
I didn’t choose to be hated

After running away from my family with the last belongings of my grandmother, I lost half of my memories and was transported into a fantasy novel, not as the female lead but as the sister of the second male lead. If I remember correctly, this girl is fated to be hated by everyone all her life and die at the age of twenty in the female lead’s place.
 I only have two years beforehand ? Okay, then I’ve made up my mind. Let’s not be anywhere near the main characters and be happy until I can go home. But why do I feel like I’m missing something ?

ShyBoy · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 2- The beginning (2)

« Are you sure about this? »

« We all saw what happened madam ! I couldn't believe it myself! »

« Don't talk nonsense! That's not possible! You're telling me that she miraculously stood up all of sudden and walked ?! Do you seriously expect us to believe that ?! »

« Stop it Swan! »

It so noisy!

How can they talk so loudly when someone is sleeping?! 

I didn't now if I should wake up or stay asleep, I mean, what can I do in this situation ?

It doesn't look like I was kidnapped and I can't really remember what happened before I came here.

They were two unfamiliar voice near me talking.

Someone approached and pinned my arm. I suddenly stood up.

« OUCH! What was that?! »

« She woke up! »

'If course I did!´

There were a boy in front of me looking at my face. I think he knew from the start that I was awake.

His indigo curly hair was difficult to ignore and his purple eyes looked so deep.

Seriously, their hair color looked so real.

« Look like she's okay, you don't have to worry mom. »

'Excuse me?'

Does he hate me? Why does he look like he's annoyed ? Nobody forced you to come!

There was a woman sitting next to me. She looked at me with a worried gaze.

Her eyes were beautiful! It was incredibly bright, I thought it was gold.

She had long wavy hair, it was light blue and fluorescent, her eyes were very shiny.

« Sapphie, are you alright? How do you feel ? »

Should I play the victim?

I don't know, what should I do?

« Have you lost your tongue ? »

How rude..

I shouldn't beat around the bush, I might as well ask them directly!

« Who.. »

« Yes Sapphie? »

« Who are you? »

They suddenly changed their expression. They looked shocked.

'Did I say something wrong ?'

« You… if you are joking then I advise you to stop this! »

« I'm sorry if I said something wrong but.. do I know you? Why am I here? »

« Sapphie! It's me! You're mom! Do you really can't recognize me ? »

My mom? Why is she going this far?

I'm an orphan! I always lived with my grandma until now!

« This isn't funny ma'am! Where did you take me?! »


« Stop calling me that! What happened? How did I end up here?! »

The blue haired woman suddenly started to cry, her tears rolled down her cheeks.

I was lost.. What happened ?!

« Call the doctor quickly ! »

« Yes sir! »

« Why?! »

She looked at me with teary eyes and apologized.

« I'm sorry my daughter.. »

I eyes started to tear. I was lost. Very lost.

« Why are you apologizing ?! Stop scaring me! Who are you ? »

I was scared. I feel pity towards the woman.

I miss my grandma. I wanna see her..


Since I was young, my grandma always told me that I was a pretty sensitive child.

I always cried over nothing.

I didn't like hurting people, I was to empathetic.

Unfortunately, I didn't lived with the right people.

Apart from my grandmother, all of my relatives were bad people, so in order to not let them walk over me, I had no choice but to play the bad one.

Growing up, I realized that my feelings were my weakness.

Since then, I stopped to cry in front of peoples.

But today was not my day.

I never cried in front of someone! Why did I suddenly cried ?

I was too embarrassed to face them.

The doctor began to examine me.

He took his tools and started to listen at my heart, he took my temperature then looked straight at me.

« Then excuse me »

He reached his hand toward my head then a strange blue light appeared from his hand.

« What the- »

He took off his hand then turned towards the blue haired woman.

« Your daughter is suffering from amnesia »

« No.. impossible ! How did it happened?! »

« I think it's a major effect after the accident she had 3 days ago. It is already a miracle that she is alive »

I was too stunned. What did he do to me?

« What was that?! »

« Excuse me? »

« That's light coming from your hand! What did you do?! »

He looked strangely at me as if I asked something stupid.

« Are talking about ´mana'? »

« What? »

What did he say?

It's reminds me of one of my grandma's fantasy novels.

I felt like a princess who just woke up from a very long nap.

It was way too real. I couldn't ignore it anymore.

I felt the pain when the other guy pinned me and the light coming from the doctor hand felt warm.

Did I accidentally end up in a fantasy world?

No.. that's impossible..

I mean it's not like I was in a novel, right?


Oh no, no, no, no!

" Who am I?"


"What's my name?!"

"Of course it's Sapphie. Sapphie Hyacinth"

Wait, what?




"Your brother, are you seriously asking?"



I'm in trouble. It can't be!

"Seriously, what's your deal? Have you gone mad?"

This guy have the same name as the second male lead of the fantasy novel named

<My beloved lady>

Don't tell me..

"No way"


"I can't stay here"

I threw away the blanket and fell out of bed. I had to go.


I immediately run towards the door, I couldn't keep it anymore, it was terrible.

As I headed towards the door, someone abruptly opened it .

I stumbled and then ended up slipping on the floor.

I have no choice but to accept the truth. I ended up in another world.

I stared at the ground for a few seconds and

then raised my head.

When I looked up, I saw a huge man.

He was even more scarier than others.

He was starting at me, I felt his piercing gaze, I was like rabbit in front of a lion, it was really scary.

He suddenly approached then raised his hand.

I flinched.

He slowly stepped back and looked at the blue-haired woman.

« What happened ? »

« SAPPHIE! What were you thinking?! »

« I.. »

The woman ends up crying even more.

« Did she just walked ? »

The purple-eyes guy was too stunned.

They all looked at me with strange look.

The huge man turned abruptly to me then knelt down.

He looked exactly like the other guy but much older, he must be the father, they looked identical.

Their purple eyes were very difficult to ignore.

« What did you do? »

« Don't.. »

I was scared. He was mad, but why?

Does he hate me too? Why? I didn't do anything!


´Thanks ma'am'

« Why are you crying ? What did she do? »

She sobbed and walked up to me.

« Are you okay? How did you do that? Does your legs hurt ? »

Since the moment I woke up, I felt awful but sawing her made me feel at ease.

When I saw her, I realized that even if I go back in my world, I would have nowhere to go.

The only family I had left was gone.

After realizing it, I couldn't stop my tears.

I grabbed her skirt then slowly put my head on her lap.

« I'm scared, what should I do? »

I'm all alone now, I have no one left.