
I do not want to be a villainess any more (GL). Erliu Li (a soft spot)

Tangli is a gold medal employee in the female supporting department of Kuaishou. Ever since she succeeded in the interview, she has been wandering between the vicious female supporting role and the dog-licking female supporting role. No matter how fragrant the rice is, you will get tired of it if you eat too much, not to mention those ordinary male protagonists? I'm tired of looking at it. So in the next mission, the character of Tang Li's vicious female supporting character collapsed. Author: Erliu Li (a soft spot) Translator: A wild dreamer (NOTE: I am not earning any money from this story. If the author has any objection for using the story without permission, do tell me and I will take it down immediately.)

A_Wild_Dreamer · LGBT+
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154 Chs

World 11 Chapter 144

Chapter 144

A child has the kind of character that the more you don't let her do something, the more she will fight against you.

Tang Duoduo, who wore a ponytail and overalls, put her hands on her hips and glared at Tangli who was applying lipstick. She talked to herself for a long time and said a lot of accusations. She thought she would get Tangli's guilt, hug and comfort, little did she know that this heartless little aunt was putting on her makeup carelessly, completely treating Tang Duoduo's complaints as accompaniment in her ears. Tang Duoduo was so angry that she stared desperately with her big eyes, hoping to be able to get Tangli attention like this.

Tang Duoduo's eye attack was indeed effective. Tangli put the lipstick on the table, lowered her eyes at the little bean who was no taller than her thighs, and asked with a smile, "Auntie and Sister Chuchu are going to do business, Duoduo, please go to school obediently."

"Kindergarten is on holiday today!"

"I'm talking about interest cram school."

Tang Duoduo stretched out her hands tremblingly and choked miserably, "Auntie, my fingers hurt so much. Duoduo doesn't want to learn to draw today."

Tangli's eyes were light. Regarding Tang Duoduo's dramatic performance, Tangli had an inexplicable feeling that she would take the film school entrance examination in the future. It would be a shame not to enter the entertainment industry with her acting skills.

But she likes such a lively and naughty Tang Duoduo. In fact, at the stage when Tang Li just brought Tang Duoduo home, the child was hurt by Tang Xueming, and she became withdrawn and sensible. When she felt hungry in the middle of the night, she didn't ask for help from an adult, but planned to make instant noodles by herself. She didn't dare to trouble Tang Li and Lin Chu, so when she tiptoed to open the cupboard door to get instant noodles, she discovered that Tangli sighed as she moved.

Tang Li did not hide herself, but took the initiative to enter Tang Duoduo's world.

She tried to hold Tang Duoduo's hand, but the child was a little timid and just hid her hands behind her back and lowered her head in fear, not looking at Tang Li.

At this time, Lin Chu put a candy in Tangli's hand, smiled, and motioned for her to try again.

Sure enough, children cannot resist the charm of candy.

Tang Duoduo's voice was very low, she swallowed her saliva and asked, "Little aunt, can Duoduo eat this candy?"

With the intervention of candy, the friendship bridge between adults and children has officially begun to be built.

Instant noodles were not suitable for Tang Duoduo, so Lin Chu fried some golden egg dumplings for her and paired them with a cup of yogurt. Tang Duoduo ate so much that she didn't even have time to talk.

Perhaps because of this late-night food exchange, Tang Duoduo began to learn to integrate into this family.

A child who is sensible and talkative is the most distressing, because she is introverted and needs adults to guess her mental activities. However, adults are not omnipotent, so they often misunderstand or cannot understand her world.

An outgoing child is cheerful and lively, like a little sun. Such a child will confidently tell adults what she wants. This is the difference in personality.

After these days of contact with Tang Duoduo in front of her, her obedient appearance has disappeared. She is naughty in nature, but after experiencing Tang Xueming's change of face and suppression, her nature was hidden. Revealing her true character in front of Lin Chu will mean that she has opened her heart.

Tangli knew clearly that Tang Duoduo was deliberately making trouble not to go to the interest class and insisted on pestering her and Lin Chu. But when she saw Tang Duoduo's aggrieved eyes, Tangli rubbed her curly hair and said helplessly, "You, if your sister Chuchu agrees, I will take you there."

Children are not stupid. Tang Duoduo knows that her little aunt is cold on the outside and hot on the inside, so the first person to deal with is Tang Li, but Lin Chu is not easy to deal with. Her profession is Tang Duoduo's teacher. She is used to seeing children playing clever tricks. When Tang Duoduo grins, Lin Chu can guess exactly what she is going to say in the first sentence. Therefore, the children in the kindergarten always whisper in private that Lin Chu understands magic spells, otherwise how could Lin Chu have figured them out so thoroughly?

Tang Duoduo's face suddenly fell, she hugged Tang Li's legs and begged, "No, aunt, you are so cruel."

"There's nothing we can do. This is Lin Chu and I's home. Some things need to be handled with the mutual consent of both of us." Tangli imitated Tang Duoduo's tone and returned the favor.

Tang Li imitated Tang Duoduo's tone, and pinched Tang Duoduo's cheek. The child's skin was tender and smooth, and it felt good to the touch.

She sighed in an old-fashioned way and said, "Auntie, you are not very useful. My classmate's parents are completely different from you. As long as her father agrees to something, her mother will not object."

Tang Li corrected her words, raised her little fleshy face so that Tang Duoduo could look at her, and said, "That means your classmate's father doesn't respect his mother. Suppose, I ate all of Duoduo's snacks. I haven't asked Duoduo about her wishes, are you happy or sad?"

Tang Duoduo said without thinking, "Then I will definitely be sad! After all, if aunt eats the snacks, I will have none. But it was aunt who ate the snacks, so I am not sad. Aunt is not someone else. She can just eat whatever she wants. Anything is fine."

Tangli laughed, knowing that the child was telling the truth, "No matter who ate your snacks without Duoduo's consent, this is wrong, so the most correct thing to do is to ask Duoduo first and can only eat it with your permission. This is a matter of principle."

"Duoduo understands, you must learn to respect other people's ideas! Then his father did something wrong, and I can't let my aunt make a mistake too."

Tangli nodded, "You're so good."

Tang Duoduo let go of her legs and turned to look for Lin Chu, "Sister Chuchu! Sister Chuchu!"

Tang Duoduo, who kept mouthing, was finally gone in the room. Tangli suddenly felt that the air around her had become rich in fragrance. She smiled evilly and tricked Lin Chu without leaving any trace.

[Tangtang, you are dishonest. ]

001, who was watching the whole scene, said this. It is now the common system of Tang Li and Lin Chu. It can bind two taskers at once, but it is so broken that it now feels like it is the most beautiful cub in the Time-and-Space Beuro, who can be as powerful as him?

Tangli combed her long curly hair and refused to admit 001's question. She put on her earrings while chatting, and then went to the living room to meet Lin Chu.

As soon as she appeared, Lin Chu's eyes swept over her lightly, with a gentle smile, but the murderous look in her eyes was not ignored by Tang Li.

Tang Li couldn't help but laugh, walked over and put her arms around Lin Chu's shoulders, took a sniff, and said sweetly, "This perfume is perfect for you, it goes so well!"

Lin Chu snorted softly and caught a glimpse of Tang Duoduo's bright eyes. She smiled softly and said, "Okay, let's make an exception and give Duoduo a day off today so that you can accompany us to the Civil Affairs Bureau."

"Okay, okay! Duoduo hasn't been to the Civil Affairs Bureau yet! It's familiar again! From now on, Duoduo will be able to know the road." She expressed her speech in a childish way, and Tangli couldn't help but lean against the Lin Chu.

A sound of laughter burst out from Lin Chu's shoulder, her body trembled, her face was charming, Tang Li said, "It's nice to have a mythical beast at home. Although sometimes she can make you so angry that your throat is smoking, sometimes she is quite cute."

Lin Chu said coolly, "I still remember the way you scolded Duoduo last time."

There were some things that were not easy to say in front of Tang Duoduo. Tang Li was so angry that day that she drank several glasses of cold water. She complained to Lin Chu that she really wanted to take Tang Duoduo to the world of cultivating immortals. A silence spell could treat Tang Duoduo to be docile and see if she still dares to be stubborn.

Tangli suffered a momentary amnesia, her eyes were blank, and she said shamelessly, "Why can't I remember it? Has my memory been wiped away?"

When mentioning the matter of her memory being wiped clean, Lin Chu was speechless. Who told her to do such a thing before?

Lin Chu glared at Tangli dissatisfied, and then Tangli coaxed her, "Teacher Lin, who gave you this perfume? She is so discerning."

Lin Chu glanced at her sideways, "Are you praising me or you?"

Isn't this perfume given to me by her? Just put gold on your own face.

Lin Chu was complaining, but when she saw Tang Li's beautiful face, she couldn't help but stroke Tang Li's hair, "You are very charming today."

Tang Li replied happily, "You are so beautiful that my heart flutters."

Classmate Tang Duoduo looked left and right, Leng Buding said, "What about me?"

Did my aunt and sister Chuchu forget that there was me standing between them?

Lin Chu smiled, "Duoduo is very well-behaved and cute."

"Hmph, Sister Chuchu is the best."

Much better than my aunt who can only giggle.

The sun was shining brightly. Sitting in the car, one could see the trees on both sides of the road through the car window. They passed by so fast that Tang Duoduo's eyes felt a little dizzy, but she did not give up and looked at the scenery outside persistently.

Tang Duoduo became quiet. She still remembered the day she got on Tangli's car for the first time. She turned her head and stared at the car window like she is now.

In fact, what she was looking at was not the scenery outside the car window, but remembering the way she came.

Tang Duoduo was not sure whether Tang Li treated her sincerely. She thought that if she couldn't stay at Tang Li's house, then she would carry her schoolbag to find her grandparents. Even if they were far away, Tang Duoduo would not be able to stay at Tang Li's house. Duoduo is confident that she can find them, because Tang Duoduo has a strong memory and she remembers where the road to her grandparents' house is.

The shadow of the tree quickly passed through the car window, and Tang Duoduo lost her innocence in front of Tangli and Lin Chu. She pursed her lips slightly, and her pink and jade face gained a bit of dignity and depth, and the appearance has a strong sense of dissonance.

However, this look disappeared after hearing Tang Li's call.


Tang Duoduo responded, "What's wrong, aunt?"

"It's a little quiet in the car. I'm afraid you are causing trouble secretly."

Generally speaking, the quieter the child, the scarier the situation is, and maybe she is causing some small destruction.

Tang Duoduo crossed her arms and said with a stern face, "What? Auntie, you look down on me. I'm not a naughty child!"

Her baby-fat little face has the word "angry" written all over it. She needs Tangli's delicious food as a bribe, only in this way can she calm down.

Tangli tapped her fingers on the steering wheel and smiled, "Who took apart my music box, who took apart my watch, and who broke my puzzle?"

Every time she talked about it, Tang Duoduo's arrogance weakened a bit. Finally, Tang Duoduo said sweetly, "Auntie, I'm tired, so go to sleep."

"Tang Duoduo, you will be six years old soon. You are not three."

"What! I have to talk like this, don't you think it's cute! Why don't you yell at Sister Chuchu?"

Lin Chu commented with a smile, "It's indeed cute, but Duoduo will graduate from kindergarten soon. It feels like time flies really fast."

Tang Duoduo said awkwardly, "Hey, they will definitely miss me so much when I leave."

Tangli asked curiously, "Who is it?"

Tang Duoduo explained naturally, "Classmates, I am smart and cute. The children in the class especially like to make friends with me."

She was able to develop viruses that changed the entire world as an adult, and of course she was extremely smart as a child.

When talking about things in her class, Tang Duoduo turned into a verbose person again.

The car is no longer quiet. Tangli usually likes to play music in the car. After having Tang Duoduo, she selectively stops turning it on and only plays music when she is alone or when Lin Chu wants to listen, because she and Lin Chu want to hear Tang Duoduo's voice more than music.

As the car stopped, they knew that the Civil Affairs Bureau had arrived.

Lin Chu held Tang Duoduo's hand and waited for Tangli to get off the car.

Tang Duoduo looked up at Lin Chu, her pure and soft appearance was like a pure gardenia, showing a light smile that stirred people's hearts.

"Sister Chuchu."

"What's wrong?"

"How did you and my aunt meet? I heard from classmates in the class that their parents or relatives met each other through love and blind dates. What about you and my aunt?"

Tang Duoduo felt that she was a grown-up child, and she should know more things, such as the story of Lin Chu and Tang Li.

Lin Chu was a little surprised by the child's question. She unconsciously focused her eyes on Tang Li, who was walking towards them. She elegantly tucked away her wind-blown hair and said with a smile, "It was sister Chu Chu who had a crush on your auntie first."

"Wow!" Tang Duoduo asked enthusiastically, "Then what?"

Tang Li didn't hear the whole story, but she heard Tang Duoduo's excited voice, "What are you two talking about? You are so happy."

Tang Duoduo made no secret, "I'm asking how my aunt and sister Chuchu met. Sister Chuchu said she had a crush on my aunt first. Is that true?"

Tangli's smile grew stronger, she looked at Lin Chu tenderly, bent down and took Tang Duoduo's other little hand, "Yes, it's true, so your aunt is very lucky."

Tang Duoduo nodded vigorously in agreement, "Yeah! The luck value is super high!"

"Then what?" she asked again.

Tangli and Lin Chu looked at each other in tacit understanding, and Tangli said, "The rest of the story is that the two of us are together."

"Auntie, you are too perfunctory. Of course I know that the two of you are together. I want to hear the story of the process!"

Tang Duoduo tugged Tang Li's hand unhappily. What? Her aunt must have thought that she was a child and wanted to keep the process secret. It's okay. She will grow up one day. She will ask again later.

Two adults were holding a child by the hands. This was more or less a rare sight in the Civil Affairs Bureau. Some people looked at them, some with curious eyes and some with puzzled eyes, but most of them were kind, because how can there be so much ill will between people? What's more, they met in the Civil Affairs Bureau, and they all looked at them with blessings. After all, looking at their status, you could tell that they were here to get a certificate and not get a divorce.

However, the Civil Affairs Bureau is responsible for not only marriages, but also divorces.

There was a noisy couple in the distance. The woman was sad and disappointed, and the man was impatient. He helplessly said to his wife, "Can you please lower your voice? You must let everyone know about the trouble between us."

"Tang Xueming, you can't control your lower body. Are you still afraid that I will shake out your dirty laundry? Why did you pat your chest and tell me before getting married? How long have we been married? You crawled into other people's beds impatiently. Isn't it because my father has retired and can no longer support you, so you eagerly fell in love with other women? Think about it, not long after your previous wife passed away, you can't help but meet me, I was blindly fooled by you, Tang Xueming, Tang Xueming, you really opened my eyes!"

This couple was Tang Xueming and his second wife Jin Shuxue. A lot of things happened between them. In the end, Jin Shuxue couldn't stand Tang Xueming anymore and wanted to divorce him at all costs, but Tang Xueming agreed well. Yes, he regretted it as soon as he entered the Civil Affairs Bureau and used various methods to avoid the divorce.

Jin Shuxue probably still had feelings for him, so she didn't insist on taking him to the third floor to get a divorce. She just stood in the hall and settled old accounts with him.

Tang Xueming resisted the urge to attack Jin Shuxue. When he was a child, he had seen his father beating his mother, so he gritted his teeth and warned himself that he would not be such a man in the future. Therefore, Tang Xueming did not look at Jin Shuxue's ferocious face and looked around.

Suddenly, he discovered Tang Li.

The woman's appearance made it easy for Tang Xueming to be spotted in the crowd.

Tang Xueming ignored the quarrel between his wife and him. He dragged Jin Shuxue and asked, "Do you think that is my third sister?"

Jin Shuxue asked with red eyes, "Did you listen to what I just said to you? Is your third sister more important or me?"

Tang Xueming rubbed his eyebrows and explained, "Shu Xue, I have already clarified to you that it was just a misunderstanding. If you don't listen, you insist on me to divorce you. If you are not important, will I marry you?"

He has a good appearance, a refined and elegant nature, is tall and has a sense of security. What Jin Shuxue loves most is the way he kisses her in a suit, which makes people crazy.

Jin Shuxue wiped her tears, and when she heard him step down the stairs for her, she mentioned Tang Xueming's question again, "Which one is your third sister? Let me take a look, hey, it seems that it is really your third sister. She is holding in her hand. It's Duoduo, right? Who is the person next to her, and the person she is receiving the certificate from?"

Jin Shuxue asked in confusion, "So your third sister likes women?"

How does Tang Xueming know about Tang Li's personal affairs? There are three sisters in total. Two sisters stayed in their hometown village to live. The remaining stubborn third sister Tangli has never been seen again since she was admitted to college. She is only one year older than Tang Xueming. While Tang Xueming is worrying about whether to eat tea eggs or boiled eggs tomorrow, his other two sisters are wondering whether they will have enough to eat tomorrow. Therefore, where is such a home is meaningful?

The characters of Tang Li and Lin Chu were created through the arrangements of System 001. In the original world, these two characters did not exist.

Jin Shuxue had met the other eldest and second sisters, and then looked at the glamorous Tang Li, and couldn't help but sigh, "With how your parents are, I suddenly understood why your third sister ran away. If she didn't run away, she will be in the future what your eldest sister and second sister are."

Tang Xueming was immediately embarrassed and didn't know what to say. He relied on his sister and helped her after he started a family. But in fact, it was just that Tang Xueming wanted to prevent his wife from thinking that he was the same as his parents. He treated his sister insincerely, just like now, Tang Xueming couldn't help but blame his two innocent sisters.

"Come on, let's go meet Third Sister and Duoduo."

"This kid, Duoduo, hasn't seen me for a long time. She must miss me too."

Jin Shuxue looked at Tang Xueming strangely, "Are you sure Duoduo will miss you?"

She felt Tang Xueming's contradiction more than once. In life, Tang Xueming was a good husband, but his attitude towards Tang Duoduo also made Jin Shuxue feel cold. She thought about leaving, but she couldn't bear to do so. Jin Shuxue can only comfort herself that she and her children will not be treated like this by Tang Xueming.

Tang Xueming cleared his throat, "But I am also her father after all. How I treat her is my right. Who made me her father?"

The sudden arrival of the uninvited guests made Tang Duoduo nervously hold the hands of Tang Li and Lin Chu. She looked at Tang Xueming timidly, her smile could no longer show a happy expression, and she kept her mouth closed, not wanting to say a word.

Tang Li touched Tang Duoduo's hair, and when she saw Tang Xueming and Jin Shuxue appeared, she chuckled and raised the corners of her lips, and said lightly, "Come for a divorce?"

Tang Xueming admitted that he had been too indifferent to the three sisters in his family in the past, so that he only realized that the third sister Tangli had opened a company through prompts from others. He heard that she also had some skills. No wonder when he faced the third sister, he was always a bit lacking in confidence. When he saw her, he was like a mouse seeing a cat. He co-authored it because she was a successful person and he was still struggling in a small business.

"Third sister, are you here to get married?"

Tang Xueming smiled shamelessly at Tang Duoduo, but Tang Duoduo refused to give him face. She ran behind Tang Li and hid entirely.

Lin Chu looked at Tang Duoduo distressedly and said to Tangli, "Let's go to the second floor quickly. Don't waste time here."

These two people would not get a look from Tang Li and Lin Chu. Tang Xueming would not need them to take action at all and would soon suffer the consequences, so they did not have to waste their time with Tang Xueming.

Tang Li glanced at Tang Xueming coldly and warned, "Don't forget what I said to you that day."

Tang Xueming's smile froze, and he no longer had the idea of ​​making friends with them.

He once again realized that the third sister in front of him was different from his eldest and second sister. Tangli was a sharp blade that could cut his throat at any time.

Jin Shuxue was also frightened by Tang Li's aura and couldn't say a word. After Tang Li left, she said, "Don't you hate Duo Duo too? If your third sister wants to take care of her, just take care of her. Don't provoke your third sister. I, I think she...is not very simple, and the smiling woman next to her might be a smiling tiger."

Tang Xueming responded in a deep voice, and Jin Shuxue asked tentatively, "What did your third sister say to you?"

What did she say?

Of course, that is Tang Li knew about Tang Xueming's work as a pretty boy in college.

Tang Xueming didn't dare to confess to his wife, so he made an excuse, "I'm going outside to smoke a cigarette."

"What? It's mysterious."

While Tang Li was hugging and comforting Tang Duoduo, she watched from a distance as Tang Xueming left quickly.

She raised the corners of her lips slyly, and quickly lowered her head and buried herself in Tangli's arms.

The annoying father should be driven away by herself.

I don't need him anymore.

Having an aunt and sister Chuchu is enough.

By the way, there is also my mother who is watching me in heaven. I cannot forget her.

Duoduo is simply the smartest little girl!

Ah, the other book has been blocked, hehe. It looks like we won't be having another story to read.

Now that I think about it, the author of this book is really nice because I didn't get a system notification on this one.

It seems I have plenty of time to focus on my original story. I will be updating one chapter a week, feel free to read it.

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