
I didn't want this

Can one actually have a peaceful life? is peace even a thing? if it is, where is it? These are the questions asked but had no answers. Living as a useless and unwanted person his whole life, suicidal thoughts clouded his mind, is this life worth living?"forget it, I'll work hard and finally get my peaceful life" was what he said but, did he actually get it? No!. Enduring life, finding new hopes, struggling to pass through life, only to die without a grave, did the universe let him go? No. Lexi Quints gets thrown into another world with danger and troubles at every turn "huh, I'm still alive? dammit, even after death, you won't still let me go, I DON'T WANT THIS!!" Would he retire to his fate or work hard to gain a peaceful life? Begging the universe to take him back and he ends up at deaths door, again, he finally thinks the universe listened to him, but... Did it? did it really?

Wisewrites_0627 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


"Huh, I seem to have reincarnated, hope this life would be better and peaceful" I thought as I stared at my new mom. She was a real beauty, her skin pale and smooth, her white her reaching to her waist looked silky smooth, the most noticeable thing about her was her deep blue eyes, they looked so deep I think I can sink in them, while I was still entranced by her beauty a middle aged man barged into the room

"Let me see him" he said and my mother passed me to him, I could immediately tell he was my father, seeing the resemblance. He had shoulder length white hair and he looked like he was in his late twenties, that is if you ignore all the wrinkles on his face, he also had crystal blue eyes, all in all, I see why mom married this guy.

Leona Quints (POV)

I stared at my son thinking that if it was a crime to be handsome, he should be in jail now. If only we didn't have to keep running, I vowed in my heart that I will protect him with my life.

"Don't worry son, I won't let them get you" I said to the cute ball of happiness in my arms.

"He is so handsome, haha he really is my son" my husbands voice brought my back from my thoughts.

"You never muss an opportunity to flatter yourself, do you?"

"Of course not, I'm so handsome" He said then looked down at our son "don't worry, I won't let them get their hands on him"

"Thank you"

"No need to thank me, he is my son, quick give him to me, I want to hold him"

I gave my son to him and watched them laughing together with a gentle smile on my face.

"I hope it remains like this"

"What should we name him?" I heard my husband ask.

"I was thinking Lexi, a combination of both our names, Leona and Xian" I answered

"I love it, Lexi it is"

Lexi Quints (POV)

"I think they just gave me the same name as my past life, and also the exact same last name". I stared at them, seeing the way they are staring at me, with love in their eyes, I hope it remains like this.

I kept staring at them until I fell asleep