
I dispose Corpses In Konoha

Travel through the world of Naruto and become a member of the medical department of Konoha Village and the corpse disposal team. Uchiha Natsu, with mediocre aptitude, originally thought that he would eat and wait for death for a lifetime, and then run away on the night of the genocide. Until one time when dealing with the corpse of an S-rank rebel, I found that the back… I didn't write it And, I will post the Advance chapter on Patreon -patreon.com/harsh07 you can read upto 50 advance chapter on [patreon] buy me a cup of coffee https://ko-fi.com/harsh07 --------------------- I've started my youtube channel and it's about art and anime If you can then please subscribe and follow  www.youtube.com/@Artistwholikeanime instagram - @artistwholikesanime

harsh07 · Anime & Comics
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144 Chs

Chapter 101

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Hiruzen Sarutobi was taken aback. He couldn't comprehend why the two trusted advisors, who had always been reliable, suddenly agreed to such a ludicrous proposal. Outside the window, the midsummer sun beat down relentlessly. Two fat kittens sought refuge in the shade, lazily daydreaming under a tree.

Warm winds blew into the room, causing Hiruzen Sarutobi's robe to flutter. He scrutinized the expressions of the two advisors, and the seriousness that seemed devoid of jest unexpectedly sent shivers down his spine.

In the distance, the elder remained unchanged, the loose skin on his cheeks quivering slightly as he spoke, "The evidence found by Danzo can now be used against the Uchiha family. If we delay, their strength may grow, and taking action later might prove futile."

Homura Mitokado, on the other hand, closed his eyes, nodded, and adjusted the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose. Danzo wore a smug smile, fully convinced of Akira Senju's claims. The three Konoha executives now stood against Sarutobi Hiruzen, and the feeling was immensely satisfying for Danzo.

An unexplainable sense of confidence surged within Danzo. This time, he found himself on the other side, and the refreshing feeling swept from his feet to the top of his head. Inadvertently, Danzo leaned back, almost tumbling, but managed to steady himself with his crutches. He looked around, relieved that nobody had witnessed his momentary instability.

Coughing lightly to mask the awkwardness, Danzo declared, "Hiruzen, even you can't disregard the decisions of the three of us. Hurry up and give the order, or I'll utilize my roots, and the result will be the same."

This situation, where his proposal held no weight and the other three were in agreement, felt all too familiar to Danzo. Now, it was Hiruzen Sarutobi's turn to experience this feeling.

Hiruzen Sarutobi wore an unpleasant expression. Wiping sweat from his forehead, he picked up a teacup, downed its contents in one gulp, and covered it again. Sighing, he said, "Well, it seems that's the only option. But your roots must be prepared for battle in advance, and capturing the Uchiha clan won't be a straightforward task."

Sarutobi Hiruzen, insightful as always, recognized that the Uchiha clan was currently in a vulnerable state. If the situation escalated, it would likely trigger strong resistance. He prioritized minimizing losses by placing Danzo's unstable roots at the forefront. Sarutobi, despite his hesitations, believed this decisive action was necessary.

After making the decision, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a surge of passion akin to his youth. Removing potential threats for the village seemed just and imperative. Danzo squinted his eyes, nodded in agreement, and said, "Alright, then the roots will lead the way."

His true intentions echoed his spoken words—he wished for the roots to be at the forefront. Moreover, the more vehement the Uchiha resistance, the better, providing him with a justification to eliminate a few Uchiha members and acquire Sharingan. With ample reasons and Akira Senju's backing, the plan seemed flawless.

Following the conclusion of the high-level meeting, Hiruzen Sarutobi swiftly changed into military attire, summoned the Monkey King, and transformed the ape into a vajra cudgel. Leading a team of Anbu, Sarutobi Hiruzen felt a renewed vigor, a sense of youth burning in his chest. While he wouldn't express it in the same way as Might Guy, he couldn't deny the revitalizing feeling.

A team of over a hundred Anbu, led by Hiruzen Sarutobi, soared toward the Uchiha clan like fleas. Simultaneously, Danzo led a contingent of roots, their numbers rivaling Anbu, marching on a parallel street. Their actions attracted curious gazes from residents, who sensed that something significant was about to transpire.

As Anbu passed the Hyuga Clan, Hyuga Hiashi, having just stepped out of the backyard, observed the team. Seeing the Third Hokage leading Anbu towards the Uchiha clan, Hyuga Hiashi retreated, keenly aware that something major was unfolding. He raised his hand to shield her eyes from the sun, squinting as she watched.

"The Uchiha clan..." Hyuga Hiashi furrowed his brow and, without hesitation, hurried back inside. He called for an entourage and swiftly made His way towards the Uchiha tribe.

Meanwhile, in the Uchiha Clan, Natsu Uchiha stood beneath the shade of trees, flanked by Fugaku, holding Sasuke, and the current patriarch, Yamashiro. The eighth generation exuded a rejuvenated aura, with bright and energetic eyes that carried an invisible pressure.

Though still folding his arms, Natsu Uchiha's posture exuded confidence. The three adults, including Yamashiro, shared a commonality—a straight posture.

On the practice field, hundreds of Uchiha ninjas sweated profusely in the scorching heat. Despite the discomfort, they continued using the Fire Release ninjutsu as usual, not avoiding it for alternatives like Water Release. Natsu Uchiha's clones sparred with them, showcasing the Five Elements Escape Technique in turns.

On the other end of the field, over a hundred clan members rested under the shade of a tree after their turn on the practice field. Raising his head, the sunlight passed through the leaves, creating star-like shapes in Uchiha Natsu's eyes, shining brighter than stars, akin to high-intensity incandescent lamps.

Squinting due to the intense sunlight, Natsu Uchiha shifted his gaze to the right. Yamashiro and Fugaku also noticed his movement and followed suit. Two figures in robes were swiftly approaching from the field's edge.

Hyuga Hiashi, accompanied by an entourage, arrived near Uchiha Natsu, barely catching his breath before urgently delivering the news, "Natsu, the Third Hokage is leading all Anbu here. Something unfavorable for the Uchiha might happen. I spotted them taking a smaller path; they'll be here soon!"


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