
I dispose Corpses In Konoha

Travel through the world of Naruto and become a member of the medical department of Konoha Village and the corpse disposal team. Uchiha Natsu, with mediocre aptitude, originally thought that he would eat and wait for death for a lifetime, and then run away on the night of the genocide. Until one time when dealing with the corpse of an S-rank rebel, I found that the back… I didn't write it And, I will post the Advance chapter on Patreon -patreon.com/harsh07 you can read upto 50 advance chapter on [patreon] buy me a cup of coffee https://ko-fi.com/harsh07 --------------------- I've started my youtube channel and it's about art and anime If you can then please subscribe and follow  www.youtube.com/@Artistwholikeanime instagram - @artistwholikesanime

harsh07 · Anime & Comics
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134 Chs

Chapter 44: Wooden Clone

"The decisive battle is about to start." After Uchiha Natsu finished speaking, he pondered for a moment, realizing it was more or less accurate. The third Hokage had assigned all the powerful enemies to the Uchiha clan, leading to the elite forces of Stone and Cloud concentrating on fighting the Uchiha. In recent days, Uchiha Natsu has led the Uchiha clan to sweep the battlefield, eliminating most of the enemies. This also meant that the elites of Stone and Cloud had suffered significant losses. Retreating now would result in a considerable setback.

Therefore, Stone and Cloud must have abandoned the strategy of dispersing their forces and were preparing to concentrate them to defeat Konoha in one decisive blow. "The main forces of Stone and Cloud have been concentrated here. At present, we are still at a disadvantage," he paused, then chuckled and continued, "However, since you are here, these problems no longer exist. With the Uchiha clan led by you, our chances of winning this war are still very high."

Jackal believed that since the Uchiha clan, under the leadership of Uchiha Natsu, could eliminate so many elites from both countries, they would play a crucial role in this decisive battle. "I hope." Uchiha Natsu smiled

"Let me take you to the patriarch Fugaku first so that I can take all the clansmen there."

Uchiha Natsu didn't believe that the arrival of hundreds of people from their families could change the situation on the battlefield. Because there are as many as thousands of ninjas participating in the war between Stone and Cloud ninjas in each country. The Uchiha clan killed only a few hundred people, accounting for a very small proportion. Even if the Uchiha clan joins the team, it still cannot change the general situation.

In addition, besides the two Kage of Stone and Cloud, three jinchuriki can participate in the war. On Konoha's side, there is only Nine-Tails Jinchuriki who is a child less than four years old who hadn't even attended ninja school. It is estimated that now he is still drinking expired milk every day, living in a small, messy, and narrow room, and being hostile and suspicious of life by the masses. I'm afraid he doesn't even know what ninjutsu is.

Therefore, in terms of top combat power, Konoha's side is still far behind. However, if Uchiha Natsu's main body goes into battle, it would be able to withstand the power of a Kage, at least. But that's too dangerous. If you don't have ten times the strength of the enemy, try not to use your body to attack; otherwise, there is a certain probability that you will be killed. Therefore, even if the Uchiha clan comes, it may not necessarily cause too much trouble.

While thinking in his heart, Uchiha Natsu followed Jackal to the temporary residence of Uchiha Ninja. At this time, the ninjas of the Uchiha clan following patriarch Fugaku were less than half of those led by Uchiha Natsu. Compared with before, there are many fewer figures. Uchiha Natsu knew that there was a high probability that those figures would never appear again.

Behind him, the clansmen following Uchiha Natsu, who were still very excited, suddenly became dull. As he passed one small tent after another, Uchiha Natsu found that all the passing clansmen looked at him without the contempt they had before. Instead, it was a kind of respect. Uchiha Natsu didn't pay too much attention, led a large group of people, and followed the jackals to the center tent.

"Captain Fugaku is inside, Natsu; I won't go in," Jackel turned and said.

"Thank you." Uchiha Natsu nodded. The jackal turned and left, but when he got halfway, he turned his head again and said in a deep voice, "Natsu, why don't you think about it and come to Anbu."

Before Uchiha Natsu could answer, Jackel laughed again: "Of course, this is just my suggestion, just think about it." After speaking, Jackal took another Anbu and left Uchiha's temporary residence.

Natsu Uchiha shook his head, turned around, and looked at the tent. And just when Uchiha Natsu turned around, In front of him, two figures suddenly appeared. Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Shisui, both of them, appeared in front of Uchiha Natsu in an instant using the instant body technique. Fugaku looked at the hundreds of intact clansmen behind Uchiha Natsu, and a huge stone finally fell to the ground in his heart.

Although he did not overestimate Uchiha's strength like other clansmen, However, he underestimated the strength of the enemy. Originally, Fugaku was still thinking about using this war to let the Uchiha clan see themselves, to work hard, and to stop being complacent. However, unexpectedly, most of the clan's lives were almost lost. Fugaku has heard all about Uchiha Natsu. However, hearing is believing, and seeing is believing. Fuyue can only believe those rumors when he sees the clansmen standing in front of him.

After confirming the situation for the Clan, Fugaku looked at Uchiha Natsu gratefully. "Natsu, you did a good job. Before..." Fuyue paused halfway through his speech, not knowing how to proceed. He wanted to say that it was me who underestimated you before, and it was all my patriarch's fault that caused you to suffer so much... But when the words came to his mouth, he suddenly felt very greasy, and he couldn't open his mouth at all.

Uchiha Natsu smiled faintly and said disapprovingly, "Don't worry about the past." Uchiha Natsu has always been indifferent to the actions of the Uchiha clan in the past. For a long time, Uchiha Natsu believed that the ultimate winner was the one who could live to the end. Nothing is more important than life. The behavior of those clansmen, in the eyes of Uchiha Natsu, is no different from that of children. But now, it is only Uchiha Natsu who bears the respectful eyes of the clansmen. For me, if there is no special purpose, then these senses of existence are just floating clouds.

Seeing that Uchiha Natsu was so mature and indifferent, Fugaku couldn't help feeling a little emotional. It seems that the Uchiha clan has been proud and complacent for generations, and now there is finally another person who can carry hope and the future.

"Father, brother Shisui." At this moment, Uchiha Itachi, who had been standing in the line, stepped forward and greeted the two of them. Although I was a little worried before, when I saw it, my face became calm again. Fugaku looked at Uchiha Itachi, just smiled slightly, and said, "I knew you would be safe and sound; you are indeed my son." But hearing this sentence, Uchiha Itachi didn't show any joy...

Natsu Uchiha's shadow Clone is here to deal with it. while the main body at this time has quietly left a thousand meters away. After moving away from the Konoha Ninja station for a certain distance, Uchiha Natsu, who was underground, used the Earth release to open up a space in the surrounding soil. Afterward, he put his hands together, mobilized the Wood chakra in his body, and shouted, "Wood Release, Wood Clone!" The wood condensed by Chakra squirmed from the side of Uchiha Natsu's body and grew out. In the end, a clone that was the same as the main body was formed.

Uchiha Natsu tried it and found that the wooden clone was the same as the shadow clone, and the inherited chakra could not exceed the main body. That is to say, no matter how precise the chakra control is, at most the chakra amount of the wooden clone cannot exceed 50% of the total body. Moreover, after the wooden clone was separated, the chakra that was vacated on the main body could not be recovered. That is to say, after splitting a shadow clone who inherits half of the chakra, Uchiha Natsu's body can consume more chakra, and at most, it can restore half of the total amount.

"It is very similar to the shadow clone in many places, but it is more difficult to distinguish and harder to break." "Such a wooden Clone can be completely confused with the real one."

Looking at the wooden Clone in front of him, Uchiha Natsu raised the corner of his mouth and murmured: "From now on, the wooden Clone will be called Akira Senju." The expected purpose of Uchiha Natsu's wooden clone is to add a new character. Using wood escape ninjutsu, the name "Senju" is well known. In this way, many matters that are inconvenient for him to come forward can be resolved by the wooden Clone. The wooden Clone nodded when he heard the words, and then, the wooden branches squirmed on his face, forming a wooden mask, covering his original appearance.


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