
I Don’t Know Your Name

Four teenagers, totally different people, totally different families, totally different... POWERS.... These four teenagers, Nicki, Luke, Michael, and Rachel will go through a whole journey of a crazy rollercoaster ride. In the end though, will each character win out? Or will all of them crash and burn, never to find peace again?

Mika_The_Pika · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Nicholas Whyte

Nickname(s): Nicki

Family?: Lives with mother and father. Father works a lot though. He has eight siblings: Raina, Matthew (Matt), Sammy and Sarah (twins), Caleb, Nathan, and Natasha.

Last place of residence?: Tokyo, Japan (moved to New York five months before story takes place)

Current place of residence?: New York City

Nationality: Japanese-American

Hair color: Turquoise

Eye color: Deep purple

Skin: Lightly tanned

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 120 lbs

Birthday: September 13th

Age: Sixteen years old

Lucas Tanea

Nickname(s): Luke, Luka (doesn't really like it but his sister call him it anyways)

Family?: Lives with mother and father. Has a twin sister named Lilian, and a deaf brother named Leon (Leo).

Last place of residence?: Chicago, Illinois (moved to New York when he was ten)

Current place of residence?: New York City

Nationality: American

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Amber

Skin color: Fair

Height: 5'8'

Weight: 140 lbs

Birthday: June 23rd

Age: Sixteen years old

Rachel McCrown

Nickname(s): None

Family?: Lives with mother and father, has three brothers: Ryan, Randy, and Raymond

Last place of residence?: Always lived in New York

Current place of residence?: New York City

Nationality: German-American

Hair color: Reddish brown

Eye color: Light green

Skin Color: Tanned

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 118 lbs

Birthday: January 08th

Michael Tsakuyo

Nickname(s): Mika (reserved for special people)

Family?: None. Mother mysteriously disappeared, pronounced dead and father disappeared when he was four.

Last place of residence?: Tokyo, Japan (moved two weeks before books starts)

Current place of residence: New York City

Nationality: Japanese

Hair color: light blue

Eye color: Heterochromatic! Left eye: Silver/Gold (flashes between both colors). Right Eye: Scarlet

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 89 lbs

Birthday: December 14th.