
A Hard Spot

The day is tense as everyone watches, both women prepare themselves. Amira is calm and settled not caring about the outcome, but the other girl Clarissa is determined to win and gain more popularity. The buzzer sounds cueing for them to start the battle, everyone's watching, from the stadium to underneath where the other participants are waiting their turns. Clarissa makes the first move. "Water Goddess Of the Descended earth I ask for assistance!" Suddenly Clarissa creates a water bubble around herself and Amira its so huge it begins to push out, she floods the entire dome area revealing the size of the forcefield. Amira gets swept away into the water as the currents swish her around like a rag doll! The crowd is going crazy at the sight of immense power. "Clarissa has swept her opponent into the depths of her currents! Will Amira get out of this?!" The announcer says excitedly. "She's definitely done for!" "No one can escape Clarissa's Hell bubble!" "She's such a goner." "Shouldn't they stop her?? She'll kill the poor girl!" As everyone is voicing their thoughts both above and below, people thought they could antagonize the siblings. "Guess you all really are just country bumpkin trash." As everyone laughs Vex sits there calm and collected. "Don't pay attention to them." He says disregarding the taunts. "What did you say?" A guy says walking up to Vex as he's sitting. "Your sister is out there getting wiped! and you think to still hold your head up?" He taunts. "Sure the first thing Clarissa did was use her most powerful spell, but my sister hasn't tapped out, how do you think she's surviving under the water for so long? Do you think Clarissa will win? Nooo...if anything she just awoken a force she won't be able to tame..the one thing my sister hates the most, can you guess it?" Vex says luring them in, as they shake their heads confused he speaks. "Getting her hair wet." Vex smiles as they watch the battle. "What's this? Amira is finally making a move!" Everyone is so fixated and watching intently like their faces are about to fall off. *BzZZRt BZZZZZZZZZ* Amira stays still against the current looking directly at Clarissa, The lightning buzzing around her body makes everyone stand on their toes. Her hair starts to glow a golden color and the lightning disappears, Amira trying to hold herself back can no longer control the rage boiling inside her. Just like that in a blink Amira is face to face with Clarissa, frightening at the fact Amira moved freely in her currents she realized at first when she thought she was winning she was absolutely wrong. "Was she just letting me toss her around? She wasn't serious until now??? What changed?!" Clarissa thinks. The power from Amira sends shivers down the judges spines and leave them frozen. "What the hell?! This power is too much!" "Someone needs to stop this fight!" The judges think. "You could have done anything else, but you chose water..you got my hair wet." The irritated Amira says as she raises her hand and flicks Clarissa's forehead sending her back with intense force, she smacks against the forcefield sending a ripple. "ACK!!" Amira launches towards her quickly to throw her clear across the stadium mid-air, as Clarissa is flying through the arena Amira launches an Immense fire shot towards her, in an instant the water evaporates as it cuts through the huge ball of water. With terror throughout their body, the crowds in the stands are leaning back trying to get away sharing a frightened face. "Are you kidding me?!" "What the hell is going on?!" One of the judges grabbed the unconscious Clarissa to save her from further more disgrace. "That's the match Clarissa can no longer fight!" The announcer says excitedly and frightened. Amira descends down gracefully with wet hair already starting to dry into a puff. "Great.." Amira says. As she finally lands the crowd begins to scream excitedly at what they just witnessed. "AMIRA YOU'RE SO COOL!" "DID YOU SEE THE WAY SHE DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO CHANT?!" Amira walks off the arena floor with hair dripping the wind blowing it gracefully revealing her pale purple eyes, her hips swaying and her walk has grace with power behind it. She gives a wink at the crowd as she walks with a smile. "Ahhhh! She's so hot!!" The crowd continues. Amira makes her way into the holding space, as soon as she opens the doors and uproar of excitement can be heard. Her hand is grabbed and pulled in. "I didn't know you were that strong!" "How did you do it??! Can you teach me how not to chant?!" "Are you single?!" "I'd love to study with you Amira!" *Murmurmurmur* Questions can from left and right as people surrounded her. Suddenly foot steps can be heard as someone makes their way to amira through the students. "You think that sad attempt at a win makes you important now?" Shai says sharply. "You'll still be nothing but trash." He leans in to say. "Imagine feeling so threatened for popularity, you try to slander and discredit someone." A voice says. "You're just mad she's better than you." It continues. A male emerges from the masses putting a face to the voice. He has Long black hair slicked back with one rogue hair in the front, his eyes are sharp and golden while the rest of his face is covered with a cloth. He looks as if he could be a ninja. Shai looks at him with anger and just storms off with his groupies. "Don't worry about him, he has a king complex." The guy says to amira. "My name is Zin, nice to meet you." Amira greets him. As they're talking, they begin to walk back to the infirmary to check on Ginny.