
I dispose Corpses In Konoha

Travel through the world of Naruto and become a member of the medical department of Konoha Village and the corpse disposal team. Uchiha Natsu, with mediocre aptitude, originally thought that he would eat and wait for death for a lifetime, and then run away on the night of the genocide. Until one time when dealing with the corpse of an S-rank rebel, I found that the back… I didn't write it And, I will post the Advance chapter on Patreon -patreon.com/harsh07 you can read upto 50 advance chapter on [patreon] buy me a cup of coffee https://ko-fi.com/harsh07 --------------------- I've started my youtube channel and it's about art and anime If you can then please subscribe and follow  www.youtube.com/@Artistwholikeanime instagram - @artistwholikesanime

harsh07 · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

Chapter 78

Although the Ghost Country's military might was not formidable, being a sovereign nation meant it was not lacking in intelligence. Hence, they were well aware of the identity of "Akira Uchiha."

On the battlefield in the Land of Fire, there existed a ninja named Akira Senju, unaffiliated with any specific country. This formidable ninja single-handedly defeated the five-tailed Jinchuriki, subsequently taking on the combined forces of the two-tailed Jinchuriki, Raikage, and Tsuchikage, triumphing over all three. The name Akira Senju had become renowned across the neighboring nations.

The Fourth Raikage and the Third Tsuchikage, initially regarded as among the strongest, along with the adept controller of the two-tailed beast, were all overcome by Akira Senju. This established Akira as an unparalleled force, surpassing even these esteemed figures.

The Ghost Country's leaders never anticipated that the deified Akira Senju would appear before them. The head guard, Desuki, gaped in shock, inadvertently ingesting dirt that had fallen on his face.

Desuki, trying to breathe, accidentally inhaled a mouthful of soil, prompting a series of coughs. The shrine maiden Miroku's heart quickened slightly; the Akira's Wood release was known to be formidable according to legend. In the presence of such a figure, she feared her prophetic abilities would prove futile. However, she couldn't fathom why someone as powerful as Akira would require her assistance.

Observing the two in a state of shock, Uchiha Natsu spoke in a low voice, "I don't need you to be my partner. I just happened to pass by and found you, that's all."

Perceiving their hesitation, Uchiha Natsu concluded that they were not suitable partners for cooperation, expressing a reluctance to waste time. Turning decisively, Uchiha Natsu moved toward the door.

Before departing, Uchiha Natsu remembered something and added, "Oh, and I won't eliminate the spirits before you. If you wish to save the Ghost Country, you must be prepared to sacrifice yourselves."

Desuki, still recovering from the soil-induced coughing fit, turned red-faced. Witnessing Uchiha Natsu's imminent departure, Miroku, feeling a sense of urgency, hastily agreed to his terms, urging him to stay.

The fact that Uchiha Natsu didn't specify the conditions and Miroku readily agreed hinted at the desperation to preserve their lives. Uchiha Natsu, as if anticipating the agreement, promptly turned around.

However, he couldn't resist providing a reminder, "Remember, I won't exterminate the spirits until after the deal. If your actions endanger your country and people, I won't proceed."

Desuki, still recovering from his soil-induced ordeal, expressed relief, and the witch cautiously reiterated her agreement with the condition of safeguarding her country.

Assured of their compliance, Uchiha Natsu reiterated the terms: they would address the spirits first, and the other residents need not flee. However, when the time came, they had to lead the guards to confront the spirits, and Uchiha Natsu would follow.

With these terms laid out, Uchiha Natsu disintegrated into a pile of branches, burrowing into the ground.

Upon witnessing this, the witch sighed with relief, realizing that Uchiha Natsu had agreed to save her life.

Meanwhile, Shion, the young daughter, was still curious about the masked uncle who might save her mother. Desuki now recovered, rushed to open the door after receiving news of the approaching Ghost Army.

The news took them by surprise, and Desuki, still bewildered by the speed of the Ghost Army's approach, couldn't comprehend how they had advanced so swiftly.

In response to the alarming news, the witch ordered a summons for everyone to gather in the main hall. Shion, clinging to her mother, observed the events unfold.

Desuki, seemingly flustered, opened the door, and a guard reported that the Ghost Army had already reached the city walls.

Startled by the unexpected speed of the Ghost Army's advance, the witch expressed her concern. Desuki, still affected by the earlier ordeal, anxiously coughed up sand from his trachea.

Responding swiftly, the witch instructed the guard to summon everyone to the main hall. As they moved through the long corridor, the witch couldn't shake off her apprehensions about Akira Senju's true intentions.

In the main hall, only Uchiha Natsu and the four of them, along with the guard who entertained them, were present. Shion, intrigued, observed everyone in the room, particularly fixating on Uchiha Natsu.

Unaware of Shion's scrutiny, Uchiha Natsu addressed the situation, emphasizing the need for cooperation to protect the witch. The witch, following protocol, apologized for the delay and welcomed Uchiha Natsu.

The other ministers, having returned, were visibly agitated by the Ghost Army's rapid approach. The sudden turn of events had caught them off guard, expecting more time before the enemy reached the city.

In the midst of the chaos, the little daughter still clung to her mother's hand. Shion, occasionally peeking at Uchiha Natsu, seemed to have developed an inexplicable interest in the mysterious figure.


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