn't deny it that I indeed wished to avoid my still husband.

" When we had breakfast, you already looked like running away after reading this letter. ", spoke my little friend with a face saying: ' Give up already. We already know. Just admit it.'

I became startle upon his words. How I wished to counter his reply but how should I do so, when it was all correct. I really wanted to run away at that moment. Getting back to these stressful days made me desire to have the ability of a rabbit successfully escaping from the wolves who tried to catch it. Yet here I was already got trapped by someone else's hand instead who would throw me to the carnivores. I felt so helpless yesterday. With just a few words from the king it destroyed "my" escape. The little progress to the right direction. A slight change. A small hope.

Why did I come back to this cursed plot ? It gave me the feeling that the world said: " You can't run away from me. " , showcasing his power, chaining me down to my original fate. " It was only a small break for me and now come back to your old role. ", this phrase, even it was self imagined, replayed many times in my head. It hurt so much. Right now, I felt so desperate to leave everything behind now, starting a new life as someone else, but who could I deceive with a face of an Ainsworth ? My eyes, my hair and abilities. Everything screamed: I was an Ainsworth. Even hiding behind a wig and having different eye colours, I couldn't possible hide away from the royal family for long. Before they could find me, my innocent family would be already in hell because of me.

On one hand I would have to live with my previous role and my family would fallen in ruin after that, on the other hand I could run away and my family still had to face slander and accusation from everywhere because of their incompetent daughter. Not like it wasn't like that before, but only not so strongly. I could damp it through my own achievements and abilities at the Evergarden mansion. Would I have flee now when the royals specifically called for my assistance, a bad light would fall upon my family. Even suspecting our loyalty. So to sum up, my family would be destroyed anyway.

" I don't want to become the villainess again", I thought frustratedly.

" Why can't it go my way ?" , I murmured sadly. At least one small change still stayed when I looked at Kitsune and the mansion before me. These things never happened in the story from the past, meaning I achieved something incredible. I fought back against fate. This sure annoyed the god somewhere… or not. Hopefully, that won't break my progress till now.

" Rosie ?… I know that you don't want to, but it was already decided. ", the boy finally said.

"…but it was already decided", I quoted him. Would he have known what these words meant for me, he wouldn't have spoken them out. It felt like it was fair that everything was already decided for me from the very start. Fate did play a wrong game. I sighed and looked depressed.

" You're alright ?", asked Kitsune worriedly. " Yeah…", I gave weakly back.

Soon I arrived the bench made of stone. When I sat down, I felt the coldness from the stones and jerked back, but soon went down. I turned around to see another open door -like- entrance next to me. Stairs going down to a platform leading to a small lake. Once reaching the edge down there, you could see stairs continuing and vanishing amidst the water. It looked pleasing as I could imagine myself walking down these stairs and sit with my naked feet touching the water or walking down with my skirt. I began daydreaming and looked at the lake in a daze.

" Hello ? Rosie ?" Suddenly I heard a voice calling for me and I twitched. Then I looked for the source who was next to me.

" You know you can't go on daydreaming now. Don't escape reality. We have to think about how you should interact with the archduke."

I closed my eyes and reopened them to only see a small serious boy looking straight into my eyes. With a sigh I said,

" You know…, how should I know how to interact with him when I never have a proper conversation before. Except for my divorce…"

Confused and anger twisted his face and he shouted, " How could you marry such a man !?"

With tired eyes I looked down on the table before me. I replied, " I asked myself that many times… But I just loved him. That's why…"

I still didn't know if I really loved him out of my own will or it was because of the book, yet I still felt heartbroken. Despite my steady denial that I already lost my affection for him after coming back, I was moved last time I saw him. My heart beat so much. I was still afraid to encounter the archduke on my own. When I compared myself to him, I felt restless, even emotional, by how unaffected he was about our divorce. So helpless as I was in the discussion from yesterday, I never wanted it to happen ever again.

Similar to torture, I counted the time for his arrival, even my hands fidgeting under the table before the actual event.

" You can do it.", Kitsune tried to comfort me with a small smile. I was about to response when all of sudden I heard a call from afar. We immediately looked towards it and saw a butler walking towards us with an accompany.

" Speaking of the devil…", I murmured tiredly. My small brother looked at me worriedly. Not wasting more time I just stood up, walked down with my hand lifting my skirt slightly as reflex and then bowed.

" Good day, archduke Evergarden. " , I said. Once I straightened my back, I tried to focus only at his throat instead of his face while maintaining an emotionless face. Would I look into his eyes, I believed my knees would become soft.

" Good day, lady Ainsworth.", I heard the archduke reply. "Now should we go to a private place for our meeting ?"

It seems like it was time already. Time flew fast.

" Yeah, we should walk towards the parlour room.", I gave the response as this naturally should be the case, yet for some reason silence came between us for awhile and I still waited for his answer. Obviously a yes, I expected. However what came was unexpected.

" …We could stay here for our discussion. The weather is nice. Going for a walk would be good. " To his suggestion, I raised an eye brow, finally rising my focus a bit higher to only see that Cedric looked at the roses next to him in a daze. "Why do they like the roses so much ?" , I asked myself, implicating Kitsune and Cedric. It remembered our usual sort of conversation before my marriage. It exactly like this as if the flowers were more entertaining than me. Not enduring the silence anymore, I just replied with a nod,

" Yes, archduke Evergarden. If you wish for. " Finally I noticed some small movement from him. Then the archduke dismissed the butler next to him as if he himself owned this mansion.

"Lucky one", I thought as the butler almost ran away from this awkward interaction.

Suddenly I noticed his head were inclined to the side. Curious where he looked at, I turned back and saw a small child still sitting in the gazebo behind me silently.

" Ah…", I remembered.

He asked, " This is Kitsune, right ?"

Surprised by it, I flinched but immediately answered, "…Ah Yes, as you know he just became a family member now."

" …Yes, … I was surprised when I first saw him. I had to admit. ", Cedric said.

" Pardon?". Finally I looked up to only see piercing sky blue eyes serious looking at me. I became embarrassed immediately. To hide it, I turned my back and asked,

" Kitsune, if you want, you can go up to our room. I'm sure you're tired by now." To continue the important conversation I thought that my brother should leave. Not like I dislike his presence right now, I just believed that the archduke felt uncomfortable around, especially with the way he looked at him and what he said. Like laser piercing a hole in Kitsune's head.

" Okay", he replied and walked away. I looked longingly after his leaving back. My eyes followed my small friend becoming smaller and smaller over times, sometimes I noticed him standing still on his way but soon resumed his walk.

After we knew that we were alone, I thought we could start now but instead it became quiet instead.

" This boy looks really pretty, right ?", I heard the person before me suddenly making this question. Surprised I vaguely answered,

" Y-Yes, archduke Evergarden."

" But why did you send him back ? If he wanted, he could stay here. He looked like he wanted to stay. "

I looked to my side and replied, " I was afraid that the archduke would feel uncomfortable around Kitsune. That's why I sent him back."

" Does it seem like this ?"

" Yes, archduke Evergarden." For a moment I felt it became a bit more awkward than before. However it wasn't like it was wrong, what I said. Right ?

Finally, the archduke spoke, " …Alright, so should we go ?"

He soon lend me an arm like a gentleman. Even though I would like to pass, it wouldn't be good for an already strained relationship now not even to take his offer. We eventually needed to work together, so I reluctantly took his arm but didn't hold on his upper arm strongly, only superficial over his clothes.

Suddenly the archduke exclaimed, " You….Nevermind.", then shook his "What do you me to do now ? I did take your offer. ", I thought annoyed.

Now we moved through the sea of roses.

On our way, I asked him without looking at him, " If I'm allowed to ask this, archduke Evergarden."

He nodded.

Then I continued, " What do you mean that you were surprised upon Kitsune's arrival back then. Didn't you know of Kistune's existence ? "

"…" I saw the man hesitated a bit, but soon gave a steady reply,

" No. That's why I was surprised. I just arrived there because the king called for my audience. "

Shocked by these news, I questioned, " So you came without knowledge. Did you also not know of our supposed divorce ? " My heart beat speeded up, I hold on my breath and stayed focused.

" … Not exactly. I did know that the king planned to redo our marriage, but I didn't know that I would meet on spot." So in the end he did know. Did it also mean he wasn't against it ? Never could I asked him this question. My pride wouldn't comply with it.

Another question popped up. I thought, "Was this also the reason why he was angry when seeing me ?" Although I once asked before, he didn't reply back then because of our argument. Speaking of the argument, I noticed that despite me saying him that he should act with me like business partner he still answered my personal questions like good acquaintance with patience. Or were they not so personal questions ? Suddenly realisation hit me and my eyes widened. To confirm this hunch, I gave it a chance. I then looked up, to this I saw a surprised archduke. he didn't think I would look up now. Before he could say something, I was first to ask,

" Then… was this also the reason why you were so angry at me ?"

" Heh ? Pardon ? " Cedric blinked in confusion.

" Was this also the reason why you were so angry at me ?", I repeated with much loader voice.

Soon he replied with hesitation, " …I had to admit that I was indeed angry at you, but for other reasons."

" For which reasons ?" He sighed, not looking at me anymore.

" …It …It was because of the child."

" You mean Kitsune. What has Kitsune have to do with it ?"

He rubbed his neck, his brows pulled together and said frustratedly, "…Before I saw his real appearance he looked exactly like an Ainsworth."

" Oh…", I exclaimed. As if he believed I understood his hidden meaning, he became relieved but who would know that soon a strong frown would be replaced when I commented,

" Yes, it was an amazing magic transformation. But you couldn't be angry just because we wanted to add a child to our family? Or for manipulating the appearance in front of the royals ?"

"Haaah…", he sighed and then brought his free hand to his face. Soon he added, " This isn't the case. I indeed noticed some traces of magic around him. Only I didn't know what was changed. So… "

" So what could be the case then ?"

Annoyed by steady questions, he spoke fast,

" Just think about how you would feel when seeing a child looking similar to an Ainsworth standing next to you ?"

" I don't understand what you imply. ", I asked innocently. His face told me: " How dense could you be ?"

A bit insulted by it I said, " Okay, you don't have to say it then when you don't want to. Can't you say it straight ? Why this roundabout ? " Frustrated, I took away my hand from his arm and walked faster but suddenly I heard, " Wait !" I turned around annoyed. Waiting for an answer, I stayed still.

The archduke caught up to me, then sighed and finally explained,

" A child standing next to you who looked like an Ainsworth, only his facial expression slightly different. He grips on your skirt like mother and son. I thought you had a child from an another man. "

Shocked by his thought, I shouted, " Did you mean I cheated on you during our marriage ?! Did you believe such things from me?"

" Anyone would think like that." , he honestly said.

I really wanted to deny it, yet I could somehow understand him a bit. When I was angry, I would like to defend myself it as much as I could but perhaps the previous events made me so tired that I began to think and react slowly now, rethinking my action till now. Then I calmly replied,

"… Okay, I could kind of understand it, but how should I give birth to an 9-year old child with twelve years "

" This child was 9 years old ?! He looked so young. I first believed he was around 6 years old. "

I couldn't blame him for thinking like this. Kitsune was malnourished when I first found him on the streets. His big clothes hid his body well, however after seeing him without them you could see bruised and rips more clearly. When we dined he ate like hungry wolf. This explained his slow growth and accompanied by the violence in the past it became even worse. Another indication would be his obvious small height in contrast to his peers who were one head bigger than him.

I explained,

" Momentarily, we try to feed him as much as we could, so that he become more healthier. ", then I turned around continuing my walk. The archduke also came along with my whim and offered me his arm again. This time I didn't take it, instead waved them away with shaking head. Cedric staggered, soon let his arm down and walked side by side with me in silence.

" Confirmed. He really was angry because of possible infidelity", I thought annoyed. This shouldn't matter for me anymore. But I couldn't help it. To distract from it, I asked hurriedly,

" Should we start the plan how to find evidence or clues of the organisation now ? So could you first give me some information regarding that ?"

With a raised brow, he stayed still for bit but then composed again and responded,

" From my previous investigation I learnt that they were some sort go of an organisation consisted mostly of commoners. The rumours most likely started in the bars as the biggest rumours surrounded there. We already investigated through roughly but all evidences were already destroyed. Not even a traitor or one of their men could be captured. I asked out everyone there We also looked through buildings, checked people and made patrol in the city, yet no results came out. The mastermind was very through roughly and removed any possible clues. "

Oh my gosh, this will harder than expected. I believed one clue should be there. How could someone be so good to not let one hint behind. Everyone made a mistake, nobody was perfect. But he or she proved otherwise. Just who was this person ? While thinking I unconsciously raised my hand and hold on my chin. I asked ,

" Was it really all ?"

" Yes. They work very good in teams. Even I tried to interrogated few suspicious commoners. They came out to be innocent. "

Sigh. What could we do then when they already cleared the area ? This month was the festival in celebration of the peace, an opportunity to attack the laughing people, the time to spread evil rumour and gossips and after finishing their plan they could leave unnoticed.

The festival went on for one month, possible the longest event ever existing. It consisted of four seasons. Each week held one ritual and tradition. Every Friday we would then celebrate. The celebration of spring, celebration of summer, celebration of autumn and celebration of winter in honour of the Horae. The four goddesses Horae who oversaw the human and report to the gods.

I soon suggested my idea,

" Then should we visit the bar this Friday again? During the festival I'm sure they would take this opportunity to attack. I will accompany you. I would probably take a different appearance then, already preparing for my future disguise. "

" We already tried it out, but we couldn't find one clue. ", he countered.

" I'm sure this time it's different because since I divorced you. I believe that by now our enemies should already know of our divorce The announcement from yesterday wasn't spread around yet, so they shouldn't know of it. Should the enemies still find out, then there must be spies already infiltrated into the royal palace. When not, then spies were already placed in your mansion or… my mansion then. ", I mentioned my servants for the sake of fairness.

I added, " Did you already mention your servants or anyone there about the fail of our divorce yet ?"

" Not yet. It wasn't officially announced so I couldn't recklessly speak about it, not even to my servants.", he replied with widen eyes. I could see his surprise but not know the reason.

" So we could go under cover then.", I then concluded. I waited for his answer however he stayed quiet, showing his thinking face already. Soon he opened his mouth and responded,

" This is a good idea. …But I prefer if you don't go there. Because it's dangerous."

" Did it mean he believed that women were weak ? ", I asked myself in anger. I disliked how he believed to know everything better than me or anyone else but worse than this was that he had the guts to judge my hard-earned abilities. I hated how women had to be below men in this century. This side was spoken out from my mind of the modern world, so naturally I instinctively felt insulted. In Seoul I had friends who would fall in love with him because he was the type to protect his woman, but I was bit different. In my childhood my father had to travel to America when I was just 8 years old, thus I lived there for 10 years and disliked to be seen as weak. After my graduation I soon came back to my hometown South Korea for college. My mindset was slightly different, but someone who came from a different country naturally had a different mentality. My friends back in America asked me why I didn't stay here to study. I answered :" I fall in love with K-POP, their fashion and loved anime and manga." What more reason did I need to fly to Seoul. But aside from that I also have some regrets and bad memories in America too. My life in Seoul should be my new start. My family luckily also decided to move to Seoul since my big brother lived there for college too. The two years were enjoyable.

The person before me didn't know who I was.

Outraged by his exclamation, I countered, " Do you think I couldn't handle something like this ? I trained swordsmanship since my childhood. Don't underestimate me ! " I crossed my arms and huffed. Although I looked tuff on the outside, inside I was unsure. Even though I strongly believed I could handle two different lives I would sometimes mix up my memories with my past life, meaning I didn't even know if my fighting abilities even worked on important moments. Exactly on the time when someone would slit my throat. Still I knew I could fight, because during my stay at the Ainsworth mansion I also trained my swordsmanship again and it was still as good as before reawakening my past life or more like coming back.

" I don't mean it like this…Just men have usually more strength than women.", Cedric tried to explain.

" As long as you have the right technique I could still take many men down. ", I still argued despite my nervousness of my choice.

" What would happen, if you would be caught ?"

" This will never happen. Don't worry about."

" Don't be so arrogant. You shouldn't overestimate your abilities. "

Now he crossed the line. "Who are you to judge me ?", I thought angrily.

" You do know my special magic, right ? So you shouldn't be afraid because of that. Furthermore you also first believed I couldn't handle the affairs of the Evergarden house before. But I managed them well till now. I can judge my abilities better than you. "

" You should still know there is a possibility. You should always be careful. I can't always be there when you are in danger. ",the archduke spoke with authority, but a bit pleading hidden in his voice.

" No problem. I can handle it on my own. "

"Ah… so I will have to look for the enemies and you too. ", he spoke exhaustingly. A sigh allowed.

I felt like a vein popped out of my forehead. "You would show you how strong I could be. ", I thought while staying in my challenging position.

" But at least try to dress moderately."

" What do you mean by this ? I always wear dress with simple design."

" I mean that you shouldn't wear anything noticeable. "

" You don't have to worry, archduke Evergarden. During our marriage I also didn't give much efforts to my appearance. I won't look pretty. "

" …" Cedric didn't say back instead he his eyes widened in disbelief.

Soon as if he woke up from his paralyse he said, " Then just don't look like your usual self at the mansion. You attract too much attention with your appearance."

When I heard that, I really wanted to talk back since he alone already attracted much attention from the female side. But what next came as a surprise. I could somehow guess it through our conversation, however what came next just confirmed my hunch.

"Men are wolves who would devour females. So don't look so beautiful. alrighty ? ", said the archduke sternly. His honesty showed itself by his worried eyes.

Shock. I stayed quiet upon his words. I didn't care that he finally showed a variety of emotions in front me or that we seriously had a somehow "good" conversation with each other.


" What is it ?", he finally asked as this silence suffocated him a bit.

With downcast eyes, I soon asked quietly , " I look beautiful to you ? "