
I Devour the Multiverses and Collect Worlds, Beauties, and Trophies

In the ordinary modern world, my life met an extraordinary end - I was run over by a Ferrari. But death was just the beginning. Transmigrating into a realm of limitless possibilities, I found myself bestowed with a system, promising the power to devour entire multiverses. Creation and destruction becoming mere thoughts at my fingertips. My journey has just begun, and I aim to traverse the vast array of multiverses, taking whatever piques my interest, whether it's worlds, treasures, or the alluring top beauties. But my epic adventure starts with an unconventional quest - I must power up by consuming something as mundane as grass. After which, I'll go on a adventure across many worlds, visiting cultivation, magic, and mortal. Having some fun, getting a beautiful few wives and servants, and gaining the power to become god. ------- Cover generated with AI

CarathAthor · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Driving Mom

It took the construction crews a week working round the clock to finish my new home. Since it was the weekend, there were no classes today, just a day for relaxing. I had also learned how to create many more of the simple things Kitty refuses to, including my pants. Now it's easier than clicking the buy button.

I sat in the living room with Luna, enjoying some ice cream from a local store called Turtles Ice Cream, my favorite. All other ice creams pale in comparison to their perfectly flavored soft serve with mix-ins.

Lila was off looking for more trinkets with Alexis.

"I want to go check the new house out. Want to come see the house Elaria had built?" I asked Luna.

She pulled the spoon out from between her lips and nodded, "Sure."

I looked through the void for a good place to teleport. I had avoided looking at the house so far as I wanted to see the completed house first.

The new house was almost the same as the one in my small world, with some minor differences. There was an additional bedroom on each of the 1st and 2nd floors. The glass around the pool was all one-way glass with one-way spells in addition, ensuring no unwanted eyes could peek in. The lights, heating, and appliances did not run on magic circuits but rather on electricity. There were also several garages that were still under construction, and the pool area was not quite finished either.

I teleported to the large 2nd-floor bedroom that was our shared room with Luna, and we appeared on the bed, still ice cream in hand. Elaria felt us arrive and left where she was watching the people working in the pool to come to us.

She entered the room and bowed, "Welcome, Master, Mrs. Luna."

"I like it. Also, the modification to the pool."

Half of one side of the pool was sloped, and sand was on that slope, providing a nice place to relax, like a beach rather than the cement.

"Thank you, Master."

I activated my communication artifact, "Nona, please drive the car over. Alexis, when Lila is finished, come here."

"Yes, Master." echoed back.

"Elaria, when will the pool be ready?"

"Two days."

I nodded and looked at Luna, "Well, shall we greet the neighbors?"


I decided since my house is next to moms, I would go the other way first so I end on mom's and have as much time as I want there since I'm going through the 'greeting neighbors' thing. I don't care about the neighbors, well, there is one nice old lady who used to watch us once in a while when we were growing up I wouldn't mind saying hi to.

She also taught us how to make jelly, and when her husband was alive, they took us fishing a few times. She also used to sew some of my pants in smaller in the waist when I looked like a stick figure.

The first couple were middle-aged, and the guy worked for the fire department. Nice but not important to me.

The next was the nice old lady. I know old people sometimes don't eat, so I brought her some cans of soup.

I knocked, and she opened the door sliding glass door. I greeted her, "Hello, Ma'am, I just moved in and am coming to say hello. I brought some soup as a gift."

She smiled warmly at Luna and me, "Thank you, young man. I wondered who was moving in and bought all the homes. Thank you for coming by and the gift."

"No problem, see you around." We waved goodbye and moved on to the next house.

An older guy who used to work for a beer company. Technically this guy isn't on the same street, but with how the neighborhood is set up we're really still neighbors.

Then a couple who run a car painting business, and I don't think I ever actually met.

The next was a couple who moved in right before I died, I don't remember meeting them either, maybe I saw them when they drove by and I was outside, I think.

And finally, the house I've been waiting for, Mom's.

Elaria had prepared a large fruit basket for them, and I held it while knocking.

Mom opened the door, and I couldn't help but smile as I spoke, "Hello, we just moved in and wished to say hello."

She looked surprised, "You're Alexander Cyrus? I'm Michelle Frost."

"Yes, I am."

She looked up the stairs, "Zari! Come down and meet the new neighbors!"

I heard feet hit the floor, and legs appeared at the top of the stairs, then walk down.

She saw me, "You're Alexander Cyrus? I wondered when the eared girl said Alexander."

I grinned, "That's the name I go by."

Mom looked surprised, "You two know each other?"

I nodded, "All our classes are together."

"So even before that day?"

I shook my head, "I only started university the day after. I transferred that day but no classes until the day after."

I mean, I didn't transfer, I was more like 'Mr. President, you owe me a life debt. Pay up.' While thinking I might have to hold a gun to his head if he didn't agree.

Zari looked at Luna, "Where's the eared girl?"

Luna answered, "Lila is shopping."

Mom looked confused, "Eared girl?"

Luna used her index fingers above her head to give an illustration, "Lila always has fox ears on."

Mom nodded, and I held out the basket, "We brought a gift."

"You don't need to do that; Elaria brought one over a week ago."

I held it out further and grinned, deciding to make something up, "Well-fed neighbors don't cause trouble for the food source."

I mean, this also means that greedy neighbors who want more food cause trouble, but Mom won't.

She took the basket, "Uh, thank you."

She gave it to Zari, who took it to the kitchen and returned with slices of one of the peaches on a plate. She looked at them while chewing and made one of the slices go in circles with her finger while reminiscing about something before looking at me and giving a genuinely sweet smile, "They are very good peaches."

I smiled happily, "I'll have to send more then, peaches aren't my thing. I like pears better."

They both gave a kind of sad half-smile; I've always avoided peaches in favor of pears. Mom once bought a case of canned pears for me. Although they aren't as good as fresh, I still liked them.

"Would you like to come in?" Mom asked.

"No thank you. In two days, my pool and hot tub will be finished; want to come check it out then?"

Luna nodded at them like she was encouraging it.

"After classes?" Mom wanted to know.


"I'll be working, but Zari will go."

Zari looked like she partly wanted to object but shut it when Mom looked at her.

I nodded, perfect, I looked at Zari, "I now have a car with 5 seats rather than just 2, would you like to ride with us? Lila and I always see you waiting by the gate."

Mom looked unsure, "Are you a safe driver?"

Luna snickered like she knew something, "Probably one of the safest in the state with all the training."

Well, she's right. With all the cultivation giving me divine sense, increased reaction, and increasing my brainpower, I'm among the safest in the state. However, Mom will think I went to some rich person training for driving.

She looked like she was getting ready to say something big, "If you're going to drive my daughter, I need to see it first."

Why did I think she was going to tell me something big? That's completely reasonable, "Sure. Shall we go now?"

She nodded, and we all walked towards my place, even Zari. My black Spider was parked on the driveway as the garages have yet to be finished.

I opened the passenger-side door for Mom before going around to my side. We got in, and I started the car.

Neither Zari nor Mom showed any reaction to it being a Ferrari. Either they didn't know what car hit me or they didn't know this was one. Well, it was more like I rode my bike in front of it.

I backed down the driveway, "Where to first?"

Zari was still inside my divine sense range, and I could see her biting her thumbnail nervously. Luna put her hand on her shoulder, "Relax, I wasn't kidding when I said he was among the best in the state, though really it may be more than the state." It didn't really help.

"Take the interstate down to the other side of the city then drive through the city and take a back road back that I'll show you." I know what back road it will be, really long and pretty straight, hard not to speed if you don't pay close attention.

"Alright." I took off with a nice, smooth acceleration. Drove down the short section of the side road and merged onto the interstate. It was now just a matter of driving until I reached the last exit that was still in the city.

I got off on the exit and made my way through as many one-ways, stoplights, stop signs, and narrow neighborhood streets with parked cars I could think of and successfully completed everything.

Once I got back to the other side of the city, Mom started directing me, "Go over the interstate here."

I drove across the bridge and kept going; it would take at least 20 minutes to get home now. The speed limit was the same the whole way until I had to take a few turns shortly before arriving home.

It was quite boring, but I successfully controlled my speed without cruise control and passed this last part of the test.

Zari and Luna were sitting on the porch steps; Zari came rushing over when she saw us arriving.

I put it in park before shutting off the car and asked with a grin, "So? How are the judge's findings?"

"Your like a robot, everything is exactly the same."

"Thank you?" I mean, that's no surprise anymore.

We got out, "You can take her. But if anything happens, I don't care who you are."

Zari hugged Mom, happy that she was alright, and I felt a little sad I couldn't also.


Lila and I took Zari too and from school for the next two days until the pool was ready.

We just pulled in, and Zari got out of the car, "I have to go get my swimming stuff."

Lila grinned, "Alright, see you in a few minutes."

I put my trunks on and got in the hot tub with Luna, while Lila lay inside on a swing hanging under the stairs reading a book in her bikini, ready to bring Zari to the pool area.

It was more like 15 minutes later when Zari rang the doorbell, and I frowned. She was still in the same clothing as before. Elaria opened the door, "Hello, Miss Zari. Please come in."

"You don't have to call me Miss Zari, it sounds strange. And I'm afraid I can't swim. I don't have any swimsuit that fits anymore. please tell-"


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I made up Turtles Ice Cream, so sorry if its a real place and actually tastes bad. The best ice cream I ever had was from a place with a name simallar to Turtles Ice Cream.

CarathAthorcreators' thoughts