
I DIED AND WAS REINCARNATED AS...A GOD? [Will be moved to a new link]

There I was... I was a successful man, many people envied me, and I was about to be the biggest arms manufacturer in the world, and because of a betrayal, I died and lost everything .... but it's not the end!!!, god gave me the option to choose my next life in a game of chance, now I will reincarnate in...a god???? I don't know what will happen next, but now begins my path in divinity and make my universe number One! Discord Link: https://discord.gg/QFQMerBrNP

DreadxRuby · Fantasy
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22 Chs


I will not deny that I did not feel nervous, since now my essence was going to be transformed into that of a God. Orion was making all the preparations, since becoming a god was different from when a soul reincarnates into another mortal being. Itself. the whole soul must be rebuilt in order to adapt to the divine energy exposed by roulette, or who directs it, the Spher.

"Well in the preparations they are almost complete, a few last words to say how mortal?"

"Will this hurt?"

"Curious words, improving the soul is different for each being, some will feel as if they have been stung by a wasp, others feel nothing. in some cases, the pain is so unbearable that many Essences do not tolerate it and self-destruct trying to end the pain. That is why, although thousands of eons have passed since the birth of Gran U, no. There are only at most 1000 active gods."

"What??, Why didn't you say it before???"

"Because you didn't ask, but you'll be fine. The pain you feel is from all the lives you ended up being alive, and for you, who hopefully killed a fly, there will be no problem."

"ah, and me freaking out... wait, does this count indirect deaths?"

" Huh? Oops, I had forgotten that little detail."

Before he could even answer Orion, Zandor was interrupted by agonizing pain. It felt as if his body was pierced by countless projectiles, after what felt like hours for Zandor, although it was only 5 minutes, the pain stopped abruptly, to start again but this time feeling a hellish heat, he was being burned alive. Orion, despite having incredible powers, was unable to give him any comfort in his agony, this had to be overcome alone, and the worst thing is that, being already dead, the pain of the wounds was reflected in his soul, making the pain triple what would usually be felt with a body.

My life had not been a fairy tale, since I gained full awareness of myself, I never got the deserved affection I needed, I lived only with my mother, since my father upon learning of me decided to abandon us. my mother. Believing that I had been the fault of my father's leaving, he vented his anger on me. There was no day in which he did not attack me, insulting me, telling me to ruin his life, I at the time did not know why he treated me like that, I thought I had done something wrong. In school I was doing excellent, my teachers believed that I would go far with my good information processing, they believed that I was gifted, but I only tried three times hard to make my mother proud, but she always repeated to me that I had been a mistake. I always wanted him to give me a hug, and instead I received lashes from his belt. lying that I had caused my injuries by mischief. Once I tried to ask my neighbors for help, pleasant was my surprise when I saw that they looked at me as if I were looking at a piece of shit, they shouted at me that how could I be such a bad son, kicking me, I went home, seeing how my mother waited for me at the door with her belt.

The only consolation I had in my childhood was a friend named Aylén. she always treated me well, I felt safe being with her, and I ended up falling in love, something typical in a child I guess, until at 14, when I was about to confess my love to her, I heard her talking to her friends about me, more specifically making fun, saying that I was her lap dog, her pet, her servant who did her will for a few nice words.

That day something snapped inside me, something changed. I stopped talking to her, I stopped talking to my mother, at 16 I left home and went to do my military service. There I found a passion for weapons, how they worked, how with a simple movement they could end countless lives. I managed to earn many merits for my good performance, and I had colleagues, but I was no longer encouraged to engage in conversations. Once my service was over, I decided to focus on arms manufacturing, starting from the bottom, working my way up and getting good contracts, my personal business grew until I became the number one arms manufacturer in the country, then in the continent, until just before I died I was to become the number one arms manufacturer and supplier in the world.

I had it all, I had money, I was famous, I got so much attention that for a while I was happy. Until I received a call, it was my mother, I don't know how she had gotten my private number, she asked me how I was, I told her I wanted to, she asked me to talk in person, that she was sorry for everything, I told her to go to hell, that if she really felt guilty, why not just die and leave me alone. It wasn't until some time later that I found out that she had died because of some gang members who had bought one of my guns. I felt strange, not sad, not happy. Then I realized that even if I didn't pull the trigger, someone with the gun I made would. For a while, I thought about how many people I had indirectly killed by selling my guns to dangerous people. But in the end I never cared, like what happened with....


"you got it... you really GET IT!!!"

"ah? what, what, what happened?"

"you've passed the phase, now your soul is strong enough to absorb and contain the power of a god."

"but I don't feel much different, except for the remaining pain, wait what???? do I have a body now?????

"oh yes, let me help you"

Orion materialized a giant mirror so I could see my new celestial body, I saw my reflection and thought of only one word: beautiful. I see myself as an attractive young man around 20 years old, my hair, previously jet colored, is now a shiny silver tone, focused on attracting attention, giving me a unique and sophisticated appearance. My face is well proportioned, with defined features and an intense gaze that reflects intelligence and determination. Not to mention the body, well toned, yet maintaining a lean build, like that of an athlete in his prime.

My outfit is currently a ceremonial robe, it reminds me a bit of those worn by the Japanese in ancient times for rituals or something like that, It is a long and tight robe, highlighting even more my toned body, giving me a pure air. it is made of a soft and high quality fabric, but the material is unknown to me. It has symbols that look religious on the shoulders, neck and sleeves.

"yeah, yeah, very beautiful and all, but it looks like someone forgot to mention something a while ago, don't you think?"

"ehhh, no, I don't know what you're talking about..."


"that's ok, I apologize for forgetting about that, but in compensation I have something for you that could maybe help you in your universe"

"ah yes? If you really think some stupid bauble is going to make up for the pain that..."


Suddenly my vision became blurry, or rather, there was something that prevented me from focusing my sight well, after getting used to it a little, I noticed that what was hindering my sight was a screen, similar to Holo Bracelet's, this one had a message: "Good morning, my dear sir (insert name), I am your operational assistant in learning and making the new universe that you can or could create, my user."

"what the fuck is this Orion?"

"huh, doesn't it say so in the message, I thought I set it up right?"

"no!!! The message is the least of it, what the hell is this screen, and why don't I have a name?"

"that, my dear newbie god, is the answer to any doubt you have about your work as a god, it's a work in progress I'm doing with a friend, this what has as mission is to help you how to build a universe and the living beings in it, and also to give you support in the discovery of your new abilities"

"how, aren't the powers of the gods supposed to be equal?"

"The primordial gods yes. But from lord Gallad onwards, there have been a long of gods with abilities never seen before, lord Gallad himself had a mastery over the essence of living things, and could mold them to his will. sure, some abilities remain in everyone, such as the ability to create and give life, but there are others more specific, that are unique to a god, such as control over disasters that extinguish entire civilizations, the creation of non-existent objects. Or even the mythical ability that no god has ever had. The dominion over time".