
I do not want to be a villainess any more (GL). Erliu Li (a soft spot)

Tangli is a gold medal employee in the female supporting department of Kuaishou. Ever since she succeeded in the interview, she has been wandering between the vicious female supporting role and the dog-licking female supporting role. No matter how fragrant the rice is, you will get tired of it if you eat too much, not to mention those ordinary male protagonists? I'm tired of looking at it. So in the next mission, the character of Tang Li's vicious female supporting character collapsed. Author: Erliu Li (a soft spot) Translator: A wild dreamer (NOTE: I am not earning any money from this story. If the author has any objection for using the story without permission, do tell me and I will take it down immediately.)

A_Wild_Dreamer · LGBT+
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154 Chs

World 1 Chapter 9

Chapter 9.

There were only three of them in the private room. Once the door was closed, the connection with the outside was completely cut off. When Tang Li said those two words in an understatement, Qin Mo looked at the closed door in shame and anger, and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, no one else heard what Tang Li said, otherwise he would have been too embarrassed to see anyone!

Qin Mo didn't respond for a moment, so Tang Li took Shu Qing and sat leisurely on the sofa and repeated again: "You said you love Shu Qing, then kneel down for me, and when you do what I ask, I will naturally agree to cancel the engagement for you."

Today, Tangli is wearing a brown loose shirt with a retro checkered silk scarf wrapped around her neck. She is exquisite and elegant. Anyone who looks at her will think that Tangli is a gentle and generous woman, because her appearance is not aggressive at all. Her beauty is elegant and restrained, even if she is aloof, it is difficult for people to dislike her. So Qin Mo has always thought that Tang Li is a rich lady without sharp claws. She is always considerate to Qin Mo and can provide Qin Mo with good help in his family. Sometimes Qin Mo feels that his future wife is a very good person. A good woman, it would actually be good to live with her like this for the rest of his life.

But what Tang Li said just now caused Qin Mo to overturn his impression of Tang Li at once. Tang Li was not a gentle and considerate woman at all. She was confirmed to be an insidious and cunning woman!

Qin Mo frowned. He was greatly disappointed in Tang Li. He had a lot to say, but because he was a gentleman, Qin Mo couldn't say anything too harsh. He sighed deeply, pointed at Tangli as if looking at an ignorant person, and said: "Xiaoli, I am two years older than you. Our families have known each other for so many years. I have always regarded you as my sister. Why do you have to make so much trouble with me?"

He spoke in a gentle voice without any resentment, but the other two women present felt that this man was very hypocritical.

Since entering the private room, Shu Qing didn't pay attention to Qin Mo. That was because she was looking at Tang Li's hand. She was held by Tang Li and sat on the sofa, so Shu Qing still remembered the warmth just now.

Her fingers were slender and white, like a beautiful handicraft without any flaws. This made Shu Qing couldn't help but think about it, thinking that Tangli was beautiful everywhere.

Shu Qing's thoughts were all captured by Tang Li. How could she have any other time to pay attention to Qin Mo? Not to mention those affectionate confessions Qin Mo said before.

Probably only Qin Mo recognized this deep love. After all, love is between two people. If Shu Qing doesn't accept it, Qin Mo can only entertain himself. Even in Shu Qing's view, Qin Mo is a stalker. What a scumbag, her aesthetics are not bad enough to fall in love with Qin Mo!

Shu Qing wanted to speak back to Qin Mo, but Tang Li squeezed her hand, and Shu Qing pursed her lips obediently and continued to be a mute mascot.

Qin Mo stood tall and had long legs, so Tang Li had to raise her head to look at him. However, Tang Li's aura was no weaker than Qin Mo's. Relatively speaking, she was calmer and more graceful than Qin Mo.

Tangli smiled lightly, and in a soft tone, her sarcastic words were extremely lethal: "Sister? Don't claim such relationship with me. When my parents got rich, who knows where your family was cooling off to? Kneel down for me quickly, otherwise you don't want me to break off the engagement! Don't you keep saying that you love Shu Qing, so why can't you even kneel down?"

Qin Mo lost his smile and said coldly, "Tangli, stop making trouble!"

A man has gold at his knees, but he cannot kneel down to a woman. This is simply ridiculous.

Tangli made a sound, and the light in her beautiful eyes seemed to see through Qin Mo's heart at once, "You are a utilitarian person. You are willing to make a marriage contract with me because my family background can bring you good thing, now that I have fattened your appetite, you think my presence will affect the face of a grown man like you. After all, who in the circle doesn't know that you, Qin Mo, are a special phoenix man, sucking blood by lying on top of my Tang family? Now that you know you are in disgrace, you want to abandon the Tang family, and you don't even look at your virtue. Do you really think that I, Tangli, am willing to cling to you?"

[Tangtang...you...you shouldn't say that! Your character is a female supporting character who loves the hero deeply! ]

001, who had been watching for a long time, finally couldn't hold it in any longer. Tangli had never had a character breakdown before, and this was the first time, so 001 was worried that she would fail the mission.

"Don't worry, I know what I am doing."

Tangli will not do self-destructive things. She doesn't like the plot arrangement of this world. She can be a vicious female supporting role, but there is no need to harm Shu Qing because of the plot.

Didn't she work so hard to save so many points just to make her life more comfortable? Anyway, one hundred thousand points are enough to compensate the world! Don't think that she can't detect the minister's evil thoughts. If she can give her a rubbish task, she will definitely give the first and second ones. The collapse of her character now is also for future considerations. At least she can let the minister understand her that she is not someone who will take over any mess.

001 knew that Tang Li had an arrangement, so it temporarily relaxed and stopped disturbing her to hurt everyone.

Shu Qing didn't know much about the relationship between her and Qin Mo. She only knew that the two of them were an unmarried couple. So after hearing Tang Li's words, Shu Qing accidentally showed a bit of surprise. It was the first time she realized that Qin Mo was such a dirty guy.

Qin Mo growled. He glared at Tang Li and wanted to strangle Tang Li. Let alone his grace, he couldn't maintain it now because the inferiority complex hidden deep in his heart was clearly dissected by Tang Li.

Tangli was like teasing a kitten or puppy. She was not afraid when she saw him angry. She blinked her eyes and covered her mouth and smiled: "Can't you hold it in anymore? That's all you can do. By the way, don't take it either. You used Shu Qing's name to do evil. You may have feelings for her, but they are not to the extent you said. You kept saying that you only love Shu Qing, but in the end, I asked you to kneel down. If you did not had even the slightest hesitation to kneel down, I might still believe you. Unfortunately, there is only anger on your face, because in your opinion, I am challenging your majesty by asking you to kneel down. You think that can I, a woman, do anything to you? It's an insult for me to say something like that to you."

Qin Mo looked at Tang Li in horror, she...how could she guess what he was thinking!

Satisfaction flashed across Tangli's eyes. She liked seeing this look on Qin Mo's face, so she added: "You said you loved Shu Qing just because you wanted an excuse to break off the engagement. You will be satisfied by then, but where will be Shu Qing? Have you considered it? She was deceived by you and used by you. I was divorced by you because of her. Do you think I will let her go? So you got what you wanted, but left all the dangers to Shu Qing. You are really a good calculator, but I won't be fooled by you."

While she was talking, she put her arm around Shu Qing's shoulders with a smile, glanced at Qin Mo's frightened face, and said elegantly: "Because I don't love you at all, and I don't care at all about your break-up. I won't attack Shu Qing either, I am a woman who would never maliciously embarrass other women."

At this time, Tangli stood up and took out a dark red square box from her bag. With soft eyes and a slight smile, she knelt down on one knee and said, "He is not willing to kneel down for you, but I do."

Tangli opened the small box and revealed a brilliant diamond ring inside, "Shu Qing, are you willing to accept this ring?"

Shu Qing was so shocked that she couldn't even speak a word. She looked at Tangli blankly, the brilliance in her eyes gradually getting thicker as Tangli looked at her.

In her impression, Tangli was always noble and elegant. Shu Qing had never imagined that a woman like Tangli would one day kneel down for others. Such behavior should not happen to Tangli. After all, she is Tangli.

But at this moment, she knelt down on one knee, as if in Tangli's eyes, Shu Qing was like that unparalleled treasure, worthy of her doing this.

Shu Qing's eyelashes trembled slightly, she pursed her lips and smiled shyly, and said, "I do."

I am dreaming, I must be.

Tangli's eyes flickered, and the look she looked at Shu Qing became softer and softer. She took out the ring and put it on Shu Qing's finger, saying softly: "It suits you very well."

Shu Qing was reluctant to let Tang Li continue to kneel, and pulled her up with a strong hand. This time it was Shu Qing who took the initiative to hold hands, so Tang Li did not notice the faint affection in Shu Qing's eyes.

[Oh my God! Oh my God! This... this is a mess! Where's the quick-acting heart-saving pill? Who can help me! ]

001 collapsed, if it was a human being, it would not be far from death now.

001 has no idea what the world will look like after such a big change in the character of the vicious female supporting role. Because Tangli is an excellent employee and has never failed a mission, 001 has never seen what the world is like after the colapse.

"Calm down, don't be afraid, I'll take care of everything."

Tangli was very calm and she did not regret this choice at all.

"What are you two doing!" Qin Mo's mouth trembled and he was angry in disbelief. He looked at Shu Qing and Tang Li with a little more hatred in his eyes. One was his fiancée and the other was his crush. The two women actually betrayed him in front of him! This simply means that they don't regard him as a man!

Tangli raised their hands and said innocently, "What am I doing? Propose."

She couldn't help but asked with a bad smile: "Do you want to congratulate us?"

Qin Mo had a ferocious face and said in a hoarse voice: "Tangli, have you forgotten the engagement between the two of us?"

Tangli couldn't help but sneered: "When I came to see you, I had already asked my parents to go to your family and brake off the engagement. By the way, my dad also brought a gift. I hope my uncle will like it when he sees it. I won't be too pretentious, the name of that gift is manager Cao. I believe you are familiar with him."

If you dare to poach the company, it depends on whether I will give you this opportunity.

Of course Qin Mo knew manager Cao, who was the person he spent a lot of money to buy.

Qin Mo took a breath, as if he got to know the woman in front of him again. When did Tangli realize that something was wrong with the company? Is she... still the supple Tangli?

Tangli raised her chin slightly, with a cold look at in her eyes and eyebrows. She smiled lightly and said: "Qin Mo, we have broken off the engagement, so you stay away from me. There are still people who dare to touch my things. Be careful. It's best not to be caught."

Her warning was not a joke, it was true.

In the original plot, Tang Li's engagement was broken off by Qin Mo, and Shu Qing was also present at that time. Qin Mo had just broken off the engagement one second, and proposed to Shu Qing the next second. Even if Shu Qing refuses, Tangli still has to follow the path set by the character. So Shu Qing's unlucky things started to happen more and more. In order to protect Shu Qing from being targeted by Tang Li, Qin Mo had no choice but to embarrass the Tang family. Later, when everything became chaotic, Qin Mo took advantage and successfully won all the contracts of the Tang family.

So Tangli prepared the diamond ring in advance and followed the hero's path, leaving the hero with nowhere to go. At the same time, she also protected Shu Qing under her wings to prevent Qin Mo from pestering her again. Tangli was also worried that the plot master would cause trouble, so she had the scene of the proposal just now.

[Tangtang... you are a vicious female supporting character, not the hero! You can't steal his role. ]

Tang Li raised her eyebrows disapprovingly and retorted: "In the original plot, it was Qin Mo who proposed. Although it is now me who proposes, the plot has not changed. I am not stealing the show."

[? ]Wait a minute, I feel like I'm about to be brainwashed by Tang Li.

001 is aggrieved. It is just a binding system. In the novice stage, it may be dominated by it. In the later stage, it will listen to Tangli's arrangements, so it has no way to change Tangli's ideas.

What it has to do now is to wait for the minister to contact it. After all, the changes in the plot and character will attract the attention of the world's heaven. By then, the minister will know about the changes that have taken place in the world.

Tangli didn't ignore Shu Qing's feelings because of 001. She needed to explain to Shu Qing what just happened. If she didn't explain, she might be scared.

The two people got into the car. This was a private space, suitable for talking about what was on the mind.

Tang Li opened her mouth and said warmly: "Shu Qing, Qin Mo is a despicable person. I'm afraid that he will harm you in the future, so I can only wrong you for the time being. When I deal with him properly in the future, I won't have to wrong you anymore."

Shu Qing clenched her hands, forced a smile, and asked, "Miss Tang, why did you say you wronged me..."

Tangli fastened her seat belt and said without warning: "You don't like me, you don't have me in your heart, and letting you stay with me, isn't this wronging you?"

She raised her eyes, bent her head, and said, "I'm sorry."

Shu Qing responded gently and smiled, as if she was not sad.

She used to hope to see Miss Tang's tenderness, but now she see this tenderness again.

But why is she not happy at all?