
I don’t care about the plot, I just want to sleep.

Apparently I was reincarnated in a harem fantasy novel I was reading, well, I'd better get stronger, so no one will bother me when I sleep. ** I don't know how to write in English, so everything will be done with a translator, if you see any grammatical error point it out and I'll correct it.

Papaslocas · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Lilia Silvester

"Wait, are you really Noah?"


I answered Samanta's question as I popped another bun into my mouth.

"What the hell happened to you?"

"I already said it was puberty"

"Puberty doesn't work like that you idiot"

"Even if you say that I really don't have any other way to explain it."


"Hello everyone."

Before Samantha could ask any more questions, teacher Cintia entered the classroom.

When she stood in the middle of the room she looked at me and asked.

"Are you the student Noah?" 


"I received Mirilda's report, but I didn't think it was that extreme."

He said with apparent surprise but his expression didn't show it.

"Well that doesn't matter now, I have an announcement to give you."

Professor Cintia left the matter aside and spoke in a serious tone

"As you already know, 3 demons infiltrated the level test that the academy conducted, this put all the staff on high alert and after a discussion it was decided that from now on special classes will be held to be able to prepare them in case something like this happens again in the future"

As he spoke he looked at all the students

"I see that everyone's strength has increased considerably since then, but these special classes will help them reach new levels."

This can be very good

These special classes can help me master the power I have now, it is still difficult to control my highly enhanced strength, speed and mana.

They can also help the other A-Class to become stronger and be ready in case something happens, it doesn't matter if I know what will happen if I can't avoid it.

Although last time it was only Silfy, may be if the plot changes again, not only 1 person is in danger.

"I can't do it all alone"

Being as strong as possible will be a big help.

"Alright, everyone follow me"

Professor Cintia said and we all started to head to the place where the special class will be held.


We arrived at the outskirts of the forest area of the academy and professor Nobu was there waiting for us

"Since Professor Cintia should have already explained everything to you, I will tell you what this special class will be about."

He raised his hand and from a dark portal a small box appeared.

"This must be the unique magic of the dragons."

Dragons, unlike other races, did not need a storage ring or any other artifact to store their things.

They had a sort of pocket dimension in which they could store anything they wanted without counting living things. 

"Having something like that would be very useful."

No matter how expensive a storage ring is, after a while it will run out of space, but the dragons' pocket dimension is something that expands depending on how much mana they have in their bodies

And since dragons are mana-sucking machines that space is almost infinite.

"In this box are several different colored bracelets, if your bracelet is the same color as someone else's then you are a team. Your task is to work with your teammate to eliminate the "demons" we put in the forest, these demons although not real have considerable combat power so it will be best to work together with your teammate to defeat them. This class will essentially be to improve his adaptability and teamwork, after all on the battlefield he can't choose who to fight with."

After finishing explaining I look at everyone and point to Arthur.

"You will be the first one, come and get a bracelet."


Arthur approached and put his hand in the box, after moving it a little he took out a green bracelet.

"Alright, now you"


Then he called Silfy and so on until he got to me.

I rummaged around and pulled out a blue bracelet.

"Who was the blue color?"

I looked around and found the person who had the blue bracelet.

She was a girl with white hair and blue eyes like Miss Cintia, she had a serene and cold face that drove away anyone who tried to approach her, but that only highlighted her incredible appearance.

Lilia Silvester, the first of class A and the strongest of the first class.

"Good luck I guess."

With her on the team this test will be a piece of cake, not only is her power overwhelming compared to kids her age, but even in the novel she stayed among the top ranks until the end

There is one small problem though.

"Hi, I'm Noah, we're on the same team."

He stares at me for a while before he opens his mouth


His body started shaking uncontrollably but without changing his cold and calm expression

Lilia Silvester, the strongest first year.

She's a complete social misfit


Everyone had already taken a bracelet and the teams were as follows. 

Green team, Arthur and Samantha

Red team, Ria and Silfy

Blue team, Noah and Lilia

Yellow team, Adella and Leiby

"Now that all the teams are ready I will explain a few more things about the test."

Professor Cintia began to speak 

"The demons that we placed in the forest will be hunting them at all times, when you eliminate one you will have to pull out one of their horns to prove that you defeated them, there will also be demons that will be split, these will be stronger than the normal ones but you will have to be aware of your surroundings to find their traces, the team that gets the most horns will be the winner."

A magic circle appeared under the feet of each team and started to glow

"Good luck"

The students disappeared and the special class began


When I opened my eyes I could see a river and few trees around me, this is good to avoid any ambush.

I looked next to me and there was Leila with her usual cold face.

"Well...I guess we just have to search, teacher Cintia said that the demons were hunting us so they will come to us on their own."


With that brief conversation we started walking



Neither of us spoke, the atmosphere was a bit awkward but I didn't know how to fix it


That is until Lilia started talking

"You like...swords?"

That attempt to start a conversation was as poor as it was cute, but you can't blame her

Lilia was someone who from a young age could not have much contact with other children her age.

This was due to her father's reputation of being the No. 2 awakened in the ranking of the human kingdom and owner of the most powerful guild of the same, that added to the great talent she showed with the sword at a young age and her outstanding appearance.

It caused the children of her age to feel so pressured to talk to her that they did not approach her and when they did they were too nervous to have a conversation, the only ones who approached her were older people who only praised her in order to gain the favor of the No. 2 in the ranking and the one who was presumed to be the future No. 1.

That's why the only thing she did as a child was train with the sword and at the same time it was the only thing she knew and liked, she didn't develop any social skills at that time and when she tried to talk to a person the only topic she could think to bring up was swords or things related to combat

"Well, I wouldn't exactly say I like them but I do think they're cool."


Of course you do, what man doesn't think swords are cool?

I'm sure you've all thought about wielding one at some point.

"Well they look cool to me too, where did you get yours?, it looks like very good quality."

He said as he pointed to my sword

"I bought it at a store near area B, it's made of an elven metal that is very sturdy and facilitates mana circulation."

"I see, did you know that elven metals are mostly used to create elemental weapons?, this is because in some areas of elven land the mana of a specific element can concentrate in a single area, giving metals and plants characteristics of that element, In fact the sword I have right now is an ice elemental sword that my dad gave me."

Wow, buying an elemental sword for your daughter is no small thing, they can cost up to 500 gold coins.

"Ah, I'm sorry, this must not interest you very much right? I just get excited when I talk about this kind of stuff."

"No it's fine, it's always nice to see someone talking about their favorite subject with enthusiasm"

"Don't you think it's weird?"

I ask with a slightly surprised expression

"It doesn't have to be weird, it's just a subject that you're passionate about and that's it."

"...I see."

He said with a small smile


But at that moment we stopped at the same time and the atmosphere started to get heavy, we grabbed the scabbard of our swords and unsheathed them at the same time


We stopped some daggers that flew straight at us and looked up to see who threw them.

A "demon" with horns on his head was wearing a black robe from which he pulled out 2 more daggers.



He threw the daggers and hid among the trees.

-Clank Clank Clank

Several daggers came from all directions, when I was about to move Lilia moved first.


She stuck her long sword into the ground and the next moment a cold air began to emanate from its white blade.

-Bam Bam Bam

Several ice spikes shot out from the ground piercing both the trees and the demon hiding behind them


He pulled his sword out of the ground and re-sheathed it.

"What's your favorite thing to do?"

He asked the typical textbook question to start a conversation as if nothing had happened

I sensed something like this might happen so I wasn't that surprised and answered him

"Eating and sleeping."