
I didn't want this

Can one actually have a peaceful life? is peace even a thing? if it is, where is it? These are the questions asked but had no answers. Living as a useless and unwanted person his whole life, suicidal thoughts clouded his mind, is this life worth living?"forget it, I'll work hard and finally get my peaceful life" was what he said but, did he actually get it? No!. Enduring life, finding new hopes, struggling to pass through life, only to die without a grave, did the universe let him go? No. Lexi Quints gets thrown into another world with danger and troubles at every turn "huh, I'm still alive? dammit, even after death, you won't still let me go, I DON'T WANT THIS!!" Would he retire to his fate or work hard to gain a peaceful life? Begging the universe to take him back and he ends up at deaths door, again, he finally thinks the universe listened to him, but... Did it? did it really?

Wisewrites_0627 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Start of School

Xian Quints (POV)

6 years...it's been 6 years since Leona died and also 6 years since I heard my sons voice. 3 years ago, Lex awakened an element, lightning, I was so proud of him, but he wasn't even smiling, his eyes were as emotionless and cold as ever, usually kids awaken at the age of 10, but he did that 5 years earlier, not only that, but he has already gained full mastery over it at 8 years old. Yesterday was his eight birthday, not that it could be called that again so it was just another day. Tomorrow, school starts, it usually begins 2 years before awakening. During the two years, they would be taught about all the elements so they could have knowledge about it before awakening, but my son doesn't need that though. I haven't been staying idly this past 6 years, I managed to get into SS rank and now I was known as the Ice king and also the 4th SS ranked in the world out 5. I looked at my son training all by himself, well I wouldn't call it training as he was simply playing with lightning, I walked up to him and sat beside him, noticing my presence, he stopped the lightning and turned to face me, I wish he hadn't, looking at those emotionless eyes, my mind was clouded in sadness. I shook my head and said what I came here to say.

"Lex, tomorrow you're starting school, are you prepared?"

He stared at me for sometime, then turned around and nodded. After that he continued with what he was doing, I got up and left.

The next day

I was on my way to the academy with Lex to go get him started. We got to the academy and we saw many kids his age, laughing and talking with their parents, beside us was a girl who was with both her mom and dad, Lex stopped and stared at them for a second then continued on his way.

At the registration desk, Lex filled the form and submitted it.

"No last name?" The lady asked, Lex just stared at her and shook his head then left, I sighed and followed him. We sat with the others, waiting for the allocation of classes. Lex got into class A, and I was about to leave, when I felt a light tug on my sleeve, I looked down and saw Lex staring at me, I knelt on one knee to be on his eye level.

"Could you please act like you don't know me, I want a peaceful school life" he said. I stared at him for sometime, then nodded with a smile on my face, I patted his head and left.

On the way back home, I couldn't stop myself from smiling, I kept on saying

"He talked, Lex talked...after 6 years he finally said something, hahaha, that means his opening up, hahahaha" I understood what he meant by what he said. I'm now popular, if people knew he was my son, there would be anything but peace, he might not even get friends, they would only try to get close to him because of me, he might also be put in danger, so I am going to listen to him.

Lexi Quints(POV)

Ever since that day, I had built a wall around myself and stopped talking, I know I'm hurting dad, but I can't bring myself to open up to him. Today I forced myself to talk and the most I could do was to say just two sentences.

I walked to the dorm area and searched for my room. I got in

front of a room and looked at my card, room 34, the number on the door also says 34,so I got in. The first thing I saw as I got in was a long corridor with two rooms at the side and one room at the end, but what made me stop in my tracks was what was in the middle of the rooms...two boys, fighting over something, I think the rooms as they were in the middle of two rooms. I stared at them for a second and I would have laughed at their position but I couldn't, one of the boys legs was on the others head with his hand reaching out to the door and the other was desperately dragging him away from the door, I just ignored them and walked to the room at the end of the room. I got in and locked the door behind me. Haa...I sighed and began to arrange my room. after a while, I was done and was now lying on my bed staring at the ceiling, when I heard voices from my door

"Do you think he would come?"

"I don't know, unless we ask?"

"You ask him"

"Why should I? Did you see his eyes, like he was about to kill me"

"Then who is going to ask?"

"Fine, I'll do it, but you owe me one now, alright"


I walked over to the door and directly opened it to find my roommates debating on something

"Hi, um...my name is Dean and this is Chris, what is your name?" The first boy asked, Dean had pale skin and green hair with hazel green eyes, he was at the same height as me, Chris was a little bit taller with brown hair and black eyes, he had a slightly dark skin, they were both handsome and I could already imagine the amount of attention they are going to get. I stared at them for sometime and then answered

"Lexi" that took all my will power trying to sound a little normal but alas, it came out dull and emotionless

"OK, um.. Lexi, the teacher said we should all go to the hall, she wants to know all of us" Chris said. I got out of the room and locked it, then began to walk

"Let's go fast" I heard them say and the caught up to me.