
I Devour the Multiverses and Collect Worlds, Beauties, and Trophies

In the ordinary modern world, my life met an extraordinary end - I was run over by a Ferrari. But death was just the beginning. Transmigrating into a realm of limitless possibilities, I found myself bestowed with a system, promising the power to devour entire multiverses. Creation and destruction becoming mere thoughts at my fingertips. My journey has just begun, and I aim to traverse the vast array of multiverses, taking whatever piques my interest, whether it's worlds, treasures, or the alluring top beauties. But my epic adventure starts with an unconventional quest - I must power up by consuming something as mundane as grass. After which, I'll go on a adventure across many worlds, visiting cultivation, magic, and mortal. Having some fun, getting a beautiful few wives and servants, and gaining the power to become god. ------- Cover generated with AI

CarathAthor · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Zari Frost

I woke up to Elaria sneaking in with two cups of tea and one coffee while the girls slept next to me. She was silent, but it was time to wake up anyway, and the slightest disturbance woke me.

Lila was sleeping across me, hugging Luna with her head on her favorite pillow and completely under the blankets. I reached over and started massaging her ears. A smile spread across her face as she slowly woke up.

Her fingers started playing with Luna, waking her also. Luna rubbed her eyes and opened them before grabbing Lila's hands and stopping them from exciting her. Lila made a whining sound and looked at me disappointed; I knew what she was doing again.

Luna sat up, and Lila's head slid down into her lap, where her tongue started working, and she quickly got pushed away.

I picked Luna up and walked out of our room into the living room where Elaria had laid out the cushions into three rows and put sheets over them.

Nona and Alexis brought over some food, "Would you like to eat first?"


Luna's face was pink while I held her naked body with the others around. I knew if I let her dress before coming out, she might not want to take her clothes back off for the massage.

I set her down on one of the cushions and bought proper massage tables from the shop, setting them to the side for the future.

We ate a good breakfast Elaria had prepared and lay down.

Elaria came in and over to me, dripping some oil on my back before she started spreading it around and working it in.

Even though my muscles were all in perfect shape, it still felt heavenly when she pressed her fingers into their fibers. Every touch brought pleasure from her figures and I felt more relaxed than ever before.

After a little, I opened my eyes and saw Lila was sleeping with a small, pleasant smile as Alexis worked on her calves.

I turned my head the other way and was happy to see Luna had relaxed and was looking a little sleepy while Nona massaged her upper back.

I closed my eyes again and don't know when Elaria gently woke me, "Master, would you please roll over?"

I saw her face had a pleased expression and I supposed she was happy I fell asleep.

Lila had also been woken and rolled over immediately while Luna's face turned pink again, but she also slowly turned over, covering her lower parts with her hands.

I rolled over and saw Nyla come in with two hand towels, spreading them over Luna's chest and across her hips, covering her hands. She pulled her hands out from under the towel and adjusted it slightly before laying them to her sides.

Nona started on her feet, and Elaria told me in a way only I could hear, "When she's comfortable and falls asleep, Nona can continue where the towels are, so she will get a full massage."

I thought it was thoughtful of her and a good idea. I closed my eyes and let myself drift off to sleep again under Elaria's heavenly touch.

Some time later I woke again, and Elaria almost immediately walked in with a fresh cup of coffee.

She handed it to me when I stood up, I sipped while walking toward my room. Luna hadn't been beside me anymore, but Lila was still sleeping soundly.

I walked in and found the bathroom door open with Luna soaking in a hot bath while reading a book the hotel had left on a shelf with quite the variety of genres; there was probably something for everyone.

She seemed content where she was, and I picked up my phone where the president was still trying to call me every few minutes and left the room so as not to disturb her reading to much.

I sat at the kitchen table and answered next time he called, "Hello."

"Did you cure him or were the first tests wrong? No, the tests couldn't be wrong. I saw him decline myself. How did you do it? Why did you do it? And, thank you."

"How? Not important. Why? Because I needed a favor, will you owe me a favor?"

He was silent for only a few seconds and the voice that came through next was a little choked up, "I'll do my best to help you if it isn't something bad."

"I just want to go to your university. Well, me and my wife. I already have classes picked out. You can have whether we graduate depend on our grades like normal and I'll pay the fee. All I need you to do is put us in the right classes, and if problems occur, solve it."

"Would you meet me in my office? I'll be happy to help you. You mentioned problems, may I ask what kind? And thank you again."

"If something breaks, just bill me and don't expel us. Things like that. Money is no issue."

"Sure, sure. That's reasonable."

"See you at your office in like, an hour."

"Thank you again. I'll do my best to repay you. Thank you."

I hung up and went to wake Lila. I shook her awake, and she opened her golden eyes, "A handsome naked man woke this princess, how shall I reward him?"

"Get dressed, we are going to school."

She sat up excited again, and we made our way into the bedroom where our clothes were.

Luna was still in the tub reading, and I left her undisturbed. She must already know we are leaving, our divine senses more than cover this whole hotel, so there is no reason to tell her again.

Lila and I walked toward the elevator, and when it started moving down, Lila started jumping until it stopped at the bottom and she seemed unhappy about it, "Are there taller elevators?"

I nodded, and she grinned.

Rather than leaving immediately, we went to the desk where the same girl as before was working. I wasn't confident she wouldn't be daydreaming again, but there was no one else.

When she saw us walking toward her, she smiled with happiness, "Hello, it's a pleasure to see you again. Is there anything I can do for you? I'm happy to help with whatever!"

Isn't she a little too enthusiastic? "Please extend my stay to a year."

"There are already others booked during that time. Let me go get Rhonda to help."

She hurried off, and I was glad she wasn't daydreaming again.

She came back with Rhonda, "I hear you want to book the room for a year. There are already several people booked during that time. However, I can cancel them if you understand once your stay starts you can't cancel, and if you extend it to a year, it would count as already started."

Looks like they don't want to give up my 5 million for a few hundred thousand from others, "Sounds good."

I paid, and we left. Rather than teleporting to the university, I wanted to show the girls a car, so I teleported Lila and I to a car dealer.

We appeared in an alleyway near where all the car dealers were and walked out.

Lila's eyes got stars when she saw where we were, "Are we going to get a vehicle?"


I looked around at the dealers where we were and saw a Ferrari dealer. I had some history with this company and figured it'd be perfect.

I pointed at their building, "There."

We walked into the large glass doors, and a salesperson greeted us. The whole place was covered with my divine sense and I immediately found the one I liked.

I pointed in the direction and held out my card, "I'd like that one. I'll take it please."

He looked in the direction I pointed, which was a wall, and looked slightly confused, "Would you please show me which one?"

Right, oops, I walked around the showroom to the other side where you could pass by into a more expensive showroom.

I pointed to a black car that I thought looked the coolest of all of them in the room.

"A good choice, sir. Would you like to configure it and have one made by the factory, or do you like this one?"

"I like this one and don't know the first thing about cars anyway. Besides, I want it now."

"Please come with me; I'll fill out the paperwork immediately."

We walked into an office, and he ran my card, then pulled out a stack of paperwork. After I signed all the places he told me and he copied my license, I found out it's called a SF90 XX Spider.

He had someone bring out the car from the showroom and gave me the keys when we got to where it was parked.

I opened the door for Lila, "Here, get in, it's fun."

She got in, and I went around to the other side. I waved to the happy salesman, and we drove out of the parking lot towards the university. We'd be a few minutes late, but that's fine.

We pulled into the parking lot under the gazes of many students; we stepped out of the car, and I heard many soft gasps. I knew the way to the president's office, and we started in that direction.

People parted for us as we walked side by side, and Lila made a comment in her language, "This is how a princess should be!"

Some stared in amazement, and others in envy.

We made our way to the administrative building under many gazes; some took secret pictures, others started gossiping about who we could be. Some hoped we were new professors, while others dispelled those thoughts, saying we must be students transferring in; others said we must be visiting celebrities who came back to their university, and then they were told we were too young, especially the girl.

Someone said I must be her older brother taking her for a tour. Lila heard this and shot the person a scathing look; they promptly shut up and averted their gaze.

We made it to the administrative building and entered, leaving the others behind.

We walked right into the president's office where he was sitting behind the desk, waiting for us.

"I'm Alexander Cyrus, and this is Lila."

He stood up and extended his hand, doing a pretty good job of hiding his shock, "It's a pleasure to meet you, thank-"

"Stop thanking me; I did you a favor, now you're doing me one."

"This favor can't even compare to the life of my grandson."

"Just put us where we want and block trouble if it appears."

"Ah yes, I'll need your IDs."

We sat down and handed over our IDs. He glanced between Lila and hers several times before taking it to the copy machine. After some signatures, he gave us student IDs, and we could start class anytime.

I planned to take a stroll on campus today, then come tomorrow morning.

We left the administration building, and I could tell there were even more people than before.

A girl grew bold and tried walking up with a love-struck expression on her face, "May I -"

Lila's killing intent flowed out, and she must have sensed it, or maybe it was just Lila's expression of 'You will die very soon.'

Either way, alarm bells must have been blaring, and she turned around almost tripping over her own feet as she ran, "Never mind!"

Some people started laughing at her, but we just continued on.

I didn't care about any other building except the current one that had a class we were going to take in session, also the Zari was in.

I could have looked through the void anytime before, but always wanted the first time I saw them to be in person. I also pulled back my divine sense or I'd see her with that first.

We looked in the classroom, and Lila immediately said, "Back row, third from the left."

She was right; I saw a girl I could still recognize even though she changed some. She wore a baggy hoodie, her beautiful face and blue eyes looked tired. Her brown hair the same shade as mine was a little messed up on one side, and her cheek had a red line on it where it looked like she had been sleeping against her sleeve.

Lila probed the rest of her with her divine sense, looked at me, and made a sudden comment, "She's very beautiful, better than Elaria was. You should keep her. She's beautiful enough and pure."


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