
I don’t care about the plot, I just want to sleep.

Apparently I was reincarnated in a harem fantasy novel I was reading, well, I'd better get stronger, so no one will bother me when I sleep. ** I don't know how to write in English, so everything will be done with a translator, if you see any grammatical error point it out and I'll correct it.

Papaslocas · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

It's okay to make mistakes

At a long table sat several teachers as they waited for one more person to arrive.

"Sorry I'm late."

A man with long red hair walked in apologizing for his tardiness, but the teachers instead of getting angry got up from their seats and greeted him respectfully

""Greetings to the headmaster.""

The man who had just entered was the headmaster of the Norva academy, Vofal

A dragon

The being that is at the bottom of the food chain, capable of living for hundreds of thousands of years without problems, in fact, Nobu, who is approximately three thousand years old is considered a young dragon, but not only can they live long, a dragon gets stronger as it ages even if it does not train, this is due to the abysmal amount of mana that they absorb throughout their life. 

If a normal creature were to receive the mana that a dragon absorbs in a single day, it would die within a few seconds.

They are also the beings with the deepest connection to mana, endowing them with great wisdom and knowledge, it is said that the longest-lived dragons are able to see the whole truth of the world and that the dragon king is able to see the flow of destiny.

"Sit down everyone and let's start with the meeting, have you found out how the demons managed to enter the academy?"

"Yes, in one of the corpses we found this."

Mirilda placed a seemingly normal ring on the table.

"This is..."

But nothing can escape the eyes of a dragon.

"It's an artifact capable of changing appearance and completely suppressing demonic energy, apparently the 3 demons that appeared posed as staff members in order to place a teleportation circle and infiltrate the test. As for their target, it looks like they were targeting the A class students." 

When he said this the other teachers tensed up.

"But doesn't that mean that our security measures are useless? What if there are more infiltrating demons?"

"Couldn't a student also be a demon?"

"They could steal information from the students and send it to the demon realm."

"Calm down"

The teachers who were shouting a second ago fell completely silent at the headmaster's command

"Anything else?"

"Yes, we have analyzed every corner of the ring and noticed that it emits a small amount of demonic energy, if we are able to detect these small leaks we will be able to find the infiltrating demons. The research department is already creating an artifact for that."

"How long will it take?"

"About 3 months."

"Alright, don't announce this neither to the teachers nor to the students, this will only alert the demons, also don't let this spread to the outside, if it is known that a demon attacked the students inside the academy it could cause chaos all over the world."


"And lastly, send a message to the alliance to investigate the matter."



I slowly opened my eyes, my body was numb probably from overusing Lightning Impulse and my head was also hurting a little bit

"Oh, you woke up already"

A sweet voice sounded beside me and when I turned I could see Silfy in a patient suit.

"Are you ok?"

That was the first thing I asked her when I saw her.

"Yes, thanks to you I'm fine."

"That's a relief."

For a moment I was worried thinking that I might not be able to save Silfy, but thanks to that strange power I was able to do it, speaking of that

What was that power?

It wasn't mine, but at the same time I felt it as if it was a part of me, as if it had been there from the beginning.

Nothing like that happened in the novel, and also, why did the plot change?

I know I can't get answers now but this is very dangerous, the plot suddenly changed and caused Silfy's death, if this goes on like this more characters could die and even the main character. 

"I'm sorry."

My thoughts were interrupted by Silfy who suddenly apologized.

"I wasn't very useful in the fight against that demon, in the end when I attacked him with everything I had I couldn't kill him and I even ended up fainting because I was too weak...you ended up hurt because I wasn't strong enough to resist...I'm sorry"


Silfy Freihem

She is a very cheerful and friendly girl who always has a radiant smile on her face, she helps everyone who asks her, she is talented in spirit magic, she received the blessing of the world tree when she was born and she gets the best grades in exams

Many people, including elves, see she is a perfect and benevolent figure, someone who is able to do everything she sets her mind to, who does not make mistakes and has no flaws.

But the reality is nowhere near that

Since she was born she had to carry the burden of being the future queen of the elves, everyone looked at her with expectations in their eyes, and she wanted to fulfill those expectations.

Studying every day to be as smart as her people expected her to be, training her magic every day to be as strong as her people expected her to be, practicing her etiquette, posture, dancing, and speech to be as neat and polite as her people expected her to be

She worked very hard to live up to all the expectations the elves had of her, she didn't want to disappoint them, so she strived to be better every day

But at the end of the day, she was still a child.

 She sometimes wanted to stop studying to eat a nice chocolate cake, stop training to play with her dolls, stop practicing her etiquette to draw on the walls, make friends, run through the garden, read a story, pick flowers

Have fun

But he refrained from doing all those things for the sake of fulfilling what his people expected him to be

Is this a good enough?

Is this sufficient?

Thoughts like that were running through her head often, she was never satisfied with her results, even if she was the smartest in her class it wasn't enough, even if no one her age could compete with her it wasn't enough, even if her manners were perfect it wasn't enough.

She had to be better, to be the ruler they expected her to be, to be the perfect and flawless figure they wanted, that's why, even now, she was still striving to improve every day and maintain her perfect image.

But everyone has a limit, she is constantly under a lot of stress, and in the fight we had against the demon she must have felt useless thinking she didn't do much and finally broke down



"It's okay to make mistakes."

She opened her eyes wide, as if those words were directed especially for her

"People make mistakes all the time, no one is perfect, everyone knows that but sometimes it's necessary to remember that"

"In the course of your life you are going to fail many times, you will make several mistakes both big and small, but that's okay, it's those mistakes that allow us to improve, to fail to get up again with the determination to make it."

"The biggest mistake you can make is to seek perfection, if it wasn't for the fact that you severely injured the demon I would probably be dead by now, for that you don't have to apologize"

I looked straight into Silfy's teary eyes and said.

"You did well."

Those words, those simple words, touched the deepest part of Silfy's heart.

Although her mother loved her very much she was not always at home because of attending to the affairs of the kingdom, because of that, she spent most of her time alone studying or practicing, The servants always complimented her but she never felt anything for those compliments, she saw them as an indicator that she was meeting their expectations but nothing more

But this felt different, she didn't know why, but Noah saying those words to her made her feel a surge of emotions.

As if she'd been waiting for those words for a long time now


That's why


The girl who had been burdened for a long time, cried for the first time 


Letting out all the frustration and stress that she had been carrying with her for so long in silence.