
I died reincarnated and died again

Kreon a young programmer dies and gets reincarnated into another world, but right after reincarnating he died again and became a ghost. After that his adventures as a ghost starts.

Tomopher · Fantasy
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25 Chs

New Body

With Proma research was much easier… I am now working on my bodies while Parma is getting more materials out of the forest.

<<Lord Kreon!>>

<<Oh you are already back, proma.>>

<<Yes my lord. What body are you making at the moment?>>

<<I am working on a body for battles. To be precise on a small body that will be underestimated by the opponents and is easy to move in. The body should probably look like a kid or something… kids are the ones that are normally the weakest.>>

<<That's right my lord. Should I help you with something?>>

<<No I am good right now. How about you train a bit more?>>

<<Will do my lord>>

I should probably make the hair of my new body a bit longer… I think this is it. The strength of this body is higher than my original. I will now leave my body and possess the new body and link me with it. No problems. It is a bit weird to move in a smaller body. The body is only ca. 120 cm high after all. After moving a bit I can now move this body relatively good. Now I will try to make myself a new weapon. I will make a physical and a spiritual body for it so I can fight both physical and spiritual enemies. Let's see first what weapon do I want? For my first weapon I think I will make a sword… How about a black one? I should have found some adamantite. It is the second strongest material in this world that can be mined and is black. Let's see… what kind of sword do I want to make… I think I will make a Japanese sword… I always liked them… Lets use a bit gold for embellishments on the handle… I use forming to form the adamantite and the gold… it costs a lot of MP to form adamantite… Okay! Finished. It looks good… now the spiritual body… I will make it the same from the looks it will be easier that way. I will use a lot of MP so it will be really strong. And finished now I only have to link them… And that should be it! Let's try swinging it around a bit… yes this is good.


Proma comes right away.

<<Yes my lord? Oh I see you finished your new body! And a new sword!>>

<<Yes proma. I will now go out to test them out>>

<<And what may I do?>>

<<Yes proma you will stay here so no monsters come in and destroy anything. Its possible to destroy our research now that we unlocked the doors.>>

<<Yes I will do that my lord! May I know when my lord will return?>>

<<A few hours probably…>>

<<Okay my lord! I will await your return!>>

<<Okay, See you in a bit>>

With that I flew out of the window This body really is better to move in! I went to the ground and walked from there to test out how that works. The body is pretty fast. Oh there is a demonic snake… It's level is 253… Its part of the 100 strongest of dasos forest… let's see how the sword cuts through these scales. I swung the sword a bit… the sword went right through those scales like a knife through butter… I levelled up 15 times because of this… well the level difference is big… sadly I don't get stuff like with ghost theft… but this is faster. Okay lets look for the next opponent so I can test this body more. I found a great poison lizard level 180. He isn't in the 100 strongest of dasos forest list. I think I can try my hair attack with the hair controlling skill. I extended my hair in the direction of the lizard and made it sharp and hard. I pierced one leg. Then I used my hair to grab my sword and moved it to cut the head of the lizard it was a bit hard but with a bit training it could be really useful. I spent a bit longer in the forest and trained a bit more and then headed home. I levelled up another 30 times. And because of the training a few of my stats also went up. To be precise agility and strength. Now that I think about it now that I use a homunculus as body if someone were to check me I would be a homunculus… that could be bad. Lets see if there is a skill for something like this… Here! Status info alteration.

[Status Info Alteration]

Allows the user to change the information shown for themselves and other if they are willingly. Its impossible to display a level higher than the targets current. It is impossible to show skill that aren't at least similar to the ones the target has. Skills can be hidden completely. Stats can't be made higher then the targets current. Titles can be changed completely. Status can be changed completely. Job can be changed completely. Species can be changed completely. Name can be changed completely. Attributes can be changed completely.

to acquire: 40 acquiring points.

I am going to need it if I am ever entering a country so I am going to buy it.

<<My lord! You are back!>>

<<Yes proma, did anything happen while I was gone?>>

<<No my lord. Nothing unusual happened>>

<<That's good.>>

<<And? How is the new body?>>

<<It's good.>>

<<I am happy to hear that, my lord.>>

<<I am going to read in the library for the time being. Don't disturb me as long as nothing serious is happened.>>

<<Yes, my lord! I shall not disturb you.>>

I read for a few hours and from what I can see is that normally people do not have something like Skill points, stat points or skill acquiring points, but it is normally seen by summoned heroes and sometimes by other otherworldlern. The reason heroes are summoned is because they can become easily stronger on this way. It seems there are 4 types of otherworldlern: Summoned people, reincarnated people that start as infants, reincarnated people that start at some age and people who just stumble into this world either by accident or at will. The last is really rare and heroes are normally only summoned in times of crisis. There are also not that many places where heroes can be summoned and not many people/organizations that can. A organization that can summon a hero is the church. But no one can summon a hero anywhere. There are a few places where it's possible. And those places are normally never in the possession of one kingdom or something. The last time a hero was summoned was by the war against the last "evil demon lord". It seems that not all demons and demon lords are evil. Only a part of the demon race despises the other races but the demon race always has to obey the demon lord. So it always depends out of which faction the demon lord comes. But most people don't know about that so they think every demon is evil because the "good demon lords" normally don't do much except helping their country to develop. The current demon lord is "good" thou. So I don't have to worry that there is an all out war of the races. Also as long as they don't know about the command or something similar they aren't forced to obey because they don't know. For example the demon lord can't just say "all demons attack humans" because not all demons can hear him. And demons also aren't forces to obey a command if they aren't certain that the command comes from the demon lord. For example if some demon just walked to them and says "Hey the demon lord said you should dig a hole" than they don't have to obey but if that demon has a prove that that command came from the demon lord than they have to obey. Oh and it seems that demons can't decide on the demon lord themselves. There always can only be one demon lord. And after one dies there will be a new demon lord. How long it takes till a new one comes isn't specified. The requirements are depending on the age either talent or power. And yes even a new born can become the demon lord. That's about it.

Now that I have read a bit how about I try to use the skill I bought: Status Alteration. Wow I can really change it at will. Lets first hide the titles ghost, undead, otherworldler and free ghost. Then let's change my species to "Human". Then hide all my species skills and the skill I stole. And of course I will also hide the skill "status info alteration". Oh now that I look into my status that much I see a few new things. Don't ask how I didn't see them before. Lets see… I got the "swordman" title and the Swordsmanship skill. I also got the titles weapon creator, spirit weapon creator and homunculi creator. I better hide the later two too. And there is the title "master of parma". Mm I should probably change also change my stats and level… but I don't know what's normal for a human… Then I will wait with that till I see one or I find a book about "what is normal for humans".

<<Lord Kreon!>>

<<I told you not to disturb me if there is no emergency so what Is it?>>

<<My lord there are people in front of the mansion!>>


To be continued in chapter 12…

Hey there! I know I didn't write the (k/p) behind the conversations because I thought it is obvious who what says I will write them again when more then 2 people are a part of the conversation what will likely happen in the next chapter. Please leave a comment and if you have the time come and join my discord. (https://discord.gg/kYjFMnfA)

Hey there! I know I didn’t write the (k/p) behind the conversations because I thought it is obvious who what says I will write them again when more then 2 people are a part of the conversation what will likely happen in the next chapter. Please leave a comment and if you have the time come and join my discord. (https://discord.gg/kYjFMnfA)

Tomophercreators' thoughts