
I Devour the Multiverses and Collect Worlds, Beauties, and Trophies

In the ordinary modern world, my life met an extraordinary end - I was run over by a Ferrari. But death was just the beginning. Transmigrating into a realm of limitless possibilities, I found myself bestowed with a system, promising the power to devour entire multiverses. Creation and destruction becoming mere thoughts at my fingertips. My journey has just begun, and I aim to traverse the vast array of multiverses, taking whatever piques my interest, whether it's worlds, treasures, or the alluring top beauties. But my epic adventure starts with an unconventional quest - I must power up by consuming something as mundane as grass. After which, I'll go on a adventure across many worlds, visiting cultivation, magic, and mortal. Having some fun, getting a beautiful few wives and servants, and gaining the power to become god. ------- Cover generated with AI

CarathAthor · Fantasy
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93 Chs

My First Fight on the Battlefield

They only had about 80 pounds of crystals in stock, I bought them all and told them I actually decided to get a room in this city so they should contact me here.

I decided against staying at the military camp because this place is much nicer opposed to the brick buildings that look like they are held together with duct tape and prayers.

After renting a nice place to stay, I dumped all the crystals on the floor and sat down to use them.

"Zenobia, get to the next realm, you're so weak I could kill you with a casual flick." She also doesn't need many to advance at her realm.

I received a grunt in response. Unacceptable! Killing intent leaked from me, a fraction of my immortal aura forced her to her hands and knees.

She turned pale and trembled, gasping for breath as she spoke, "Yes Mast-er."

I gave it another few seconds before withdrawing; she stayed how she was, frozen from fear. Next time I'll just take her head off and go without or find someone else for chores.

I decided to work on myself later and stood to leave, "Only use enough to get to the next realm."

I went invisible and teleported near the military camp. Since it's daytime and most battles happen at night, there probably aren't many werewolves on the battlefield, but I am still going to have a look around.

I flew over the battlefield using my bat wings and without my invisibility to test something. It would seem easy for the vampires to bomb the werewolves, but since they don't, I figure there must be a reason. I put up a magical shield since I think the reason must be some sort of anti-flying-vampire weapon.

I spotted a group of werewolves hiding among a rock pile. A few of them watched the sky and ground while the others slept. Their eyes must be sharp because almost as soon as I could see them they started quietly waking their friends; within seconds, I had about 20 guns pointed up at me. They waited for me to draw a little closer.

They were camouflaged well enough it would have been possible to miss them so I just pretended to continue on course. When I reached about 200 meters, I heard a volley of shots come from in front and tried dodging immediately. I found the shots were spread out enough that my shield still got hit many times due to the slower speed while flying. A second, third, and fourth volley sounded after.

A vampire without a magic shield would almost certainly have died. I decided to play along and allowed myself to fall from the sky.

I fell in an area where they couldn't see and quickly teleported behind them. Oh? They also have a cannon loaded with a shell that would explode and launch shrapnel in the air. With that, even higher flying vampires wouldn't be safe, and if they flew high enough to be out of its range, they would probably miss the target when dropping their bomb.

Two people left the group and started moving in the direction I'd fallen to make sure I was dead. I suppose there is no time like the present to collect 21 crystals. I raised my hand and used a technique; lesser energy infused with sword intent formed nearly 100 ethereal swords in the air above my head.

A few of them sensed danger and spun around holding their swords, but it was too late. I lowered my hand as if I were starting a race and my own volley flew in their direction, shredding them in an instant. I walked forward and devoured the corpses containing the crystals.

This was going to be boring, and they were only low-grade so hardly even a drop in the ocean of what I needed. I should go farther in and hopefully there will be more powerful werewolves. I want a bit of a challenge to test myself and high-grade crystals.


There was no one interesting to fight with for several hours as I made my way across the wasteland towards the werewolf side. I'd collected nearly a thousand crystals by now from both werewolves and vampires. It wouldn't be fair for me to only kill the werewolves now, would it?

I sensed a small group camped out in an area obscured by large boulders. They are probably waiting for nightfall like the rest of the werewolves.

Their auras were quite powerful, surpassing Lady Nyx's and getting close to mine. These guys seem like an elite group; I have finally found someone to test my skills on.

I could probably massacre them with the same technique I used to kill the rest of the groups if I caught them off guard, but if not, they might be able to dodge it with the smaller difference in our strength.

I decided to only use magic or techniques if I absolutely have to, or to catch them if they scatter and run. I will test myself purely on swordsmanship with my natural speed and strength.

I will also limit sword intent; there are some in this world who have acquired a small amount but they don't know it, so I shall not use it as it essentially doesn't exist here.

After deciding the restrictions I would place on myself in the battle, I slowly made my way towards the group. My long black coat fluttered in the wind I created for a truly cinematic picture, sand blew across the ground, and my sword was tightly gripped in my right hand.

They spotted me very quickly; everyone was instantly awake. They drew their weapons, not even bothering with guns as they could tell those wouldn't work.

About 25 meters away, I stopped, slowly raised my sword until it pointed straight at them and canceled the wind magic. There were 5 men and 2 women.

"Have a fight with me. All seven of you at once."

"Stupid arrogant vampire, you're only a little more powerful than us individually; do you really think you can take us all? Aren't you looking down on us to much?"

"Yes and no." I made a come-hither motion with my other hand.

Another one spoke, "This bastard. Sir, let me kill him since he wants to die."

The leader seemed at least slightly smart, "No, if he wants to fight us all so bad, shouldn't we give him what he wants?"

While they have an advantage in numbers, they won't want to get in each other's way so they won't all attack at once. There is very much diminishing returns for them adding more and more people to the fight.

There was no point in chatting more so I flashed towards the guy I think was the boss to skewer him.


He parried my strike and I withdrew my sword to counterattack the guy beside me. His sword slashed towards my neck. I ducked and moved back since they were trying to surround me.

I pulled a dagger from the aether, slashing it into his forearm as I retreated a few steps leaving a large gash throuth the muscle, he was no longer able to fight effectively with that arm.

The guy who had been coming around behind and the boss attacked at the same time positioned about 90 degrees apart.


I blocked the boss's strike and moved in the opposite direction from the other guy causing him to step forward in an attempt to extend his swing.


I used my dagger to divert his strike towards the boss so they were interfering with each other. I spun closer and my sword stretched out, leaving a thin bloody line across his neck. One down, I just have to wait for him to lose enough blood.

Continuing my spin I was facing the boss again who struck out, trying to put a hole in my chest.

I kept turning, not quite dodging the blow completely as I could feel it leave a gash in my side.

Suddenly an arm came in front of my vision as if someone were tackling me, we flew to the side.

I noticed it was the guy I'd fatally wounded. He was making a last attempt to restrain me for the others to kill. I'd written this guy off too quickly when he dropped his sword; it takes a while to bleed out and I only watched for his weapon.

As we flew through the air, the others moved in for the kill. I had to get free quickly.


His head disappeared and my fist holding the dagger took its place. I kicked him away midair which unfortunately threw me into the ground quite hard. Fortunately, he'd actually tackled my further away from the group than I was so I had enough time to stand.

I will never make that mistake again.

A woman with a glaive took the place of the dead guy; she looked angry.

I put a mocking smile on my face and I said in a matching tone, "Oh, was that your friend?"


The boss's head rolled to the ground, I flopped down to my back exhausted and covered in nonfatal wounds I began to heal with magic. I also smelled the blood my tattered clothes were covered in, both mine and that of those I'd killed, none of it was the least bit enticing.

It was mentally draining to have that many enemies to fight and keep track of at once. Looking at the sun, I saw it was almost setting; a fight against one person that lasted the same duration wouldn't have been near this tiring.

I decided to collect the crystals from the corpses and teleport back to the inn for some well-deserved sleep tonight. I stood, stretched, and retraced the path the battle had left over several miles while devouring the stones and corpses along the way. Finally, I'd finished with the very first guy I killed and teleported back to my room.

My head snapped to Zenobia who was cultivating in the corner. She smelled different, her blood smelled different to be specific. She'd broken through like I told her to do. But why does her blood smell different? It smells a little better?

Then it seemed to click, 'Kitty, what vampires eat and taste in blood is blood essence, and the particular type, quality, and quantity determines the flavor. Since almost all vampires prefer females, cold is generally the best. Am I right?'

[Yes, among other things.]

Hmm, humans have a minuscule amount of blood essence naturally, I want to increase the amount and quality. I think I will visit the market tomorrow; I want to try making an excellent snack above all others for myself.